Sounds like many issues with HTC 8X

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Sounds like all the Lumia 920 issues are showing up now as well so much for Nokias superior build quality lol
1). Rebooting a lot

2). Soft-touch film peeling off

3). Inconsistent battery life

4). Light leaking out through corner of screen/USB port

5). Buggy LED screens

6). Buttons too flush with the body of the phone

I'm really starting to second-guess my desire to purchase this phone. This seems like a lot of problems with this phone already. At least the 16 GB of memory is expandable. Wait...
None of the mentioned issues on my 8X after two days of HEAVILY use.
I talked a buddy of mine to buy both the L920 and 8x yesterday he did and let me use the 8x until tomorrow Sunday. I haven't seen any of issues talked about here. I've yet to see them and I have been playing with this 8x none stop.
Now, I've been put off HTC tbh, my TITAN now seems to reboot two or three time a day... sometimes more... I have it running stock OS, updated as far as I can get it, it's International Unlocked too. So, that's left a bad taste in my mouth (the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic fiasco, I got over that... THAT WAS A ******** LEMON THOUGH! 50+ reboots daily...)
I still think I will get the 822 on VZW though mostly because battery life is important and it's pretty much a fact that the 822 has much better battery life (even though they have the same 1800 mAh battery).

VZW rates the L822 at 15.07 hours of talk time and 20.25 days of standby.
The 8x is at 15.0 hours of talk time and 12.5 days of standby.

That's almost twice the power usage when idle for the 8x.

As close as these phones are spec-wise and having same sized battery what could possibly explain this difference in battery life between the two but for software running in the background?
As close as these phones are spec-wise and having same sized battery what could possibly explain this difference in battery life between the two but for software running in the background?
hmmn. I wouldn't pay too much attention to the standby time quotes, different manufacturers calculate it different ways. Also, different wireless radios can affect battery.

All in all, the 822 will have better performance and battery life because it has a much lower resolution display. If someone doesn't care about a high res display, the 822 is a better choice.
No matter the OEM there will be a few defective models, its just how it is,nothing to worry about. That being said, this thread is closed
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