With all the serious bugs being released into production in Windows Phone 10, I think it must be deliberate. It's hard to believe that Microsoft engineers could be that incompetent.
It's almost like when a radio station gets taken over and they start broadcasting nasty noises to get their listeners to go away and stop listening.
To their current Windows Phone users, they don't want them anymore. Please stop being our customers. Go away.
To what end, I don't know, though.
No its not that insidious. MS is a major business w responsibilities to its shareholders. Windows phone (w10m) is a pitiful .5% player. So, MS wisely isn't wasting talent there. The B team of Gabe, Dona, and others are.assigned to w10m - they are not mean spirited, just less competent. The real talent is in Surface, xBox and the other profit centers so MS can make $ for its shareholders.