Yeah and Microsoft don't seem to be doing anything about it. I love gaming on my phone but the games are very crappy. And no good original stuff.
As a matter of fact, same with the Xbox 360. The number of 1st party games is tiny compared to the PS3, with only Gears, Halo, Forza coming to mind as the true AAA 360 games. Everything else is multiplatform with the Live service giving the 360 the edge which doesnt apply to WP7. MS seems to have just stopped caring about getting real exclusives on their console from 3rd parties or developing them in-house and that seems to be reflected in their lack of good games on WP7. They should be leading the way, not waiting for others to come to their platform, after all they have a console game studio and created one for the phone, so what have they been doing all this time?
Cant believe they have Halo in their stable and their first game was Beards & Beaks, not even a hint of a top class game. No real time MP, from them or anyone else even though its supposedly supported. Last year we had demo's showing games syncing across the PC, Xbox and WP7, what happend to that? Not even a simple card game as POC? Few years ago we had Crackdown, Too Human, PGR, Perfect Dark and probably others but now its all about COD, DLC and signing people up to more services on Live. The focus on games seems to have gone from MS and until they get it back, WP7 will probably continue to lag behind ios and android.
actually the games our comming.. you guys expecting Dev to make full EPIC games in 1month?
i dont see how Twin of blades is every once fav game , it borring lol ... but w/e
Where are these games? Havent seen mention of anything WP7 exclusive or competitive with the best of other platforms, and devs have had the Mango SDK for months so there's really no reason why we shouldnt be seeing at least announcments of better games coming to WP7.