SURVEY: Who has got a non updating Lumia phone? A 1020 for example!?

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Grant Taylor3

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Re: SURVEY: Who has got a non updating Lumia phone? A 1020 for example!

Sure Microsoft are not updating the Lumia 1020 officially and as an insider having been testing the builds on my Lumia 1020 I know why they are not updating it.


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Re: SURVEY: Who has got a non updating Lumia phone? A 1020 for example!

Why?? W10M works fine on my 1020 except for bad battery drain. Why can't they just fix this ??


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Re: SURVEY: Who has got a non updating Lumia phone? A 1020 for example!

So it's Grant's fault we're not getting it!

Just kidding. I decided to install the slower than slow ring insider build on my 1020 on Thursday, before the official news broke that it would never officially get it. While I was annoyed like everyone else earlier in the day, I began to see why WM10 wasn't a great fit on the 1020. It was choppy, slow. By Saturday, Cortana would crash with each search. Battery life was abysmal, draining from moderate usage in like four hours.

I didn't really want to because there's so much talk of a Surface Phone coming, but I pulled the trigger on a 950. It's only $450 right now. I figure I can sell my 1020 now and the 950 if something more appealing comes this fall, but I wish there were more options. It was one thing to feel betrayed by their disclaimer that every WP8 phone will get upgraded, but it's also an issue that there are so few upgrade options available. If they want us to move on, we need something to move on to.

Of course, the 1020 Cortana crashing issue went away Sunday after I put in the 950 order. Not sure what was up with that, but I suppose it's still time to (reluctantly) move on.
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Maurizio Troso

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Re: SURVEY: Who has got a non updating Lumia phone? A 1020 for example!

So it's Grant's fault we're not getting it!

Just kidding. I decided to install the slower than slow ring insider build on my 1020 on Thursday, before the official news broke that it would never officially get it. While I was annoyed like everyone else earlier in the day, I began to see why WM10 wasn't a great fit on the 1020. It was choppy, slow. By Saturday, Cortana would crash with each search. Battery life was abysmal, draining from moderate usage in like four hours.

I didn't really want to because there's so much talk of a Surface Phone coming, but I pulled the trigger on a 950. It's only $450 right now. I figure I can sell my 1020 now and the 950 if something more appealing comes this fall, but I wish there were more options. It was one thing to feel betrayed by their disclaimer that every WP8 phone will get upgraded, but it's also an issue that there are so few upgrade options available. If they want us to move on, we need something to move on to.

Of course, the 1020 Cortana crashing issue went away Sunday after I put in the 950 order. Not sure what was up with that, but I suppose it's still time to (reluctantly) move on.

Same for me... Cortana returned plenty of beauty and tasks when I called her on a new 650.... That's only an hardware matter.... :(


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Re: SURVEY: Who has got a non updating Lumia phone? A 1020 for example!

Lumia1020 (backup and camera)
Lumia950XL (daily driver)

Torcher Death

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Re: SURVEY: Who has got a non updating Lumia phone? A 1020 for example!

L520 on .164 while on the lookout for budget upgrades with non outdated hardware.

Nathanael Lusk

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Re: SURVEY: Who has got a non updating Lumia phone? A 1020 for example!

I have a Lumia 830 and I can't get any of the insider updates at all. I reverted back to WP8.1 and now that everything's ok, I want it back, but it says server error. Plus, I got on the Developer Team and it said it would send me the upgrade. Haven't gotten it and its been 2 days


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Re: SURVEY: Who has got a non updating Lumia phone? A 1020 for example!

Lumia 1020 and I'm very disappointed after all this time helping to make OS better we got nothing, probably going to buy LG G4 or something leaving Microsoft that's for sure..


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Re: SURVEY: Who has got a non updating Lumia phone? A 1020 for example!

Disappointed Lumia 1020 owner. MS decision is nothing more but excuse for poor coding and OS optimization. I'm not only disappointed with MS but will all those hypocrites saying that 2-3 years life cycle is expected/normal. 1) Why we need to flood this planet with electronic garbage. 2) What is so extraordinary with W10M in comparison to WP8.1 that it can't run for example on S4 with 2GB ram???

Grant Taylor3

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Re: SURVEY: Who has got a non updating Lumia phone? A 1020 for example!

I have left my 1020 on Release Preview and I am using it as a media player and buckup alarm clock.

I have upgraded to a 950 that I am very happy with. it is nice having my podcasts sync between my phones and all the other kit that I have running Windows 10.

Jozef jurcisin

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Re: SURVEY: Who has got a non updating Lumia phone? A 1020 for example!

You sound like MS! My 810 Lumia was pull from market after couple months now with Lumia 1020 you are swing get a new phone NO ******* way!

Grant Taylor3

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Re: SURVEY: Who has got a non updating Lumia phone? A 1020 for example!

I do not work for MS. I have had my 1020 since it was released and I waited like everyone for MS to release new flagship phones.

groady-ho baluzy

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Icon here, it may or may not get upgraded. Wife already decided she's buying a 950 on sale. We're leaving Verizon for ATT.
I bought a nexus 6p about 4-5weeks ago, needed to fixed once already and tbh I don't use it as much as I thought. So, those of you leaving, I just want to say, the grass isn't always greener on the other side. Good luck out there.
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Pavel Badalov

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Re: SURVEY: Who has got a non updating Lumia phone? A 1020 for example!

In the last 6 years Microsoft had 3 major visions, and each time owners of the previous phone generation were left in the dirt. Do we need a better illustration that these guys have no clue what they are doing? And don't forget that the Surface phone is coming (Vision #4), so whatever you buy now will turn to garbage soon. Meanwhile, the WP market share dropped from 3% to 2%, and the win10 upgrade will drive it to 1%. That's why I'm getting a new Android phone. Bye, Lumina 1020!
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