Screen brightness


New member
Dec 24, 2010
What's everybody doing/using? I'm tempted to manually put it on "Low" in an attempt to extend battery life. However, it seems so dim. :(

Anyone noticed an actual difference/advantage battery-wise going to Low from Medium, or Automatic?

Also, I prefer the Light theme, but remember reading somewhere that light used more power than dark...or maybe that was in reference to Amoled screens.
Opinions on this are welcome as well!

I tried using Low for a day, but it was too hard to see when I was outside. I also didn't notice enough of a difference for it to be worth it. I use Auto right now with a Black theme.
I am using auto with the dark theme I like to use all the good stuff when it come to my Smart phone battery be damned. I will ether carry an extra battery or charge when I get low. I don't put much effort in to battery conservation. That said I am very pleased with the battery live on my arrive.
Have it set to automatic with a dark theme. I prefer the lighter theme but it eats up way too much battery life. Don't have any concrete numbers but it did drain faster before switching over themes.
Auto with the dark theme on my Surround. Low was simply too dim. I know it's more complicated, but I did like the 10 click slider on WM. Used to leave it at 4 and it was ok everywhere except bright sunlight.

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I leave my focus on high all the time. I didn't like the auto, never seemed to get it right, and I don't worry much about my battery life, though I find it's pretty good anyway, even with heavy use.
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but does anyone know what levels the automatic brightness switches between? Mine (HTC Trophy) seems permanently stuck somewhere between low and medium brightness, no matter the conditions. In low light it's too bright, and in bright light it's too dim.
Inside mine is between low and med. I stepped out to the bright direct sunlight and turning auto off/on between med and auto there was no change. So it seems the brightest it will go in sunlight on auto is medium. It should switch to low in total dark though and it does not. Its nice that it has a step between low and med for normal indoor conditions as med is too much and low just looks too dim to me. If they could tweak the auto to go to low in pitch black it would be perfect. I will have to double check tonight between auto and low to see if it does get that low but I dont think it does.
Low is too low on my Surround (can't see anything). Medium seemed to be too bright in some situations. Auto works best. Dark theme.

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