SWITCH to windows phone, or shouldn't I?

Good morning,
You know what I say? Fluffing go for it. I think you'll love the intuitive and beautiful Windows 10 Mobile interface, and honestly Windows 10 Mobile does have a good suite of features in it now. No, it's not perfect, but the Creator Update is a polished, fluid affair that just flies on my Lumia 950 XL. It's a good OS, and if you're not into Android any more I say it might be a perfect fit for you.
Now future support for the operating system is in the water. We're not sure if we're ever going to see another major feature update but you're at least going to get reliable and consistent bug and security updates until fall 2018 at the earliest even if Microsoft kills it tomorrow if you buy a recent phone, so you have that going for you. In my honest opinion, Windows 10 Mobile will continue to be updated (with features) for a while yet, but maybe that's just me being hopeful. Either way, with or without new features, Windows 10 Mobile is a good, reliable operating system right NOW.

As far as which phone to get, I honestly suggest a high end device. Don't bother with a low end phone. Yes they run great (better than comparable Android devices) but if you want to invest in the Windows 10 ecosystem and have a true productivity device, you need a flagship. To me, there are only really three to choose from. The Alcatel Idol 4s is a good phone (a pretty great one actually) but I honestly believe the Lumia 950, Lumia 950 XL, and HP Elite x3 do better jobs of representing the operating system and everything it's capable of. The Idol 4s is a powerful, beautiful phone but it's not receiving any love from Alcatel like firmware updates so I wouldn't trust it. The only differences between the Lumia 950 and 950 XL is the size and the XL is slightly more powerful. You really can't go wrong with either one. They really do have all the features. Removable batteries, microSD, wireless charging, physical camera buttons, OIS, beautiful displays, great performance. They're underrated phones and the Creator Update feels amazing on both my phones. My only suggestion is get a Mozo case for them as the plastic backs that come with the phones are a little cheap feeling. Now the Elite x3 is the powerhouse phone. It doesn't have the fancy camera of the 950's or the removable batteries but you get a fingerprint reader in addition to the 950's iris scanner, water and dust resistance, a more powerful processor and a bigger screen. That's the true productivity monster.

For camera and consumer friendliness: Lumia 950/XL
For productivity and large size: x3

That's my rather long two cents.
Know any family/friends with a spare Windows phone you can take for a test drive. As others mentioned I'd opt for a phone native to W10M. Also, these days I'd recommend those on a higher scale such as the 950/XL, Elite X3, or Idol 4S. I'm sure better deals can be had on the 950 series though, if you are OK w/older but decent hardware that is.

At the end of the day, unless you physically try one out for size your self you'll never know whether it's for you. Whatever your decision happy trails. :smile:
If you are very much concerned with future updates I suggest you to wait till may 10-12 event of Microsoft but one thing I want to mention is OS is running very fine with rs2 and update doesn't matter because all uwp apps will be supported even in lower build like 14393.

And about Facebook. It was very much stable when Microsoft was developing the app but now Facebook itself is managing the app. It is lots more stable compared to previous version. It will take sometime to clear all the bugs.
Hello guys!!

I have been using android for many years and lately i have noticed a severe dicline in quality and usability. I have been wanting to switch several times bow and since i just crushed the screen on my note 5, i am seriously thinking into investing in a WP10. I have been reading up a lot and cant seem to be able to filter the crap from the truth about the future of WP. I want to jump to the platfprm now via a used lumia or something else, so when surface phone comes out i will be fully enveloped inot the ecosystem. However is there a future windows phone? Should i switch or stay android?

Please advise, what is yiur perception of whats going on.

P.s app gap is NO issue for me, after so many years of android and its amazing app market i have realized, everyone (be honest with yourself) uses very few apps, and for the rest we go online any way! Not to mention that 99.9% of all apps are just portals! Furthermore I am IT pro and use MS everytging but phone.

Yeah, I've used a lot of android. At first all the dinky little apps seem great, but you don't actually end up using very many. You will likely miss your banking app if you switch though. Might have to get used to phone banking if you want quick balances.

As for the future of windows 10 mobile....nobody knows. We know Microsoft hasn't given up on updates, we know they have future ambitions for portable devices, but we also know MS is intent on leapfrogging the competition with things like Cortana bots/conversation as a platform, augmented reality and so on.

The will likely replace windows 10 mobile, eventually with windows on arm. Because it can run more software, and that is one of their openly stated goals "an os, that is hardware independent but can run the same software across devices".

So there's no real promise that MS future plans are exactly "windows 10 mobile" or something related to it, and most people suspect they will probably be doing something else with mobile devices in the long run.

But for now, the OS is still getting updates. And if you get a windows 10 mobile you'll find it perfectly useable till you get your next phone no doubt. Another little bonus if you do, is Cortana bot intergration will be something you likely get to benefit from. After all, Cortana is on windows 10 mobile. When she gets that "app system" of skills available, I think there's good odds give win mob is still getting updates, they'll get that too.

It's really up to you. I myself can't bring myself to buy google or apple products any more. I don't like how they regard their customers. If I had to buy a new phone, I'd probably go windows 10 mobile. But no one but Microsoft knows exactly what they have up their sleeve.

They want to unify the platform, have it the same OS on more hardware. They want conversation as a platform. They want AR and VR. They want folding screens and "more natural ways of interacting with our computers", but the exact specifics of how and when those things roll out, is basically corporate secrecy until they are ready to release.

We ARE supposed to get Cortana bots, windows on arm, and windows cloud this year, and the may 6 event/build will have some reveals - so I expect some limited pulling back of the curtain then.

If you can wait, and are worried, I'd probably wait till then (next month), for the spring event, and the build conference (about half way through may we should have many more details on MS plans).[]/b]

I mean if windows 10 mobile gets Cortana bots - doesn't really matter if they pull the plug, because that thing will stay fresh for awhile. Cortana bots will let your phone do WAY more than alexa, IF they come to the phone platform. As far as I am concerned that's better than apps.

In fact, even though I have _no need_ to replace my phone, if windows 10 mobile gets Cortana bot intergration, I may buy a windows 10 mobile phone.

Because they are expected to show off the new "Invoke" running Cortana, and because the app for invoke is well fleshed out people expect it'll be coming to market soon. That being the case, cortanas bot intergration must be very close, and it seems probable they'll make their plans/schedule more clear then.
We are also expecting them to announce/show off, windows cloud. It'll be a big month for MS fans.

So if you are worried, and can wait - wait till mid may, see what all the new news is. Otherwise just go for it. If you are a MS user, and aren't fussed on android, you may as well try something else. Just see if you can get a steal price on something pretty new. It's not like you'll be paying flagship prices, like Samsung and apples aweful 800-1000!
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Oh lastly, go for something with 2gb or more, or fairly recent. Like a 950, or 4s. Because some of the older ones are getting support dropped. I mean you can actually still upgrade them if you like, but likely easier to have a phone from the last year or two.

Even if mobile does get changes to windows on arm, with cshell, there's no way it'll be this year. Maybe next year, but atm, MS has other priorities. But that's less than certain by a long margin. And given you'll still be paying less than a flagship android/ios phone, it probably wouldn't bother you too much if, in two years, MS announces a 1000 dollar phone with new features.
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@BOSDown @ira0523 it's actually a good time now to get a decent phone for the price, 950XL or Alcatel Idol 4S. I'm only hesitant to mention the HP Elite X3 because of the price and wouldn't want you guys to put in too much money and then be mad :)

I feel you kinda have to dive in to really know what you want from it.

For me it's the one windows, any device philosophy that's taken a long time to get towards but really getting there with the the help of onedrive. Photos, I can see them on all my devices because of onedrive integration.

Apps that are UWP and programmed right, actionable items like messages... a message comes in, pops up on my 950XL, on my surface pro 3, on my work issued lenovo, and whatever device happens to be convenient, I reply on it. Skype calls comes in, everything is ringing begging to be answered on them :)

Turn on my insider ring phone and all the notifications pop up on there too so that's a bit annoying if I've already dealt with it but they'll get that sorted with onedrive integration of notifications of some sort.

Hard to really know how you will use it until you actually get one and use it.

Microsoft doesn't really care that much about windows for specific devices, they definitely want to just say it's windows and it's everywhere and it's the same. IoT, phones, mobility devices, tablets, laptops, desktops, servers.....

You've already had lots of time with android and ios so it's probably time for you to give windows an honest shot so you can form your opinion.
Thank you all for your replies, I just placed an order for 950xl, was going to go x3 but it was hard to justify the much higher price for it. I cant wait for it to make it home so I can start to experimenting with it. My idea was to join and integrate with ms ecosystem now, so when the next big step happens I am ready and then will gladdly invest into a flagship.

I will keep you posted !

Without the concern of the "App Gap" than I see no reason to be on anything else. I am using an Iphone because I need a lot of the apps, but Windows 10 is a beautiful OS and smooth as silk. I would also recommend not going with a cheap phone. Go for the HP Elite X3.. Good luck
Hmm. It's very tricky to recommend a platform where app support is dwindling and even Microsoft only officially support a small handful of phones.

Windows Phones are great but amongst fans there's a reluctance to buy new W10M devices. I'd wait to see if Microsoft actually sees a future in the platform, because there's very few signs that they do. At best they probably will ditch W10M and bring out a successor, leaving current phones in the dust.
Hmm. It's very tricky to recommend a platform where app support is dwindling and even Microsoft only officially support a small handful of phones.

Windows Phones are great but amongst fans there's a reluctance to buy new W10M devices. I'd wait to see if Microsoft actually sees a future in the platform, because there's very few signs that they do. At best they probably will ditch W10M and bring out a successor, leaving current phones in the dust.

He already brought a phone, and he also said apps weren't a concern.

Officially supporting stuff - you don't get more support in ios or android. You get less updates.

He was warned that in two years in might be replaced with a new OS.

I'm thinking about getting a cheap phone to play around with actually. Maybe a 550. But only if Cortana bot intergration comes to win 10 mobile. Well have to see how may goes.
He already brought a phone, and he also said apps weren't a concern.

Officially supporting stuff - you don't get more support in ios or android. You get less updates.

He was warned that in two years in might be replaced with a new OS.

I'm thinking about getting a cheap phone to play around with actually. Maybe a 550. But only if Cortana bot intergration comes to win 10 mobile. Well have to see how may goes.

If you go that route, I suggest the 650 if you can find one. The 550 is a nice phone but I have noticed that some apps crash more on that phone only and they don't really do that on the 650.
If you go that route, I suggest the 650 if you can find one. The 550 is a nice phone but I have noticed that some apps crash more on that phone only and they don't really do that on the 650.

You can get refurbished anything on aliexpress.

You can get original nokia 3310s lol.

Looking at the differences. More rom, that's probably pretty handy. Looks a bit nicer. Same camera-ish.

Battery about the same. CPU slightly better. And its also on the creators update list (which would help if I intend to use it for the soon to be updated Cortana)

That seems like a reasonable recommend.

We'll have to see how build and may 6 go. If win 10 mobile gets the bots and skills, I think that would be a really interesting platform to play with it on - given the extra potential of the location/social centric stuff. Not that there will be much to start with, given it'll all be alexa skills and skype bots to start.

Still bound to be a lot of fun, and I really want to get away from screen tapping and swyping when out and about...
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You can get refurbished anything on aliexpress.

You can get original nokia 3310s lol.

Looking at the differences. More rom, that's probably pretty handy. Looks a bit nicer. Same camera-ish.

Battery about the same. CPU slightly better. And its also on the creators update list (which would help if I intend to use it for the soon to be updated Cortana)

That seems like a reasonable recommend.

We'll have to see how build and may 6 go. If win 10 mobile gets the bots and skills, I think that would be a really interesting platform to play with it on - given the extra potential of the location/social centric stuff. Not that there will be much to start with, given it'll all be alexa skills and skype bots to start.

Still bound to be a lot of fun, and I really want to get away from screen tapping and swyping when out and about...

As someone who has owned both, I can say that it is a disservice to count the cameras as the same. They aren't. In low light, the difference between both cameras (front and back) is night and day.

Sounds like a good plan, good luck with it.
Good morning guys, I need help!I just checked my amazon and my 950xl wnt ship till tomorrow so I have time to cancel still, I also just noticed it's the international version! Is that a problem any issues? The big question is though if I should cancel the Nokia and go HP x3? Is the 820 chip that much better than the 810?
If you go that route, I suggest the 650 if you can find one...

@Drael46464 I agree with this completely. Brand new they've hit 99$USD on sale.

I've tried keeping an eye out for it to be cheap enough canada $$ wise from microsoft but missed the boat now :(
Good morning guys, I need help!I just checked my amazon and my 950xl wnt ship till tomorrow so I have time to cancel still, I also just noticed it's the international version! Is that a problem any issues? The big question is though if I should cancel the Nokia and go HP x3? Is the 820 chip that much better than the 810?

I would do Alcatel Idol 4S only because of $$$... I just didn't want you to hate that you spent so much $$$. But if it doesn't matter to you, the Elite X3 is so far the better supported phone by the manufacturer and I would recommend because of the much better battery life that I've heard about. Performance is nice but I think it's the battery life that will give a nice impression over the 950XL.

As for the international version, check the LTE bands versus the LTE bands you need for the carrier you will use.
He already brought a phone, and he also said apps weren't a concern.

The thing about the apps though, we aren't just talking stuff like Pokémon Go. But basic apps like Facebook, Telegram, WhatsApp, don't have a certain future on Windows. At any given time they could snap their fingers and say "That's it, app's getting removed and won't work anymore" and that's that. And unless you're so committed to 'Apps don't matter' that you can live in the browser, you're a bit stuck.
The thing about the apps though, we aren't just talking stuff like Pokémon Go. But basic apps like Facebook, Telegram, WhatsApp, don't have a certain future on Windows. At any given time they could snap their fingers and say "That's it, app's getting removed and won't work anymore" and that's that. And unless you're so committed to 'Apps don't matter' that you can live in the browser, you're a bit stuck.

He, like me, doesn't care. Why is it some people don't believe us?

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

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