SWITCH to windows phone, or shouldn't I?

But why do the 94 apps in the iPhone store matter if the OP doesn't use apps?

Might as well be 2 billion apps right? We're ALL aware of the app deficit as Windows users, why is it still a topic?

To those who are new to Windows on a phone the best advice we can give is to make a list of those apps they simply can't do without and check the Store to see if they're available, what features they offer and what are the minimum requirements. Is this so difficult?
Might as well be 2 billion apps right? We're ALL aware of the app deficit as Windows users, why is it still a topic?

To those who are new to Windows on a phone the best advice we can give is to make a list of those apps they simply can't do without and check the Store to see if they're available, what features they offer and what are the minimum requirements. Is this so difficult?

Not difficult at all. Similar to going to an Italian restaurant and complaining they don't have Chinese food.
Those of us on WM (should) understand the app situation and are perfectly fine with it.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Hello guys!!

I have been using android for many years and lately i have noticed a severe dicline in quality and usability. I have been wanting to switch several times bow and since i just crushed the screen on my note 5, i am seriously thinking into investing in a WP10. I have been reading up a lot and cant seem to be able to filter the crap from the truth about the future of WP. I want to jump to the platfprm now via a used lumia or something else, so when surface phone comes out i will be fully enveloped inot the ecosystem. However is there a future windows phone? Should i switch or stay android?

Please advise, what is yiur perception of whats going on.

P.s app gap is NO issue for me, after so many years of android and its amazing app market i have realized, everyone (be honest with yourself) uses very few apps, and for the rest we go online any way! Not to mention that 99.9% of all apps are just portals! Furthermore I am IT pro and use MS everytging but phone.

Your biggest hurdle, honestly, is going to be device selection. At this point, due to the foggy nature of the future of the platform, there are a paucity of devices available. Your main route is largely buying refurbished/used/second hand off of eBay. Just keep in mind that the Lumia devices, the 950/950XL, were released in 2015, and since most hardware isn't supported past two to three years, you might only have a short window (pun intended) of official support from Microsoft.

Even the most recent device, Alcatel's Idol 4S, is largely disappearing or has been pulled from most retail outlets.

Microsoft's commitment to its own OS, outside of bug fixes, is also in doubt. If you're not really expecting new features in mobile, then you should be fine.
I love the art of Windows 10

The Usability of everything and the universal App concept.

Ohne buy and you can use it on every device in our home.

i hope with Windows 10 S, Xbox One S/X, more Surface Pro devices should lead to one Windows.

I also hope that Windows 10 will get an phone Modus so theirs only one Windows left.
To seperated between mobile, tablet and PC etc.
See, I don't get the whole, 'I'm a Windows only--for EVERYTHING--person.' Unless you work for Microsoft, why not mix and match from the best of everything?

As a gadget enthusiast, I have a Windows desktop and an old Lumia 1520 in a drawer, but I also own a Macbook Air for portable computing, an iPhone for my personal device, a work issued Galaxy S6, and an ex girlfriend gifted me her older Sony Xperia Z2 tablet (that was given to her by Verizon, her old employer).
Hello guys!!

i am seriously thinking into investing in a WP10. I have been reading up a lot and cant seem to be able to filter the crap from the truth about the future of WP.

Please advise, what is yiur perception of whats going on.

One has to figure is M$ is staying quite about the mobile, and the main branch of development has been broken off for a subset for the mobile...and the fact that M$ is now selling an Android Phone in there store...? Seems like the writing is on the wall.

The platform is not dead, but is dying, actually more like purposely being killed off by M$.
I say if Redstone 3 is released later this year, that might be the last update...

Having said that I love the UI, even love the App drawer list :-)

I would say just buy the phone and used it to your hearts content, but just come to grips that the OS has no real future past this year... I dont expect no updates in 2018, but I do expect for M$ to reboot their mobile line up.

Windows 11 Mobile anyone?

Truth be told, I wish M$ would just FORK and and HiJack Android!!
See, I don't get the whole, 'I'm a Windows only--for EVERYTHING--person.' Unless you work for Microsoft, why not mix and match from the best of everything?

As a gadget enthusiast, I have a Windows desktop and an old Lumia 1520 in a drawer, but I also own a Macbook Air for portable computing, an iPhone for my personal device, a work issued Galaxy S6, and an ex girlfriend gifted me her older Sony Xperia Z2 tablet (that was given to her by Verizon, her old employer).

For me its just consistency.

Sent from my Alcatel Idol 4S
If Microsoft stays on course their Windows smart phones will be the first to become smart phone
pocket PC hybrids a more powerful device than any smart phone. They will use a combination Of the Windows 10 mobile OS and the Ne Windows 10 on ARMS CPU Win 32 emulation software. I think they will debut in 2018 and be the "Surface business" smart phone a smart phone directed at the Business professionals not the Consumers.
I have a Hp Elite X3 it is beautifull and awesome, I love it, continuum is brilliant, and BTW try plugging a usb xbox controller into the dock and playing no gravity (window phone game that works as UWP). yes it works, in fact you would be surprised what you can plug into the usb ports, pretty much anything.
I don't know.... it doesn't feel right.... because the path of W10M is unclear...and I myself have 640xl and enjoy using it but I personally think if the person coming in is a hard core windows environment fan then he should consider buying, but all the hardcore fans already have windows phone, if he is the one drop in the bucket who doesn't have windows phone but a fan, then he can go for it..
Hello and welcome to Windows 10 Mobile forums.

I think you should first answer the question "why do I want to change the platform?". You wrote that you noticed a decline in quality. Are you referring to the Android application, the Android OS or the build quality of the hardware?

You should know that if you want to experiment the cloud services that Microsoft offers you can do that just fine from an Android smartphone too.

As others have already told you, before switching the platform make sure that Windows Store has those applications you are currently using the most.

Right now I wouldn't advise you to buy a new Windows 10 Mobile handset. You could experiment with a used one if you can find a Lumia 950.

You are asking about the future of Windows 10 Mobile. I don't think there is anybody right now who can give you an answer to that question. We are all waiting for the Build 2017 event in May and hoping that Microsoft will share its vision about the future of mobile.

My advice is to wait for one more month. Maybe the situation will be more clear by then.

Written on a Lumia 950 XL
To be honest if there was a better choice I would have been long gone. However, I haven't found anything comparable to my HP X3. Iris scanning, fingerprint reader, wireless charging, and dual sims are must have features. Apple won't do any of the features and each droid I come across have some but not all of the features that I must have. So for now, I will stick with Windows phone until something better for me comes along.
Hello guys!!

I have been using android for many years and lately i have noticed a severe dicline in quality and usability. I have been wanting to switch several times bow and since i just crushed the screen on my note 5, i am seriously thinking into investing in a WP10. I have been reading up a lot and cant seem to be able to filter the crap from the truth about the future of WP. I want to jump to the platfprm now via a used lumia or something else, so when surface phone comes out i will be fully enveloped inot the ecosystem. However is there a future windows phone? Should i switch or stay android?

Please advise, what is yiur perception of whats going on.

P.s app gap is NO issue for me, after so many years of android and its amazing app market i have realized, everyone (be honest with yourself) uses very few apps, and for the rest we go online any way! Not to mention that 99.9% of all apps are just portals! Furthermore I am IT pro and use MS everytging but phone.

Sorry, but there just isn't a reason to switch to Windows Mobile in 2017. iOS and Android offer better hardware selections. The lack of top apps may not be a big deal, until, you fine that 1 app that you need and it isn't available. Lastly, Microsoft has positioned themselves in a place that their ecosystem has a footprint on both competing platforms.
I purchased a like new 950 for $200 on eBay loved it yet I decided I wanted the larger screen on the 950 XL so I was able to return the 950 and I just purchase a lightly used 950 XL for $225 looking forward on trying it out.
I think amazon has new 950 XL for $318
Hello guys!!

I have been using android for many years and lately i have noticed a severe dicline in quality and usability. I have been wanting to switch several times bow and since i just crushed the screen on my note 5, i am seriously thinking into investing in a WP10. I have been reading up a lot and cant seem to be able to filter the crap from the truth about the future of WP. I want to jump to the platfprm now via a used lumia or something else, so when surface phone comes out i will be fully enveloped inot the ecosystem. However is there a future windows phone? Should i switch or stay android?

Please advise, what is yiur perception of whats going on.

P.s app gap is NO issue for me, after so many years of android and its amazing app market i have realized, everyone (be honest with yourself) uses very few apps, and for the rest we go online any way! Not to mention that 99.9% of all apps are just portals! Furthermore I am IT pro and use MS everytging but phone.
Currently I see no reason to switch at the moment my 950 is great it takes great pictures the os is great and its pretty secure. Today while showing a colleague some pictures she enquired about my phone where could she buy one, and I was stumped on how to respond as a device its excellent the os is good and secure but with windows 10 mobile in flux I'm not sure what to advise.
As for myself I don't trust android devices I don't like ios so for the time being I'm staying with Windows Mobile.
Unfortunately, I just switched from my 950XL to an Galaxy S8. In my opinion, it's pretty obvious that MS has put Windows 10 Mobile on end of life care.

It works, and I loved it, but even today's show reinforced their lack of support for their own UWP platform. Simply importing Win32 apps, using the Desktop bridge, into the store does not help the situation on the mobile computing side, whether phone or laptop.

It's a shame, really, but MS has stopped supporting their phone platform, and I see no reason for me to continue if they aren't.

Long term, I do see them coming out with a Phablet type device running full Windows 10 on Arm. That being said, that device will not cater to a mobile phone user, and will instead be an enterprise focused device. Versatile, yes, but not focused enough on mobile to make it practical for a consumer oriented phone.

Frankly, even longer term, I think Android will end up being the consumer OS of choice. I've used Windows my whole computing life, but MS's choice realistically end their mobile aspirations will make them increasingly less relevant in the consumer space..
Sorry, but there just isn't a reason to switch to Windows Mobile in 2017. iOS and Android offer better hardware selections. The lack of top apps may not be a big deal, until, you fine that 1 app that you need and it isn't available. Lastly, Microsoft has positioned themselves in a place that their ecosystem has a footprint on both competing platforms.

For you. That's doesn't mean everyone feels that way. I came from Android, you can have it. Don't miss it at all.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4

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