Rumour: Nokia "McLaren" 5.2 Inch Monster

While I believe what you have stated was the terms of the original deal when it was announced that Microsoft was buying Nokia, I think this may have changed. At the time of the announcement it was said that Microsoft could only use the Nokia name on feature phones, however at the time the deal closed and a number of amendments to the original deal were made such as the factory issue in India, they came out and said the Microsoft had licensed the Nokia name for smartphones for a limited period of time also.

I don't think you should be stating things as fact when things are not so clear after more recent evidence and are very likely to have changed from the original announcement. Pretty sure the PureView team moved over to Microsoft too as they bought all the device manufacturing departments and patents.

You have almost everything wrong, my friend ;)
The deal wasn't changed in what the use of the Nokia brand on Lumia devices is concerned. The only thing added was the Nokia X family of devices. So basically they can use the Nokia name on S30 phones (dumbphones), S40 phones (Asha phones) and Nokia X phones. That's it. No further alterations where made. The social network teams were saying that until the Q&A. Then it was made pretty clear that the Nokia brand wouldn't be used for much longer on Lumia devices, which is in line with the terms of the deal: it can be used on current devices, not on future ones.
The PureView team that was part of the D&S division was moved to Microsoft Mobile (well...the part of the team that accepted to move, that is). But the R&D of the PureView technology wasn't made only by those guys at the D&S division. A few others remained at Nokia within the Technologies division because Nokia will continue to develop those technologies for licensing and eventual use on their own future devices and services.

Also, Microsoft hasn't bought ANY patent. NOT ONE. They bought phone design "patents" (which aren't real patents but more "copyrights") and they LICENSED the patents needed to manufacture the phones. Meaning, Nokia retains ALL the patents. ALL. And they licensed them to Microsoft in a NON-exclusive agreement. Which means, any other OEM can license the exact same patents from Nokia and produce a phone with exactly the same technologies that Microsoft uses.

The only way Microsoft has to prevent other OEMs from releasing carbon-copies of their phones is by using in them technologies developed by Microsoft's own R&D department. The 3D kinect gimmicks is a good example of that.
iPhone competitors can't equal battery/weight/camera so they ramp up specs on useless things like 400+ppi displays, 5-6" screen size and other useless gimmicks. Is it any wonder the iPhone 5S is far and away the best selling phone in the world?

Lets see, I5 has:

CPU: can't tell, because no one can make better S/W H/W integration than they do until today.
Screen: well I guess you agree
Pixel: Its a shame today

Battery: Just as bad as any flagships out there.
Weight: have less h/w with the same dreadful battery, nothing to judge.
Camera: If you like blue hue then yes, the best auto mode till today.

Apple improved non of those above. They just have the brand power that no one has.
If MS had a visionary CEO they'd buy up companies that research battery tech, screen tech, fingerprint sensor technology and so on. But they don't, so we'll be left with better "live tiles" and that's all.

Clearly, WPCentral poster, "smoledman" would make a better Microsoft CEO than Satya Nadella. What was the board thinking?!
[Huge section of DJCBS being condescending towards others for being "incorrect", while he himself is incorrect.]

Microsoft have the rights to use the Nokia brand name on the Lumia smartphones for a limited time. I can't find any reports on the details, but it's likely less than the 10 years they can use it on the S30 and S40-lines. This has been reported repeatedly, and was part of the deal. This was not only said by Stephen Elops himself, but has also been reported by the Nokia Twitter account:

“We’ll continue with Nokia-branded products, as Microsoft has licensed the Nokia brand for some time”

In a follow up question regarding Lumia devices specifically, @Nokia answered:

“Yes. Lumia, Asha and Nokia X ranges”

What you're probably thinking about are the reports that Microsoft hasn't yet decided on a device branding going forward from that. But they are fully permitted to use the Nokia name on both old and new devices in the Asha, X and Lumia series of phones.

"That business group, which will oversee the former Nokia portfolio and other devices, is called Microsoft Devices Group. For now, the mobile devices acquired in the deal will continue to be branded Nokia. A branding decision will be made later."
Final Details Before Microsoft/Nokia Closing - Forbes

And the deal stated that Nokia can't lend its brand to smartphones until 31st December 2015. The terms of the deal are a bit vague but in any case, if they can't lend to anyone, "anyone" includes Microsoft.

You'd need to cite the exact section of the deal for that, because I hardly think they worded a multi-billion dollar deal that vaguely.
And on top of that, Microsoft wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot by limiting themselves with the usage of a well-recognized brand. For more details, look at the above quotes and citations. The limitations you speak of here is the limitation on Nokia not to sell smartphones until 2016.
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I love it. 5.2 is the perfect size I think. Don't really care about resolution beyond 1080P and will take battery length over it. However, if the battery life is fixed at the OS level, and the CPU is battery efficient, I would love to have it. I just hope it gets more than 24 hours of battery life and I'm buying this phone. Perfect for me.
I really don't understand why yall are ******** like little girls about the weight? If you want "low weight" go ahead and take that plastic samsung galaxy. If you want quality built and feeling that you ACTUALLY hold a phone in your hand, Nokia is your best choice. 180g+ seems fine for 5.2 inch.
ill wait for official spec. if this phone has a 5"+ screen and an sd card slot and is being released later this year. they will have my attention.
Microsoft have the rights to use the Nokia brand name on the Lumia smartphones for a limited time. I can't find any reports on the details, but it's likely less than the 10 years they can use it on the S30 and S40-lines. This has been reported repeatedly, and was part of the deal. This was not only said by Stephen Elops himself, but has also been reported by the Nokia Twitter account:

“We’ll continue with Nokia-branded products, as Microsoft has licensed the Nokia brand for some time”

In a follow up question regarding Lumia devices specifically, @Nokia answered:

“Yes. Lumia, Asha and Nokia X ranges”

What you're probably thinking about are the reports that Microsoft hasn't yet decided on a device branding going forward from that. But they are fully permitted to use the Nokia name on both old and new devices in the Asha, X and Lumia series of phones.

"That business group, which will oversee the former Nokia portfolio and other devices, is called Microsoft Devices Group. For now, the mobile devices acquired in the deal will continue to be branded Nokia. A branding decision will be made later."
Final Details Before Microsoft/Nokia Closing - Forbes

You'd need to cite the exact section of the deal for that, because I hardly think they worded a multi-billion dollar deal that vaguely.
And on top of that, Microsoft wouldn't shoot themselves in the foot by limiting themselves with the usage of a well-recognized brand. For more details, look at the above quotes and citations. The limitations you speak of here is the limitation on Nokia not to sell smartphones until 2016.

If you prefer I can not condescend and just call you by the appropriate adjective. Except it would probably be censored around here.
But let me elucidate you one again. Condescendingly, I'll explain it again.

1 - Nokia's social network teams got the wrong info. That often happens with these things, specially when the social network employees aren't neither lawyers nor people connected with the governance of a company. They mixed the license that Microsoft has for S30 and S40 devices with a license for the Lumia line.
Not only they stopped quickly stopped giving that erroneous information, the wrong information was corrected in the Q&A by He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named when he said "Nokia as a brand will not be used for long going forward for smartphones." This is corporate talk for "we'll keep using it in all the current Lumia devices and in promotion materials for current and to-be-released devices (630 and 930) but after that we'll replace it with another brand". He then said that Microsoft was working on a new brand for the phones that would be easier than, and quote, "Nokia Lumia 1020 with Windows Phone on the AT&T LTE Network".

No, Microsoft did NOT license the Nokia brand to use on Lumia devices. They didn't licensed that in the deal and they didn't licensed it in an amendment to the deal.

Microsoft will use the Nokia brand in S30, S40 and X mobile devices. They will not use it on Lumia devices. They can't and they didn't bother to get a license for it after the original deal either. He answered it, you're probably just not smart enough to read what he said between the lines.
Yes, Microsoft was dumb enough to not get the Nokia brand to use in smartphones going forward. I've criticized that since the announcement of the deal. They will be able to use the Nokia brand on the current products that were still presented by Nokia and then transferred to Microsoft Mobile, like the Nokia L630 and the L930, but they won't use it on future devices.

2 - Page 28, 2nd paragraph of the terms of the deal:

Nokia will continue to own and maintain the Nokia brand. Microsoft has also agreed to a 10 year license arrangement with Nokia to use the Nokia brand on current and subsequently developed Mobile Phones products based on the Series 30 and Series 40 operating systems. After the Closing, Nokia would be restricted from licensing the Nokia brand for use in connection with mobile device sales for 30 months and from using the Nokia brand on Nokia’s own mobile devices until December 31, 2015.

Since we're at it:

3 - Regarding patents: "After the Closing, we will retain all of our patents and patent applications worldwide, provided that certain registered design rights that are specific to the D&S Business will be included in the assets transferred to Microsoft". (page 28, 1st paragraph).


If after this you STILL don't understand the deal, then I'm afraid that's a cognitive problem on your part and I can't do anything else.
One of the best phones I've ever had was the HTC Evo 4G. It was such a great phone to use, but it also had one of the worst battery lives I've seen on a phone. That phone could barely last half a day and that is what essentially made me switch phones. Battery life is pretty important. I don't know if they can get two days out of a phone yet, but if it can at least make it through the day, then I'm ok.
I really don't understand why yall are ******** like little girls about the weight? If you want "low weight" go ahead and take that plastic samsung galaxy. If you want quality built and feeling that you ACTUALLY hold a phone in your hand, Nokia is your best choice. 180g+ seems fine for 5.2 inch.

Exactly there's a Samsung Ativ SE out there for those that want a feather weighted WP. I would prefer the quality build of the Lumia 920 vs a Galaxy Phone. I have the Ativ S Neo and I have to use a case because the thing is so fragile. Anyone I know with a Lumia doesn't bother using a case because the phone is so tough.

It's so pointless as well. You get a light weight phone, you're just going to end up having to get a case for it anyway thus making it bulky.
In all honesty higher specced phone is easier to sell as the general perception is the bigger the numbers the better the device. The only line that is not crossed by many is what is physically viable i.e. the 1520 its an amazing phone but not everyone will get it because of the size.

Also in reality you have to consider the difference of usage habits between people, hence why some people who don't do much with their phone will feel their phone lasts longer on a single charge whereas on the other hand a user who is on their phone constantly will feel it doesn't last long enough on a single charge.

Furthermore not many will be able tell the difference between a 4k display and 1080 display on a 5" phone but due to the "placebo effect" the general public will automatically deem the 4k screen looks better and the 1080p display looks "crap" in comparison (if told the resolution). Also the price plays a deciding factor to some people, "oh its expensive, so therefore it must be good".

In regards to this phone, damn this phone better be real as we seriously need a global hero phone and not another US exclusive :P.
Regardless if this is the first device released by Microsoft Mobile, it was still conceived by Nokia originally, and the device won't represent Microsoft. I already own a Lumia 1520, I don't want a successor to that device. I want a Microsoft engineered phone. I want a phone with the Surface's signature hardware design and branding.

I'm just not interested in seeing a Microsoft Lumia 1530 with the same polycarbonate design. I was hoping the Nokia team would completely merge with the Devices division responsible for engineering the Surface product line.

Look at Skype, Microsoft made a huge mistake with that purchase because they stayed separate, Microsoft had just introduced Messenger support in Mango 7.5 for phones and then the support was essentially dumped when it was working fine. Skype came along and truly defined how bad the Windows Phone SDK was, considering every other major platform had a great Skype app experience. The Skype service as a whole went completely downhill, and it was probably because they had no help from Microsoft, nobody stepping in to supervise and manage what was going on.

Now Tony Bates is out of the picture, maybe now we will have Microsoft working more hands-on with their Skype division. But the way I look at it is because it was owned by Microsoft doesn't necessarily mean it's Skype has Microsoft's blood now. And with Microsoft Mobile, they are out in Finland. Microsoft is in the states.. That doesn't help much, I mean honestly Microsoft could make a Surface Phone all by themselves and Microsoft Mobile make a Lumia 1630. Just like how we have the Surface and there is also the Lumia 2520. The two teams need to be merged and work hands-on together, not just owned by the same company..

But anyway, that's why I'm gonna wait it out before I buy another Windows Phone, because I want a true Microsoft phone.
[DJCBS being his deeply unpleasant self.]

You're quoting a document that was discussed during the "Extraordinary General Meeting" in September. That's 8 months prior to the actual closing of the deal, after the legal parts had been worked and reworked more times than one can count. Furthermore, that document neither confirms nor denies the general usage of the Nokia brand for Microsoft. The mere fact that neither Stephen Elops nor Greg Sullivan denies the possibility of Nokia branded Lumias should give you a hint as to their legal rights in that field. Whether they actually will do it is completely different.

1 - Nokia's social network teams got the wrong info. That often happens with these things, specially when the social network employees aren't neither lawyers nor people connected with the governance of a company.

Ah, but of course you are a lawyer and/or a person connected to the governance of Nokia and therefore know these things...
Microsoft are in control of the Nokia Twitter account, and their statement hasn't been withdrawn or corrected. The official spokespersons are being vague on the matter of branding future Lumias "Nokia" not because they know they legally can't do that, but because they don't know if they should do that.

Microsoft will use the Nokia brand in S30, S40 and X mobile devices. They will not use it on Lumia devices. They can't and they didn't bother to get a license for it after the original deal either. He answered it, you're probably just not smart enough to read what he said between the lines.

No, my telepathy is clearly not on par with that of yours. Tell me; how do you know the 'X series' will have the Nokia brand on it when it's not a feature phone and therefore not included in the "Extraordinary General Meeting" S30 and S40 part of the contract? I'm willing to guess you don't.

The bottom line, and take home message for you here DJCBS: You know exactly as little about this as the rest of us.
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