Hi i'm new here and i have some questions about Interop etc. (also sry for my english, it's not my first language)
I'm using a 640 Lumia Phone (Dual Sim, not LTE).
I downloaded Interop Tools, rc3 didn't work for me, so i had to install the Preview version from the Store.
I also downloaded and installed the following tools from the youtube tutorial
If i start Interop Tools, i click first on
THIS DEVICE and choose the WINRT Registry Provider.
Then i go to Registry Browser and go the following Path (HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PagingFiles) HOWEVER the app always closes if i hit Session Manager, i cant get past there. Same happens if i go to Registry Editor and write the path from my own, after typing session manager it quits the app.
I tried to enable Restore NDTKSvc and restarted my phone after that and then activated Interop/Cap Unlock and New Capability Engine Unlock, but even then the App closes if i hit Session Manager.
Any Idea why? and how i can solve the problem?
I really could need a little performance boost