SP3 and W10 build 10240 what does everyone think...


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Jul 24, 2014
As the title reads for those of you who have build 10240 installed what are your guys thoughts, anyone having any issues?

I've been an insider since day1 and its been great to see W10 progress on my SP3, i so far havnt found any issues in build 10240 apart from the purple button on my pen not opening onenote - Adam
Will this be almost the same as the official version to be released on 29th of July? I have it installed on my ASUS T100 but not on my SP3.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android
As the title reads for those of you who have build 10240 installed what are your guys thoughts, anyone having any issues?

I've been an insider since day1 and its been great to see W10 progress on my SP3, i so far havnt found any issues in build 10240 apart from the purple button on my pen not opening onenote - Adam
I had the same problem with my pen and had to re sync with Bluetooth in settings to get it to work with one note again.
Will this be almost the same as the official version to be released on 29th of July? I have it installed on my ASUS T100 but not on my SP3.

Posted via the Windows Central App for Android

Its rumoured to be the case, especially since they removed the build watermark in the bottom corner - Adam

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I'm thinking i should have snagged it sooner for my surface pro 3, now i just have to wait for release i guess.
I like it. Had a number of issues with 10162 but this version is virtually trouble-free. Can't pin webpages to the start menu but I imagine that they'll sort that one soon.
Im loving it. I prefer to use it in tablet mode to keep all apps full-screen. that's just me though

edge is a little laggy, the on-screen keyboard keeps popping up when I click on new text boxes even though I have the keyboard attached.

doesn't worry me too much, its looking good and battery lasts ages compared to same machine with Win 8.1
How do you repair the Pen? I am in the Bluetooth settings and cannot set the pen.

In general, I do like this build. Two things that I don't like are the lack of Skype for touch which really makes Skype use very, very difficult when in tablet mode, and the pen not pairing.
Anyone else having problems with the Wi-Fi dropping out? I am on the fast ring so fully updated with Win10 but when I use my SP3 at night it keeps losing confection and no Wi-Fi signals are available for awhile, they do show back up after awhile though and reconnect.
How do you repair the Pen? I am in the Bluetooth settings and cannot set the pen.

In general, I do like this build. Two things that I don't like are the lack of Skype for touch which really makes Skype use very, very difficult when in tablet mode, and the pen not pairing.

Go to the Bluetooth settings, if you have the pen already paired, unpair it. Hold down the top button (the one for OneNote) for a couple seconds and it should soon popup. Hope that helps!

As for the topic on hand, I have a Surface 3, non-pro, and I haven't had any issues with the last couple of builds, and I keep it in desktop mode more than tablet mode, just kind of used to the desktop, haha.
Are any of you still having issues downloading the May firmware? I hope there is some firmware fix on July 29th for us SP3 users.
Edge, Mail, Facebook apps need to be closed and reopened after a long overnight sleep for some reason. Other than that its perfect on my SP3 ...
the only issue I have is that I can not pin anything to the start menu on my sp3 whether in desktop or tablet mode, other than that its working pretty good, I would imagine we will get firmware and driver updates after the proper release too.
someone asked how to pair the pen. open bluetooth settings and remove the pen if it shows there, then click add device and hold the top button on the pen for about 10 seconds and you should find it again.
WiFi does not always connect when restarting, or it will say connected but no internet. Airplane mode and back again and it connects flawlessly.

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