Succesful WP8.1 updates on Icon?

I'm having the power button issue now and then, which makes the screen take 3 seconds to come on. There is another issue that i'm having which is serious. When I unlock the phone I get a resuming/loading screen for the start screen, and the phone also gets really hot. I have to do a soft reset to get it working again. Anyone else suffering from that issue?

EDIT: I went through the thread and saw that i'm not the only one.

This along with the WiFi issue is really annoying. I hope they issue a fix quickly.
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Last night I pulled my phone out of its belt holster, and it was really hot, and the battery had dropped significantly in the hour and a half prior to that. I turned it on, and all I got was "resuming..." I did a power button / volume down reset, and haven't had any problem like that since.

I do occasionally get the long pause between pressing the power button and seeing the screen turn on. It is a minor annoyance to me, one that I hope they fix with an update, soon.
I hadn't had the lock button problem for a whole week, I thought you all were lying.... and I just started getting it yesterday. Not happy.
It seems like there is a memory leak of some sort causing some of these issues. I'm tempted to restore back to 8.0 and update back to 8.1 when the issues have been resolved.
It seems like there is a memory leak of some sort causing some of these issues. I'm tempted to restore back to 8.0 and update back to 8.1 when the issues have been resolved.

I restored to 8.0 last night, didn't restore from backup, updated to 8.1, hard reset the phone and then restored from a backup and things appear to be much better now, though still getting bad reception. Battery drain is much lower and the phone doesn't get as hot.
hello good day, I'm having the same problem and the power button does not work and the battery in 8 hours standby is empty ... quano discover how to fix please let me know ...
Try doing what I did, it really has helped my battery life and the performance of my icon. It involved completely resetting my phone to 8.0, then an update to 8.1 and then hard resetting it and restoring from an 8.1 backup
Try doing what I did, it really has helped my battery life and the performance of my icon. It involved completely resetting my phone to 8.0, then an update to 8.1 and then hard resetting it and restoring from an 8.1 backup

OK, how do you restore to version 8?
I downloaded the Nokia Software Updater for Retail, plugged my phone in and it asked me if I wanted to "update" to the newest firmware (which was the same firmware number I had). It then downloaded the ROM and flashed it for me
For the power button issue, if doesn't work after one or two presses I hold the camera button which will wake the phone no matter what. Then just back out.
Did any of your firmware versions change?
Firmware isn't going to change until we get an update from Nokia. The OS update came from Microsoft. They didn't create the hardware, so they're not going to update the firmware - that would be the OEM.
I've been having the same issue with the phone not waking up. I was streaming music and it stopped and would not wake, even the camera would not wake it up (first time for me).
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Lumia 925: experienced yesterday 3 times a freeze. Starts to get annoying. Not tried the camera button. During a freeze I see my glance screen, but it's not changing anymore so it appears to be "stuck"... Powerbutton has no effect, only soft reset (with the annoying fact you have to update your date and time afterwards...)

So it's not a Icon-specific issue...
Same issues with inconsistent WIFI and power button delay. I turned off WIFI and the delay issue seems to be resolved. Guess it's a WIFI issue.
I downloaded the Nokia Software Updater for Retail, plugged my phone in and it asked me if I wanted to "update" to the newest firmware (which was the same firmware number I had). It then downloaded the ROM and flashed it for me

Could you share the download link please?
Edit: Found it
Lumia 1020: Been experiencing this fault two times in the last 3 days. I've has the developer preview since a day or two after release, and has been working fine up until now. :'( Haven't tried the camera button yet though.
Turning off WiFi solved the lagginess coming out of sleep mode for me and FWIW, after leaving WiFi off for a few days I turned it back on today and my lagginess is still gone. Hope it stays this way. I now have no issues regarding 8.1 on my icon at all and I'm liking it.
Turning off WiFi solved the lagginess coming out of sleep mode for me and FWIW, after leaving WiFi off for a few days I turned it back on today and my lagginess is still gone. Hope it stays this way. I now have no issues regarding 8.1 on my icon at all and I'm liking it.

I can attest to some correlation between WiFi and the sleep/wake issue. I go between many routers at school and I'm almost sure that's part of my problem.

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