Store won't download apps

James Stick

New member
Jun 17, 2016
I ran into the problem on my brand new Surface Book - and looked and tried everything and stumbled across both a work around, a permanent solution, and at least one root cause:

WORKAROUND: If you're experienced with Regedit.exe (and I would really recommend before you try anything you make a backup copy of your registry), you can search through the registry and delete *every single instance* of the keys associated with the App ID. If you're not sure what an AppID or a registry key is, don't try this method as you can do serious damage to your machine.

If you are pretty comfortable, you'll find that once you delete every instance of the app ID and associated keys from the registry (you may have to "take ownership" of certain registry key containers to do this, immediately the app will download.

However, it's only a workaround because it does address the root problem. Also there are dozens and dozens of appID registry entries per app and it takes forever... and on the next app update, the you'll have to do the whole thing again making it not really the ideal approach.

Because I figured out the workaround, I assumed that something during the Store Download process was corrupting the registry entries. There are a number of ways this can happen, but typically it has to do with a third party agent "packet sniffing" your WiFi network adapter.
There are a number of applications (including antivirus) that legitimately have a purpose to do that, so this is where you should start investigating on your computer: Anything client on your PC that may have access to scanning, sniffing, or proxying your network adapter.

In my case it wasn't a network adapter at all. I use "Hyper-V" to run virtual machines to do development without mucking up my Surfacebook. I'd enabled hyper-V and in order to give my virtual machines internet access, I set up a virtual network adapter and tethered it to my physical network adapter.

As it turns out - even if your virtual machines are turned off, even if they are unattatched, the mere *presence* of the virtual network adapter in hyper-V does some strange proxying of all the downloads on your physical machine: In my case, it was somehow corrupting the registry process when the Windows Store on my physical machine was trying to update.

I turned off the virtual machines, removed the WiFi virtual adapters, then deleted the virtual adapter from each virtual machine configuration, and rebooted my machine: immediately every store application downloaded and installed without problems.

I chased this for months and months with no success until the above. I hope this helps one of you, or at least helps you pinpoint on your machine exactly what is happening.


New member
Jul 31, 2016
I've been having the same problems too unfortunately, but my one says 'starting download' instead. There is no movement or improvement.


New member
Dec 3, 2016
when i try to download the app it says this app was not installed something happened and this app couldnot be installed:cry:


New member
Jan 5, 2017
View attachment 110156

it's been stuck like this for a couple of days.

It was working fine before that.

Anyone else getting this?

I think it stopped working after the cumulative update.

Edit: The solution is:

1. Open the start menu.
2. Type msconfig.
3. Open "system configuration"
4. Select "normal boot."
5. Restart computer.

youre a life savor thank you thos actually worked!!!

Jeffrey aka RipOff

New member
Feb 8, 2017
How to Fix MS App Store Download Problem

I have seen a lot of people asking how to fix the Microsoft App Store when it fails to download apps and get the error: Something went wrong, try again later with an error code of some kind. It is really an easy fix, their is no need to clear Cache or run some crazy code that will not work anyways it will just waste your time and hurt your brain.

Here is a step by step fix for those that don't know a lot about PC's for those that know what they are doing just might laugh at how easy it is to fix and might get upset for wasting so much time with this problem.

Chances are you have a SD Card you are using all you have to do is open File Explorer and on the left side click "This PC" then on the right side you should see your SD Card mine is D drive.

Make sure you close out any program you have open if you don't you may lose any work that is not saved. Also I would suggest to cancel ANY download you have started in the App Store.

Right click on your SD Card the when the sub menu opens click on "Properties".

Click on "Tools" then click the "Check" button.

Their is a very good chance that your SD Card will have errors on it, click the "Scan and repair drive" a window will pop up which will say "Windows can't repair the drive when it's in use"

Click "Repair now" if you click "Repair on next restart" it will not work.

After it is done you should reboot.

That is it you should be able to download from the App Store now. This has worked for me and a dozen or so more.. if this worked for you please let others know and share this link and your experience.

Happy downloading
Jeffrey a.k.a. RipOff


New member
Aug 22, 2018
Fix Apps Won't Download From The Google Play Store in Android|Tablet-apps wont download google play-google play apps wont download over wifi-apps wont download Android App won't download-won't my apps download-download stuck-app store wont download.

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