Share your Windows 10 Start / Wallpaper

Hello Deeco! I removed all of the Live Tiles first. Then I went to the border/ edge of my start menu until I saw the horizontal arrow and then I left-clicked and dragged it to the left.

Hope it helps!
Here's a quickie I threw together in photoshop awhile back:

Funny story about this one, a client wanted a basic Goliath wallpaper, but as time went on, they changed their mind. Even though they had moved on, I became oddly attached to my creation. I continued to work on it, adding more depth and detail. This is the end result, all of which branched from this rough concept:
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This is the place to share your favourite Windows 10 Start Layouts / Wallpapers, ninjacat etc. all welcome! Show us what you've got.


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Screenshot (52).jpg
Screenshot (7).jpg

Is there anyone else who likes to make the tiles go wild? My wallpaper is a remembrance of the great WP 8.1. Plus it is convenient when I change color theme according to my attire.

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