Seriously, anyone else get the feeling of bashing your head against a wall

Yeah, something I totally didn't expect from Engadget. Though their exact wording in their WP7 device reviews are often a bit more... antagonistic than their other reviews, IMO.
I can't help but wonder if the increase in XBox sales is directly related to WP7. I know that for us, it's definitely a deciding factor. Both my oldest son and I have Windows Phones and I'm considering getting an XBox for Christmas. Not but for my kids, but for myself as well =)

Sent from my HTC Titan using Board Express
I doubt people are buying xboxes because they got a windows phone. Marketing for wp7 has been generally quite poor and there is such poor integration between the platform that I find it hard to believe people are making those types of purchases.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
I've been to 3 local AT&T stores and at 2 of the 3 the sales reps were absolutely against WP7. One rep told me that MANY of the WP7 devices had issues and were returned, another said he tried it and it couldn't do custom ringtones (I corrected him about Mango), another sang the praises of Android, etc.

Only at one store with 1 rep was there even a difference. I already had the Focus S when I talked to this one rep and he was asking what I thought and he really listened. And he was surprised at some of the features I talked about but at least he was interested enough to listen. I think he will probably learn more about WP7 and give it a fair try. But all the other reps I've talked to are definitely against WP7. Sad.

Sent from my PI39100 using Board Express
I walked buy an AT&T kiosk in the mall yesterday and they asked if I was looking to upgrade and what carrier I had. I told them I already used them and had a Focus. They asked if I wanted to upgrade while waving their hands over an Android phone. Told them no, I love my Focus. At least if you're trying to get me to upgrade, show me one of the new WP7 since I already told you what I was using and was very happy with it.
The problem is that MS WP7.5 is still young OS and people get familiar with Android and iOS. They don't realize that WP 7.5 is simpler and more fun for use. Sure it is not ideal OS, but is better from Android and iOS. I hope people realize the negativity that Android and iOS got lately, with security, spam and fragmentation and get turned on Windows Phone 7.5. Hope Nokia will change that :)
There's also increased turnover/churn. Sell someone an Android phone and they know there'll be a new one out a few weeks later that they'll probably want
As a former iOS junkie I find WP7 to be very well designed and in my circle of designers they are taking note. When I use it around them they see how intuitive it is and how visually different it is. I like that the current state of the OS and the fact that a select few are leading the way. People need to see it and interact with it to truly dorm their own opinion. When folks ask for Instagram or other "core" apps I ask them how long have they've been using said app and they usually chuckle and say that it hasn't been that long. New things take time to be adopted. As we all know 6-7 years ago many people were not updating sites and forums from smart phones.

I personally think the new tablets will really showcase the overall experience and I have to say I was concerned with larger screens affecting the experience until the Titan and Focus S were released. These actually made the OS look better and made things like typing easier.

One more thing, iOS and Android have to maintain their position in the market and news like like the Carrier IQ story and folks saying my OS is less laggy now just makes me grin slightly every time.

Sent from my kick-*** Titan using Board Express
I feel the cut of your jib bro, but the blogs I tend to read, mostly Gizmodo and Engadget, continually sing WP's praises and talk about how beautiful it is.

Before deciding to go with WP7, I was hesitant because I knew nothing about it except for what an ATT rep told me. It was because of all of the reviews online raving about the product that I felt confident and went with it, and I tried it out in a store for my self of course. Glad I went with WP7, and I dont see myself looking back.
I think a lot of this comes down to basics i.e. "Micro$oft" This simple $ which I believe is derived from Microsoft hey day clouds many peoples judgements. I would suggest that the Micro$oft they they alude too disapeared many years ago but the memory lingers on.

In fact I would go one step further and suggest Micro$oft has been replaced by the darlings such as Google and Apple. Currently they both benefit from the early years but they are donning a heavy corporate suite of armour. I would certainly no longer suggest that Apple and Google had my interests at heart whereas at one point that may of been true.

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