Some PDA's (no network connection; but?)


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Some of the legacy PDA's we have dont have WiFi nor Ethernet Connectivity. Of course we can look at connecting CF or SD capability to the PDA's. Has anyone explored a WiFi or Ethernet Connection in to the RedFly via USB that the PDA could then use as its gateway?. This wouldn't then need clusmy additions to the PDA's especially big old CF Slot.
Are these legacy PDAs using versions of Win Mobile older than Win Mo 5? If so, there's no driver for them right now anyway ...

But you should be able to connect the PDA to the Redfly using the USB/dock cable for the PDA.
i think i didnt spell it out too clearly; sorry.
assume wm5 pdas with no wifi or phone capability.
want to see if web connection can be done via a connection to the redfly that the pda then sees for its connection to web/email and so on
Interesting concept! I wonder if I could get G4 connectivity on my phone via WIMAX? Hmmmm, I think I need to check if ClearWire has a WINMO driver for their USB modems.
There's nothing in the REDFLY right now that would let you plug in a USB networking device then share with a PDA. Very interesting concept though. The Clarinet EtherUSB box looks pretty cool. It may, in theory work, but you'd have to connect the phone to the REDFLY over Bluetooth since you'd need the USB connection go the EtherUSB. At that point, you've lost all portability so may not appeal to anyone really.

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