The worst part of Microsoft's mobile strategy is their lack of strategy. Regardless of how smartphones evolve, that evolution will be driven by software. That is one area where the consumer is in the driver seat. Whatever is the next big thing in mobile tech, its success will be determined by its necessity. A piece of hardware isn't the next big thing until software gives us a reason to use it everyday. It's akin to how Pokemon Go took augmented reality to the next level. However, with each passing quarter, the amount of software that people deem relevant to daily life fades from Microsoft's platform. Ebay, Snapchat, PayPal, and many other apps have either left the platform, haven't been updated, or are at risk of suddenly disappearing. You never know when app X will just be gone from the platform, and that's on top of the current app gap. When that paradigm does shift, consumers will follow the software. And it doesn't look like that software will be available on Microsoft's platforms. Worse yet, it doesn't seem clear how MS is going to correct their current course.