Surface 2 Crackling Sound with Amazon Instant Video

What do you mean when you say "Netflix streaming has plenty of crap"? It would be good to know before I sign up. I've pretty much given up on Amazon. And, I checked last evening, at least in the UK version of the Google Play Store there appears to be no Instant Video App.

I think he means what he says. Netflix adds way more frequently but don't be surprised if you see stuff that you never heard of and will never watch. Still, my vote goes to Netflix any day of the week, its just a more established service and there are tons of things to watch.
I think he means what he says. Netflix adds way more frequently but don't be surprised if you see stuff that you never heard of and will never watch. Still, my vote goes to Netflix any day of the week, its just a more established service and there are tons of things to watch.

I see. Thanks. Good to know.
I got Prime as a gift and mainly watch it through Roku, though it'd be good to get the glitch fixed here. Yes, I have Netflix and the app works great on Surface 2 - has plenty of shows, documentaries, indie flicks etc.
I think he means what he says. Netflix adds way more frequently but don't be surprised if you see stuff that you never heard of and will never watch. Still, my vote goes to Netflix any day of the week, its just a more established service and there are tons of things to watch.

Pretty much. Granted, there's still a lot of good stuff on Netflix streaming.
I went ahead and exchanged it so I'll let you know if I still have the stutter/crackle.
I love my S2 but this issue with Amazon Instant Video is the only one that's been bugging me a bit. Videos are still watchable but the noise is a bit annoying. Last month's SW update might have helped but I think it's not completely fixed yet.
I tried it using the browser (on the desktop), but it does not seem to work. I have no idea why.


same just won't play in any of the two IE Versions (Modern/Desktop).

How come some (or should I say most?) users can watch Amazon Instant Video on their S2 and others can't??
I've been waiting patiently, but may head to the Microsoft store again... still has popping sounds with Amazon video. It also freezes intermittently on wake up when the touch cover is connected, but I just installed updates today, so that might help. Glad they have great warranty on the thing!
Amazon Instant Video in the UK uses Silverlight, so it will not play on the Surface 2 (since the Surface doesn't support Silverlight).

It would seem that in the US they use something different (Flash?).

I assume part of this is that in the UK, Amazon Instant Video used to be LOVEFiLM which was based on Silverlight and then Amazon bought LoveFilm rather than use their own setup.
I am on my third replacement Surface 2... still video crackling, and still just on this site. It's not even the reason I replaced the last unit (some other hardware malfunction, which seems fixed now), but it's the principle of the matter now. Next I'm telling Amazon to get their Prime in gear.
Old thread but if you are having this problem on Amazon Instant:

Do all latest updates
Launch Amazon Instant from Explorer
sweep from right to pull up menu and touch Settings
in Settings touch Privacy
In Privacy turn OFF "Do Not Track"- This appears to be a key for this to work
In your Amazon account settings - (from Amazon webpage) check"Silverlight" as default player

Should work well after that.

NOTE: does not fix the HBO GO issues - although it seems to have my Xfinity playback working well also.

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