Songarc is now on the store


New member
Oct 2, 2013
Well Songarc is finally on the store but im having serious problems playing the game.... for example when i go to play a song the notes dont even show??!!??

btw in new to this forum :)

Got Nokia Lumia 920 (on GDR2)
Well Songarc is finally on the store but im having serious problems playing the game.... for example when i go to play a song the notes dont even show??!!??

btw in new to this forum :)

Got Nokia Lumia 920 (on GDR2)

Welcome to the forum. Also, try this
Its what I used to get started.
The game itself is really well done. The menu's however, are not organized particularly well. It would also be nice if this game were running in HD.

That said, it is undeniably good and very creative.
Such a fun game. I'd love to be able to download a song & sheet pack for it... even if they were just cover versions of well-known songs.
Btw, some sheets directs us to the store (those with the store icon) and those with the Music note icon work. How can this be changed?
You have to put the songs on your phone you want to play with. SongArc is not a music store, we can't distribute songs. We work with any song that is already on your phone, if it has a matching sheet. We provide the link to the store as a convenience mechanism so that you can acquire those songs that you don't have.

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