Several "How To?" questions


New member
Feb 5, 2008
Okay, here are a few questions that are on my mind:

How do I sync via bluetooth? I've been trying to get this to work sometime now, but no go. I pair the pc with my phone. I have a serial port enabled, com port 3. Within Active Sync I try "Connect Via Bluetooth" and I get an error, "Cannot find an existing Bluetooth partnership with a PC that supports Activesync. Would you like to set up one?" As previously stated, the partnership has been established. Any suggestions?

Voice Dialing. Are there any settings on the voice commands, especially with contacts and/or digits? I see under settings all of the different items that I can access via voice commands, but all I ever use voice commands for is calling contacts. From past expereince with voice commands, I know that I can say; "Call <name of person>". However, 9 out of 10 times, the name of the person that the phone thinks that I said was wrong. Is there any voice training that I can setup?

How do I use voice commands to dial a phone number? Again with past experiences I would be able to say: "Digit Dial <phone number>". That command doesn't work with this voice command app. Is there a way to voice dial a number?

I had at least one additional question, but it seems to have slipped my mind. Well, these are enough to get started with, I'll post my additional questions when I remember them. :D

Thanks for the help.


I remember the last question that I was going to ask: How to adjust the lockout time? This phone locks to damn quickly, 30 seconds or less. I would like to adjust that for over a minute, any way to do that?


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Alright, here we go.

Voice command first. The easy answer is to point you at the Voice Command tutorials at Microsoft.

Lockout time, go to Settings->Personal->Lock. Change the time to whatever you're wanting.

ActiveSync over Bluetooth is more of a process. Let me work up a step-by-step guide and I'll get it up when I can.

Thanks for the reply. Those two items were just what I was looking for. I never thought to look on Microsoft for voice dialing instructions. I looked in the user manual, HTC, Sprint.... Just not MS.

Same goes with the lock out time. I looked in all of the other settings, but never thought of the most obvious setting "Lock". :o

If you can get me those BT sync instructions,then we'll be three for three. :)

Glad those worked for you. Now for the Bluetooth.

Disclaimer: ActiveSync over Bluetooth isn't as straightforward as it could be. Give this process a try and if you're still having issues let us know.

1. First, ensure your device has an ActiveSync partnership configured using a wired connection.
2. Configure an outgoing COM port on your Computer (make sure that if there is an option for ?Secure Connection? that it is un-checked).
3. Configure ActiveSync (on the Computer) to use the COM port.
a. From within ActiveSync, go to File -> Connection Settings.
b. Check ?Allow connections to one of the following?.
c. Choose the COM port you configured for your computer.
4. Pair your Windows Mobile device with your computer (make sure that the ActiveSync profile is checked).
5. Open up ActiveSync on your device. Select Menu -> Connect Via Bluetooth

That should do it. Like I said, if you have any problems let us know.

Thanks for the reply and the instructions, but no go.

These were the same steps that I had been doing on my own, but I just can't get the BT sync to work.

The initial pairing works, but after that, I can't get the pc and phone to connect. Sometimes I get an error telling me that the pass code isn't correct, other times I get an error telling me that no device can be found that supports BT sync.

I've tried setting up the connection from the pc, but it can't seem to find my phone even though I have visibility enabled.

I came from a Palm Treo. I've been using Palm devices for several years, and I always thought that pair my palm with the pc to sync was challenging, but I was always able to get it accomplished, but this is even more challenging than the palm. :(

If you have any more suggestions, I would like to hear them.


What Desktop Operating System are you using?

The Big things to check are...

1. Do you have an ActiveSync Partnership configured and working? As I said, I would make sure this works with your sync cable before you attempt it with Bluetooth.

2. Is your Bluetooth Pair working? Can you access other services with Bluetooth?

3. Is ActiveSync (on the Desktop) configured to use the Bluetooth Com Port.

4. Is your Windows Mobile device configured to use the Com Port/ActiveSync profile on your desktop.

Other than that, it *should* be working.
What Desktop Operating System are you using?

Vista 64bit

1. Do you have an ActiveSync Partnership configured and working? As I said, I would make sure this works with your sync cable before you attempt it with Bluetooth.

2. Is your Bluetooth Pair working? Can you access other services with Bluetooth?
The phone and PC pair just fine, however, once they are paired, I can no longer connect.

3. Is ActiveSync (on the Desktop) configured to use the Bluetooth Com Port.

4. Is your Windows Mobile device configured to use the Com Port/ActiveSync profile on your desktop.

Other than that, it *should* be working.

Thats my thoughts also, that is why this is so damn frustrating. :mad:

Back to the paring question. I thought that I would try and pare with my work PC. Same thing. The two devices pair, but after that, no further connection. I get a similar error as with my home machine that the pass code is incorrect. Just to make sure, the pass code is four zero's, correct? At least both the device and the pc's accept that as the pass code.



After the devices are paired and the comports are set you have to go back to bluetooth on the PPC and refresh the connection settings. This will remove the comport connection and replace it with ActivSync. Have you done this?
After the devices are paired and the comports are set you have to go back to bluetooth on the PPC and refresh the connection settings. This will remove the comport connection and replace it with ActivSync. Have you done this?

No, this is something that I didn't know. I'll give that a try and let you know.

Finally got this to work. Sorry Bid D5, but doing the refresh did not work.

I was finally able to pair the phone and pc from the pc side. I tried this before, but for some reason I was having difficulties finding the phone. I would do the search, and it would come back telling me that it couldn't find any devices within range. But this time, I ran the search from a different location. In the past I was right clicking on the BT icon that is in the system tray and running the search from there. This time I actually open the bluetooth neighborhood and ran the search from there. Shouldn't make any difference, but this time I was able to find my phone and get a connection established. :)

Thanks for the help and suggestions.

Looks like I jumped the gun on posting my reply. I was able to connect and sync via bluetooth only once. I haven't been able to successfully make a connection since. :censored:

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