SMS back up can be viewed online

Well, If you're able to find any link or reasonable connection between adding a Gmail account as a 'send-receive' account, you have the answer.

In that case, it's a rather pesky workaround!

I'm digging, get back to you when I find the diamond and not coal!
Managed to find 2 SMS messages this morning while using the search feature. That sent me down this rabbit hole of annoyance as I tried to find the rest of my messages. Have not been able to replicate the result by using the search and so far I've had no success with any of the suggestions in this thread.

It'll be very nice when/if this is properly implemented
This is what works for me. If I select contact, I can see some messages. If at the end of the url I change &qvid=5 with &qvid=3, I can see 80 % of my messages. I still have to figure out what the reason I don't see all messages. All search methods don't work for me, even changing different browser.
This is what works for me. If I select contact, I can see some messages. If at the end of the url I change &qvid=5 with &qvid=3, I can see 80 % of my messages. I still have to figure out what the reason I don't see all messages. All search methods don't work for me, even changing different browser.

Can you give full link? I don't know exactly where you are selecting a contact. I still only see facebook messages/email and no contacts that have sent texts. Also anywhere I click I can't get the url to show &qvid=5.
cnt.jpgHere is the link:
Once you are there, select Contact and it should change url with this ending: &fid=&qvid=5. If you dont see any changes, close IE and reopen it. Then, change 5 with 3. From my side, I only see sms messages, I am not sure if because I have a setting with automatic backup or there is something else. Like I said on my previous message, there are almost the 80% of the messages, not sure why I dont see a remaining 20%, Since I bought the HTC phone last december.
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They seem to have changed this again - 'Contacts' is now a separate page, not a Quick View.

I can't get it to work.
there seems some url problem in for messages
i did some tweaking in url and i can see the messages...
Its weird, I can only see my picture messages. When i go into message history, it is empty, 0 messages. The only ones i can see are picture messages, in the folder Photos. Any suggestions?
yeah man i tried it and it doesnt work. **** i was hoping that it would. This sucks that the 810 doesnt have an app capable of this. Totally sucks
That last link worked a treat, but I also had good success by changing the URL in the format as previously detailed:

The &qvid=3 seems key, I've tried =3 and =5, but to see ANYTHING the view needs to be set by conversation.
I was then able to tick the check boxes and move my SMS messages to a new folder I created called SMS.

The feature appears to be there - I really have no idea why MS, can't turn it on for everyone - it's a GREAT feature - easily on a par with the Android back up to Gmail.
Yet again, the ball has been dropped. Enable the feature MS, let people KNOW about it, and let them USE it = happy WP customers, and dare I suggest, customers that would BUY WP just for this feature - because it works that easily if the LINK is there in
I tried everything and still get nothing. Tried with 3 different browsers too. Strange.

This is what worked for me:

Click Messaging History.
Press F6 (or click in the address bar)
Press END
Press BACKSPACE one time

I can see my sms in the mix of all my messages.
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I don't have any message history folder.
I just have inbox, draft, sent, junk and deleted.
I have been trying all the links but nothing is working. Need to back up all my SMS for a legal purpose and nothing seems to work.
This is what worked for me:

Click Messaging History.
Press F6 (or click in the address bar)
Press END
Press BACKSPACE one time

I can see my sms in the mix of all my messages.

This worked for me, going to see if I can somehow search it...thanks.
This is what worked for me:

Click Messaging History.
Press F6 (or click in the address bar)
Press END
Press BACKSPACE one time

I can see my sms in the mix of all my messages.

This worked for me, going to see if I can somehow search it...thanks.

Unfortunately I am not clever enough to figure out how to search these results. I tried various url changes to no avail.

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