Store apps are pending?

I have tried all the tips & tricks given situation is same...even with full wi-fi starts...only 2-3 %..then App Need Attention...try again...pending....thats all....
Hi i am using Nokia 730 and i tried your method but it did not work for me gave me error message We're having trouble connecting to the store at the moment. Try again in a little while. But if i open the store with 3G data on i can access the store and download all the apps. It does not allow me to download apps over wifi. Kindly check and update thanks.
Hi guys i am using nokia 730 and using wifi i cannot download apps gives me error message We're having trouble connecting to the store at the moment. Try again in a little while. Hence when i open the store with my 3G data on i can access the store and download apps but with wifi i cannot download apps kindly update with any fix for this issue. Thanks.
I`ve fought with this issue for weeks and tried virtually all of the"above" suggestions to no avail. I ended up re-setting my phone to factory settings, sacrificing my existing data, contacts, photo`s etc. My apps down-loaded successfully, before they would always be stuck on pending.
My phone is Nokia 930. I hope this helps someone with similar problem.
cheers, Manfred.
I had the same problem after I reinstaled win8. 7 apps had stuck on pending. Solution: Just cancel few downloads, and is should start downloading .
My phone wont reboot either. Every time I turn it off it turns back on again... Help
Things you guys can try that have fixed it for me.

Try rebooting the device and try again.

Try turning off/on the WIFI.

Cancel all updates, reboot the device and try installing them again.
Hey guys I have a problem using the win 8.1 on my phone. I don't have access to wifi and I use a 3g connection. So I had to download dream league soccer (106.82mb) using the uc browser. It downloaded successfully but she I got to install local apps on windows store it installs a bit and then it stops saying it cant be installed. Please help me..
I fixed this by switching off automatic update of date and time. Phone returned to normal operation immediately. This may be a bug with WP dealing with daylight saving time changed.
Anybody got a permanent solution? I tried to make date and time manual still didnt help. However when Im connecting my phone to a wifi hotspot of another smartphone i am able to download apps over wifi. And on WIFI on my router i am able to surf websites but not the app store
I have a Lumia 640XTL with Windows 10 and tried various things without success. Then I switched the phone off and took out the battery. Waited a couple of minutes and then restarted the phone. I did this three times. Then the Apps moved from pending and began installing. As I say this worked for me. Good luck.
I have the same issue. Apps are not downloading. They are stuck at 0.10 kb and some apps always remain in "downloading" state. I don't know how to solve. I have tried a couple of things mentioned above but it didn't work.
If you have them download directly to the sd make the download into phone memory and move to sd manually
Well, I also had the same problem your having. I tried rebooting my phone, didn't work, removing auto set date and time, didn't work, changing WiFi connection, didn't work but One day I tried sitting in a car and using my moblie data on 4G and it worked perfectly fine, though the next day it didn't. You can try one of those and hopefully they will work for you.

Windows was been hard on me, I only have one Application in my phone. And I can't get more

If anyone has an idea please help because right now im seeing a receipt or eBay as the answer to my problem
THATS HOW İ FİX İT; just a week ago my country change the time (bcs daylight saving) 1 hour forward, so from setup i getback 1 hour backward it. And store recognize me again...

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