Surface Go Standby desktop cmd or bat


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May 1, 2017
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I can put my Surface Go to Standy in the shutdown menu. But it comes back in a second, because the tiniest mouse movement from my bluetooth mouse leads to a wake up. (I tried to set the mouse to do not wake up but it did not help)
I therefore tried a desktop connection with "rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Sleep" and its variants. But it does not have any effects, neither as bat or cmd.
But I need a batch file because then I can turn off the mouse and activate the bat or cmd per touch on the desktop symbol.

What is the correct command syntax??


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Someone here might know but that question might be better suited for a site like Stack Overflow or Spiceworks.


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May 1, 2017
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It seems indeed to be a second problem to find any support forum where posters not only read the posts but can give advice that help. But I thought that someone from the Microsoft world (Microsoft hardware + newest Windows 1809) should be able to do that. That is why I started here.

Insti Gator

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Aug 29, 2013
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What is your end goal? I think there's a simpler means to your end..

All modern Surface devices are set to 'Active Standby' be default. That keeps the WiFi connection open and running for the computer to receive data for apps like email and other notifications while the device sleeps. This also allows the device to start instantly upon waking and allows it to be woken up by either moving the mouse, clicking the trackpad, a keyboard key, or pressing the power button.

So the behavior your describing is entirely per specifications.

If you'd prefer the computer not be woken up by the mouse you need a deeper level of standby which is either hibernate, or a complete shutdown. Hibernate will store the running operations into ROM and then power down the CPU/computer. It will take about 5-10 seconds to boot up again and restore all operations as they were when hibernated. A complete shutdown is pretty self-explanatory.

If you are trying to override this behavior, it may work but you'll be working against the systems specifications for sleep.


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May 1, 2017
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... This also allows the device to start instantly upon waking and allows it to be woken up by either moving the mouse, clicking the trackpad, a keyboard key, or pressing the power button.
You may be surprised, but I know what the philosophy behind the Approach of Microsoft is.
And you should have read, that this intended behavior of my device does not suit me: A secure stable standy state is in practice not possible, at least for any decent amount of time, when even a little rumble of the real desk top leads to a tiny mouse movement and this leads to a wake up of the PC. Every mouse is per se - and for good reason - very sensitive to any relative movement to the surface which it rests on. All the other input devices, the trackpad, especially the keyboard, or even more so the power button, need user inputs, a certain amount of force.
I therefore can live with and use the keyboard to wake up my computer(s). And I hate it if my mouse is doing it itself without any intended action by myself.
I hope this helps you to understand, why I want to change the behavior of my Windows machine for good.
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May 1, 2017
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Indeed. As I do not want to "stress" my SSD with to much hibernation (I was quite shocked, when I looked up the write statistic of my main PC which unfortunately has 16GB RAM) and like to have a fast wake up I prefer Stand by. And as I mentioned in my starting post, this seems to be possible only with a disabled (bluetooth) mouse.

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