Scared of the direction of WP.

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This is making WP another Android like iPhone wasn't enough and ruining it's beauty.
No it is not, adding notification center and that X mark does nothing to hinder the WP experience nor will it transform WP OS in an another stale Android UI. You, guys are being ridiculous.

WP was always about minimalism and simple stuff.
And a notification center can not be minimalism and simple? Also, who said that the WP8.1 notification center will look like Android & IOS's or got to function like them?

When did you first hear about WP and when did you first buy it? Just out of interest.
October 2010 & I brought two WP7s in December of 2010.

If you knew WP since it's birth, you would know - what live tiles does.
First and foremost, I have nothing against live tiles, in fact i prefer them over icons & widgets. Secondly, I understand the point of live tiles. Just I have no qualms of a notification center being implemented in WP8.1. Live tile + notification center= Greatness IMO.

I totally agree with everyone out there defending live tiles.
There isn't any proof to support you people clams, rockstarzzz.

Because people are migrating from Android, they want what they had on Android. But they don't want the lag or freezes. So they like WP but want all the features they had and everything they've used on Android. That makes a WP, a sleeker Android - you have Nexus 5 for that.
This is true.

What live tiles were created for, what Joe and Steve told us on stage about WP when they launched it - the hubs, the panorama, the app to app talk, the integration, the live tiles - these are what we know WP by and this was its true identity.
Adding a notification does not ruin WP "true identity" rockstarzzz.
What I'm getting at is there is this trend trend to want WP to be like everything else. Part of the problem is that I think most people don't use their phone like WP is intended. They keep trying to make it like their old phone, like Android or Symbian. Not many seem to embrace the WP concept as is or seem to get it. They just want what the had before, except looking like and running on WP.
You are somewhat right, people who are on the fence about leaving Android or IOS or Symbian for WP8 do want to WP8 to be like their phone. The thing is, that is not the case for some loyal WP7 & WP8 users. We love what WP8/WP7 is offering. We do not want the WP division to alter the WP UI. All we want is a few basic features that missing added into the WP OS.

Nothing wrong with catching up to the competition, bringing in the things people want but it has to be done right. I don't care if things take longer. I'm not in a rush like some people around here. I just want a nice stable running phone OS. That's more important to me than the extra addons and flashy bits.
Why we can't have both?
I don't think Microsoft is copying iOS and Android.

I think they're trying to introduce feature parity between Windows 8/RT and WP8.
Windows RT has a notification center (AFAIK).
Windows RT has a way to close apps manually.
Windows RT... far more feature rich than Windows Phone has ever been.
You're now conflating your original point that I took issue with, "if it ain't broke don't fix it". You acted as if Microsoft should purposefully stay in 2011 because everything worked for you then. Sorry, that's not the way things work, unless you're trying to run your company into the ground as swiftly as possible.

Making a bad product is what drives a business to the ground. All I'm saying is that I want WP8 to work as well as WP7 did, and that's just not the case right now, it's gotten worse with all the 'improvements' they've added. I'm all for making developments, but I don't want the overall experience to suffer for it. All I want is their vision from 2011 in a product from 2013.

I want a fast, stable, and reliable phone that that doesn't require dozens of applications ... to aggregate all my stuff into one easy to see place with minimal fiddling. I saw a glimpse of that when I had my Trophy, and I saw a promising future. But somewhere along the line MS took a turn for the worse when they made numbers a priority over usability.

I'm all for development and improvement, but I don't want WP to go down the same beaten path everyone walks down. If you have more applications, make sure it aggregates and creates a seamless experience. If you have quad core processors, 2 gigs of RAM, and 1080p screens, make sure the battery lasts as long as the previous iterations did (I wish all manufacturers followed this when they made the jump to smartphones, it's a travesty that they don't last as long as long as basic phones... This is a perfect example of the development and refinement paradigm gone awry). And please, for the love of god, with all these changes, make sure the phone doesn't shut down, slow down, or bug out.
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I want a fast, stable, and reliable phone that that doesn't require dozens of applications ... to aggregate all my stuff into one easy to see place with minimal fiddling.

ahhh, but the OS cannot know everything without becoming incredibly bloated and failure prone.

old databases from the 80's that aren't very common today ? it needs an application.
night sky spacial animations ? ditto
geocaching ? yep

the beauty of the smartphone is you can manipulate those things. if you request a feature phone that aggregates all your stuff -today-, it will not be ready for tomorrow's data.
I'm pretty sure it only downloads for a couple minutes in the back round because of how WP manages resources and tasks. It does download under lock screen but thats different. They really need to allow the user to decide if he/she wants to allow apps to download in the back round. Android is a massive pain in the a** and i dont want that at all, they never ask and stopping apps from taking up resources in the back round is much harder than it should be. i would just like it if all apps were set to not run backround tasks automatically but if i choose to manually enable that function i can.
push notifications are still a problem for many, and the duplicate songs in xbox is still there and hasnt been resolved as MS claimed after GD2, I'm forced to download my music from nokia music to phone memory instead of SD card and yes I have my xbox cloud sync off so this solution doesnt work, solution offered by ms to this is copy songs to pc, delete from phone and resync, is this a smartphone or a dumb phone.

and there are many other known issues.

and yes I can say WP8 is more buggy then WP7 because WP7 dint have any features at all :grin:, it was feature phone os on steroids thats it

I feel ya. Again, those seem to be deficiencies in the OS rather than bugs. Push notifications are an industry problem since none of the popular OS's are at 100 percent delivering them. Even back when MS introduced them to most of us with their ill-fated "sidebar" in Windows 98 to this day, no one has been able to solve this issue. It worked. Just not efficiently.
No it is not, adding notification center and that X mark does nothing to hinder the WP experience nor will it transform WP OS in an another stale Android UI. You, guys are being ridiculous.
And a notification center can not be minimalism and simple? Also, who said that the WP8.1 notification center will look like Android & IOS's or got to function like them?
October 2010 & I brought two WP7s in December of 2010.
First and foremost, I have nothing against live tiles, in fact i prefer them over icons & widgets. Secondly, I understand the point of live tiles. Just I have no qualms of a notification center being implemented in WP8.1. Live tile + notification center= Greatness IMO.
There isn't any proof to support you people clams, rockstarzzz.
This is true.Adding a notification does not ruin WP "true identity" rockstarzzz.

If you've been with WP that long then you would know how "hubs" were integral part of the OS. They were meant to be. A hub for everything you do. Each hub inter-linked with it. A notification list with toasts than accumulates in rectangular boxes instead of lines to divide them, is still nothing different that iOS or Android. If it was made such that toasts flowed into my ME tile and my ME tile flipped every time an event occured and with each flip delivered me unread notifications, I would be totally up for it. Because that uses my "ME/People/Social" hub for these. If all my news and weather app related notifications were under a tile called "News" - which essentially was a folder in which I could assign all my weather and news apps or they will auto-assign, then yes that made sense. That will keep WP what it is - live. Those tiles are meant to keep your notifications, your phones - live.

A stagnant list of notifications is not live. It doesn't flip. It doesn't turn. It isn't beautiful. It doesn't use hubs. True identity of a WP is being live.

1:06 onwards here:
Windows Phone Live Tiles are what makes the phone for each one of us. A notification centre will lead developers to ignore live tiles (that aren't already implemented the best way!) and instead let the OS collect toasts in the notification centre aka Android or iOS. Then those lives tiles are just massive icons that do nothing and are bland, coloured squares.

Does the X in the task manager actually bother people?

I love it since it helps reset a crashed app (myfitnesspal crashes like crazy and they are slower than MS to release fixes) without having to reboot the phone.
Does the X in the task manager actually bother people?

I love it since it helps reset a crashed app (myfitnesspal crashes like crazy and they are slower than MS to release fixes) without having to reboot the phone.

The X, no. The row of apps instead of a grid, yes.
If the very vocal few people here get their ways, glance and go will become pause and peruse.
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I feel my old Focus S (mango device) is snappier and had less bugs/glitches than my 1020. Both saw glitches few and far between though. Outside of access to newer apps, I didn't notice much of a difference between 7.8 and 8.
Windows Phone Live Tiles are what makes the phone for each one of us.
No one is denying that.

A notification centre will lead developers to ignore live tiles (that aren't already implemented the best way!) and instead let the OS collect toasts in the notification centre aka Android or iOS.
There is no proof to support this claim. I absolutely sure that WP's notification center will be nothing like Android's & IOS's notification center. Also, Why would the Windows Phone division add features to WP that would "decimate" the WP experience? What benefits do they earn for ruining their OS?
Notification center would be awesome. I don't keep all my icons on the start screen, so I'd like a way to get to notifications I might miss.
I just hope the notification center doesn't become something that I can't get rid of.
Not everything on an OS can have the option to be turned off or uninstalled.. This may very well be one of those things.

I'm hoping it's like the lockscreen where you have the option if you want it to show notifications or not.

I'm happy to wait to see what MS comes up with. For all we know, it could be a huge disappointment for some people. Especially those who have something against Hubs. MS could be thinking of a notification hub for all we know.
I'm hoping it's like the lockscreen where you have the option if you want it to show notifications or not.

I'm happy to wait to see what MS comes up with. For all we know, it could be a huge disappointment for some people. Especially those who have something against Hubs. MS could be thinking of a notification hub for all we know.

Honestly, I'm hoping for a dedicated screen for the NC. An edge swipe from left to right on the Start to show the NC. Having it as if it was just an app seems unnecessary.
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