So, Oct. 6th event over. Best product launches by any company ever?

Apple is awesome though! Honestly they would still break sales records with out a presentation or a cheesy one. Ms has always talked up it os for as long as I can remember but never executed! So now soon we get a new facebook which will maybe put it on par with IOS and android,and a couple of other apps for win10 and that's it. I guess with all this talk about win10 will be so awesome I figured 10x more developers to build for windows but maybe not the case.

Windows 10 has been on the market for 2 months. Windows 10 Mobile isn't out yet. Windows 10 for Xbox One is getting ready to roll out. Did you seriously think the app gap would have closed this soon? I don't know anyone that didn't expect it to take a minimum of one year or more just to start getting somewhere with it. You are proclaiming failure and it hasn't even started yet.

Many developers have contracted to start doing Windows 10 apps. We haven't seen them yet, because Windows 10 was only recently released and it takes TIME to develop proper apps. They will come.
Really underwhelmed with the event

Is it just me or does it seem like Microsoft really doesn't care too much about its phone divison?
I was hoping to get a lot more info and demos but I feel like all they really showed was continuum.
Re: Really underwhelmed with the event

The phone part was underwhelming. But the event overall was fantastic.
Re: Really underwhelmed with the event

I expected Panay to demo the Windows Hello on the new Lumias. Just to give an indication about how quickly it unlocks the phone. Now, there is no way of knowing that because the hands-on devices kept there for the press won't have Windows Hello enabled.
I was not impressed.

I felt like everything was rushed. They didn't show enough about the phones. Hell, they barely even talked about it.
Re: Really underwhelmed with the event

Not much was displayed pertaining to phones.

Nothing was said about windows 10 mobile.

I'm not impressed Microsoft.
Re: Really underwhelmed with the event

The phone portion was a joke.

Did they even mention wireless charging or the removable back? They mentioned that the camera is great but they didn't demo it. They didn't show us this wonderful 4k video the camera records. I would have liked to see a completely wireless Continuum demo. Does the miracast Continuum implementation lag? Can you get work done with it? Can you game with it?

One thing I need from a laptop is the ability to transfer files from an SD card to a hard drive. It seems silly to lug a laptop around just for that. Can I do that with Continuum? WTF MSFT?! If I can do an SD card transfer and verify with Continuum it will kill the need for the WD My Passport Wireless overpriced drive. That is such a common scenario for me. I'm on a trip. I get back to where I'm staying for the night. Now I have to offload pictures and videos. I really don't want to take a laptop just to do that.
It was mind blowing and a little short of ridiculously spectacular as I have a few unanswered questions.

However I'm not going to dwell on those as I'd rather not detract from the jovial atmosphere as it's quite a change from all the negativity that was been going on around here lately.

Anyway, when I saw that hinge on the Surface Book I was willing it to be detachable but it was not mentioned I had a "golem moment" - (had a mini debate in my head) and when Panos had the video played again I felt my ears pop out when the screen detached.

Speaking of Panos Panay, his enthusiasm for the products was more infections than a yawn lol.

Rarely have I ever wished not to be working from home freelance scraping by and this is one such moment :grincry:.
Re: Really underwhelmed with the event

The phone portion was a joke.

Did they even mention wireless charging or the removable back? They mentioned that the camera is great but they didn't demo it. They didn't show us this wonderful 4k video the camera records. I would have liked to see a completely wireless Continuum demo. Does the miracast Continuum implementation lag? Can you get work done with it? Can you game with it?

One thing I need from a laptop is the ability to transfer files from an SD card to a hard drive. It seems silly to lug a laptop around just for that. Can I do that with Continuum? WTF MSFT?! If I can do an SD card transfer and verify with Continuum it will kill the need for the WD My Passport Wireless overpriced drive. That is such a common scenario for me. I'm on a trip. I get back to where I'm staying for the night. Now I have to offload pictures and videos. I really don't want to take a laptop just to do that.

Any idea when these things will be revealed? I've been waiting patiently for today and feel like I didn't learn anything new. And I don't think I have much more patience to wait until November who knows when.
Re: Really underwhelmed with the event

I was underwhelmed with the phone portion too. I get the sense they're doing phone because they need to, not because they really want to. And that means the devices suffer. I'm not really surprised by that based on the last few months, but was hoping for a revitalized attitude from them.

And...the price up here in Canada is too much: $850 for the XL.

Given what I've seen today, and other factors related to phone, I'm fairly certain I'll be moving on to another platform when I tire of my 830.

For those that are excited, I'll never disparage that. But, personally I'm quite disappointed and unimpressed.
Re: Really underwhelmed with the event

I was underwhelmed with the phone portion too. I get the sense they're doing phone because they need to, not because they really want to. And that means the devices suffer. I'm not really surprised by that based on the last few months, but was hoping for a revitalized attitude from them.

And...the price up here in Canada is too much: $850 for the XL.

Given what I've seen today, and other factors related to phone, I'm fairly certain I'll be moving on to another platform when I tire of my 830.

For those that are excited, I'll never disparage that. But, personally I'm quite disappointed and unimpressed.
At least the price isn't marked up... it's pretty true to price given how crappy our dollar is.
Re: Really underwhelmed with the event

Wow! What a bunch of whiners!! Can you imagine how difficult it must be to cover what 7 new devices in a short allotted time frame?? I don't feel the phone portion was nearly as "sparkly" as say the "hololens" segment but I mean come on it is just a phone right??
Re: Really underwhelmed with the event

Windows Hello was demoed on the phone onstage. It was said to be a beta in the presentation, hence it not being available to the press audience. It logged in very quickly and got a round of applause due to its speed.

I didn't find the demo to be lackluster at all. Wireless charging should just be assumed. It's hardly a new feature, so why spend time on it. The quick charge USB-C, Continuum, liquid cooling, etc all are much more important to talk about over a tech that debuted on the 920 at the end of 2012.

It is also worth remembering that this is not the WHOLE story for Windows on mobile. The prices are where they are to create space for others. HTC is announcing before the end of the month as is LG. Microsoft has to make room below themselves to encourage other OEMs. We already knew of Acer's entry as well, but I think there's even more coming.
Re: Really underwhelmed with the event

Disappointed in the change in focus or philosophy of the products, they were all about the productivity of these devices but I couldn't care less for a deskphone, I already have a decent PC+laptop, maybe they are focusing on the market that blackberry left but c'mon, I don't work at the US congress!
Re: Really underwhelmed with the event

The event was no way underwhelming. Even 'Apple Lovers' The Verge have posted several articles today buzzing with positivity and called it The best Microsoft event in years.

But I agree the Lumia section was rushed. Sure, the specs had leaked but they didn't even bother showing any sample photos taken with the new 950/XL which is surprising considering the camera is one of the most important features on a Flagship and normally the best thing to show off on Lumia hardware. It's 5 hours after the event and I still can't find sample photos anywhere!

I honestly think this is a great time to take a year away from a Windows mobile. Looking at what they have created with Surface Pro4 & the a.m.a.z.i.n.g Surface Book it is clear the Lumias are gonna get a reboot the phone category next year, perhaps with a Galaxy Note rival device with cool premium build and a more stable Windows 10.1 Mobile. I can't wait for October 2016...
Re: Really underwhelmed with the event

Wow! What a bunch of whiners!! Can you imagine how difficult it must be to cover what 7 new devices in a short allotted time frame?? I don't feel the phone portion was nearly as "sparkly" as say the "hololens" segment but I mean come on it is just a phone right??

Just a phone?, well, "phones" made Apple one of the most profitable companies ever...
Re: Really underwhelmed with the event

Just a phone?, well, "phones" made Apple one of the most profitable companies ever...

It's a bit more complicated than that.

The iPod made them one of the most profitable companies and the iPhone grew out of that.

Food for thought. What would have happened if Microsoft did the Zune in 2003 and went all in with it and a Zune Store, using their Windows leverage in the MP3 market before Apple could make a Windows compatible iPod?

Apple hit the market at the right time and did so at a time when Microsoft was so obsessed with XP and then Longhorn that they missed the boat entirely.

If the iPod had stayed largely Mac only, the iPhone would not have had its clout outside of a niche and the Zune could've progressed.

That's not what happened clearly, but the iPhone did not just appear out of nowhere. The profitability began to grow beyond the Mac with the iPod surge that accompanied the launch of the iTunes Store to go with Windows compatibility.

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