SRS Enhancement causes stuttering game on Titan - does Focus S have this feature?


New member
Nov 23, 2011
Stuttering video/sound in games!?

I have a new HTC Titan and I often get stuttering/half second lockups in games, especially evident with for example Sonic 4 Episode 1. Is this normal? Is there any way around it? Something I can disable on the phone? With a 1.5GHz processor this should not be happening, right?
So it turns out that my wife's Titan does NOT have this problem, everything is smooth as silk! How is this possible? Is my Titan defective?
SOLVED! It was the SRS Enhancement for the audio. When turned on, both phones stutter like mad when in games! With it off, both are fine. Word of caution if you also have a Titan. Music SRS is the culprit. Video SRS seems fine... but might cause video stutter, who knows.

Does the Focus S have SRS sound enhancement options? And if so, do they cause stutter?
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So I found out that turning on SRS Enhancement in the Sound settings causes terrible stuttering in most games on my HTC Titan. Word to the wise to turn this off, but I'm also wondering, does the Focus S have such an SRS sound enhancement option, and does it also degrade performance?

Also note, the Music SRS is what is causing this, not the Video SRS, which can be left on.
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I don't think we have that option.

Sent from my Windows Phone using Board Express
Sound Enhancer and Attentive Phone are programs written by HTC for there device so you will only find those programs on HTC devices
Does anybody know if this affects the UK Titan as well, or just the AT&T version?

You're welcome to try it out. Turn on SRS Enhancement for Music. Download free trial for Sonic 4 from marketplace (easily visible with this one). Launch the game. Does the screen refresh slowly? Do you get video and audio pauses in the actual game itself after playing for less than 2 minutes?
Anyone seeing this should open a customer service ticket with HTC... NOT AT&T. And thanks for the Samsung owners who replied that they don't have this now dubious feature.
The idiots at HTC want me to reset my phone before they send this to engineering. BS! This happened on 2 phones that I just got two days ago. Please, if you guys see staggering and slow performance with games when SRS Music is enabled, please contact HTC support.

If enough people complain, maybe they will realize it is a universal problem. Thanks!

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