Screen Texter Beta open!


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Mar 22, 2013
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Hi there,
I am Vincent and my first Windows Phone 8 app has been published and I updated it once again today.
Here's the description of the simple and small application:
Beta version of Screen Texter!

Screen Texter is an app to ease your communication with mates or anyone else without having to talk, shout or the other mate to have a phone.
Features in this app stretch from customisations of text color and background color.

Scenarios of use
Scenaro 1: You're in school, you have to ask a classmate something and he or she is in class, there's a window between you two and you can not do a charade of letters to ask him a yes or no question.
By taking this app up you can write something, e.g. your question and he will answer, if there's no attention from his or her part then activate the Flash (coming soon)!

Scenario2: You're in a car, as a passenger, you see someone who forgot their coffee on the roof, the driver is driving next to you and you try to indicate that there's something on the roof but the driver thinks you're dumb. The app can help you with this by entering the text, short and simple. If the driver doesn't see then activate the Flash (coming soon)!

Flashing features and awesome stuff are coming within the updates, beta testers are welcome at Screen Texter BETA @ and as always, have fun!
Application link can be found at Screen Texter BETA @ and looking forward of hearing any feedback you guys have!

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