Surface Pro 7 flickers and becomes unresponsive


New member
Feb 4, 2020
Hello, as I said in the title, my 3-4 week old surface pro 7 will sometimes start to flicker uncontrollably and becomes unresponsive. In order to stop this i have to hold down the power button to force the shut down. The tablet wouldn't even be under heavy load when this happens. This happened earlier when I used my surface for 15 minutes to look at my notes on onenote. I was wondering if this happens to other people and if there is a way to fix this. Thank you
When exactly does this happen? When nothing is happening or is it running something? Is Windows 10 and your drivers all up to date?
Well... other than making sure that you have the very latest firmware updates, it's time to refresh the install. After that, if it continues, you'd then return it for a replacement. (Typed on a SP7 that doesn't flicker)
I have some issue now. It's happened very randomly. I tried reinstall display driver, upgrade to latest windows and reinstall fresh windows with no luck. I ordered a replacement service today. Let's see what Microsoft service can do.
I have some issue now. It's happened very randomly. I tried reinstall display driver, upgrade to latest windows and reinstall fresh windows with no luck. I ordered a replacement service today. Let's see what Microsoft service can do.

I hope they fix that for you.

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