SWITCH to windows phone, or shouldn't I?

I'm guessing that those people think you might be in denial. That's more than likely their thought process. Honestly, everyone is different so that's not even fair to assume.

Most people live in their little world and assume the other 7.4 billion people on the planet are just like them.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
He, like me, doesn't care. Why is it some people don't believe us?

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
If Facebook is considered an essential app then that's all you need to know.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk
If Facebook is considered an essential app then that's all you need to know.

Sent from Alcatel Idol 4S with Windows via mTalk

Fair point but for a good amount of people using smartphones, it is. There was a list of apps shared recently that people download the most in the world, and the Facebook apps are king. List of Top 10 downloaded apps in Q1 shows our supercharged smartphones are basically Facebook machines

The Windows store isn't included as part of the data but the data is there.
I'm still in this thread, you know. A pity I've been demoted to 'some people' when I'm still a committed Lumia 950 user who's never touched iOS or Android.

All I'm doing is making an important point known that needs to be considered before switching, if not for the OP then for others who are reading and considering their options. No need to be rude.
Fair point but for a good amount of people using smartphones, it is. There was a list of apps shared recently that people download the most in the world, and the Facebook apps are king. List of Top 10 downloaded apps in Q1 shows our supercharged smartphones are basically Facebook machines

The Windows store isn't included as part of the data but the data is there.

Yup, a lot of peoples lives revolve around Facebook. No doubt about it. Its a data-collecting machine and is very successful. I don't get it but that doesn't mean other people don't enjoy it.

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Fair point but for a good amount of people using smartphones, it is. There was a list of apps shared recently that people download the most in the world, and the Facebook apps are king. List of Top 10 downloaded apps in Q1 shows our supercharged smartphones are basically Facebook machines

The Windows store isn't included as part of the data but the data is there.

I don't doubt Facebook is the most used app and it makes perfect sense. Android and iOS are 97% of the pie and their users are mostly content consumers. Windows has always lagged far behind when it comes to social media apps which correlates with its market share. The mass adoption of BYOD essentially killed BlackBerry and Windows because users wanted their "fun" apps to reside with their Outlook and Office apps. Microsoft, no dummies, seized the opportunity and developed apps for Android and iOS to stay in the game.

You can make any excuses for the fall of these OSes but when you consider they were the Android and iOS of the mid-2000s, you only have to look at BYOD as the first shot fired.
I'm still in this thread, you know. A pity I've been demoted to 'some people' when I'm still a committed Lumia 950 user who's never touched iOS or Android.

All I'm doing is making an important point known that needs to be considered before switching, if not for the OP then for others who are reading and considering their options. No need to be rude.

I don't think we were trying to rude, but I apologize if we were. Its just the OP specifically pointed out he didn't care about the app gap. Any time someone shows an interest in WP, people have to jump in and mention apps. We get a little jumpy back sometimes. 😉

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Please all...
Let's stay on point and help the OP with the choice he is trying make.

OP I believe it's best to not opt for the "International" unwarranted version if you can cancel that it will give you time to find something that you can work with.

Good morning guys, I need help!I just checked my amazon and my 950xl wnt ship till tomorrow so I have time to cancel still, I also just noticed it's the international version! Is that a problem any issues? The big question is though if I should cancel the Nokia and go HP x3? Is the 820 chip that much better than the 810?
The thing about the apps though, we aren't just talking stuff like Pokémon Go. But basic apps like Facebook, Telegram, WhatsApp, don't have a certain future on Windows. At any given time they could snap their fingers and say "That's it, app's getting removed and won't work anymore" and that's that. And unless you're so committed to 'Apps don't matter' that you can live in the browser, you're a bit stuck.

Well he specifically stated he believes facebook is a disease.

MS actually has shares in facebook. And facebook own Instagram. So I don't see either of those happening. UWP is used by more than mobile users.

Most people don't use that many apps. For me, its not a big deal. I like that the windows store is getting more apps (which it is).

Mobile users tend to forget, that its only the mobile centric UWPs that are properly under threat. Things like niche chat platforms, banking, and GPS based share economies. Stuff that many people are happy to live without, and often (like say airbnb or banking) have web alternatives too.

I have something like twenty apps installed on my bb10 phone (many android), and most of them I don't ever use. Ever. I installed them thinking "great", and now I've had them for awhile, I could literally happily get by with:

-Aviary or a photo filter app (aviary is also a web app)
-Instagram/facebook (Actually I could live without these, I prefer to check them once a day, rather than all day). But its convenient to chuck on a filter, and upload straight away when I take a snap.
-some kind of decent browser
-the odd bus stop game (which UWP certain has plenty of)
-any kind of decent map program
-a calculator
-MS apps - outlook, onedrive, outlook calender etc.

I have WhatsApp, but IDK, Never use it. Just use txt, skype or facebook messenger, something common IMO.

Even a banking app, it wouldn't really kill me to use txt/phone banking, or login on the mobile website. I don't check my balance that often.

I'd actually rather have stuff like banking over voice. _that_ would be convenient.

I have loads of apps that just do nothing but gather dust.

I actually probably use more social apps and webapps on my tablet. Because I like that 1/day casual magazine type experience, than the furtive phone gazing.

Even people that use a lot of apps, probably overestimate the importance of having a lot of them.

Not saying apps are never a factor (some people use a lot of apps, or are heavy app users), but given what the OP said, I doubt its an issue.
Last edited:
Many of us who have persisted with the platform, apps aren't that big a deal. I noticed that when I was on android previously. That's probably why we can stay here without big bother.

But, I've also noticed, that depending on your social circles, you also miss out in certain circumstances. Want to get in on a new fad, you miss out. Snapchat is a big one, it's really popular amongst young people, but there are others.

It's kind of like how events often get organised or advertised on facebook, and we (WP users) are still using email. Other people have moved on and that's it, either you go with the flow, or stay behind. If you stay behind, you miss out. Also a matter is how it's unlikely that we'll see the next things come to the platform.
Many of us who have persisted with the platform, apps aren't that big a deal. I noticed that when I was on android previously. That's probably why we can stay here without big bother.

But, I've also noticed, that depending on your social circles, you also miss out in certain circumstances. Want to get in on a new fad, you miss out. Snapchat is a big one, it's really popular amongst young people, but there are others.

It's kind of like how events often get organised or advertised on facebook, and we (WP users) are still using email. Other people have moved on and that's it, either you go with the flow, or stay behind. If you stay behind, you miss out. Also a matter is how it's unlikely that we'll see the next things come to the platform.

Facebook and Instagram vastly outshadow snapchat. Maybe it's because I am 39, but no one I know uses it. I doubt facebook will go the way of the dodo. And being its a specifically more temporary and thusly private medium, its doubtful you'll miss much by not being on it either (like events)

Remember when everyone thought twitter was the next big thing? It's shrinking now. Snapchat could go the same way, when some other fad comes along. Particular now that everyone is copying its temporary/privacy feature.

WhatsApp is a more popular platform that everyone is on these days, but anyone who has it, will have messenger as well. And windows 10 mobile users will always have messenger (because MS has shares), Instagram (shares in fb), and they'll always have skype (MS owns it, its bigger than snapchat by a long margin).

Skype has well over 660 million users, at least over 300 million active (i'd guess more but no one seems to know about more). Facebook and insta, over 500 million each. Snapchat is like 70 mil. Only twice the now dying twitter.

I think if I was a teenager I might care. But other companies are copying their stories feature (like WhatsApp, Instagram), and that will offer than same privacy on other platforms, removing the point of difference.

For example over 200 million people use Instagram stories, more than snapchats whole userbase. I think WhatsApp and insta will basically end up stealing all their users.

Fair point though, W10M users missed out on pokemon go. But are they missing much? You'd still get your underground dance party invite via facebook, and your stories features via Instagram and WhatsApp.
BOSdown I have the international 950Xl dual sim version RM-1116 and iam on T-Mobile it works perfectly and has band 12 LTE which work great inside buildings. so which cell carrier you use, either ATT or T-mobile then this rm-1116 wuill work fine. check which version there sending.
Please all...
Let's stay on point and help the OP with the choice he is trying make.

OP I believe it's best to not opt for the "International" unwarranted version if you can cancel that it will give you time to find something that you can work with.

Thank you for all the support guys!! The amazon order has Not shipped yet but it was only$ 300 for a brand new dual sim(which I need) Lumia 950x. Only catch is that it's the EU version from what I could figure out from theproduct code. Any way I just arrived in Dallas and hitting up a Microsoft store here locally. If I like something on the spot, then I will cancel the amazon order.

Again thank you so much for your help and the warm welcome! I am proud to soon join the club!
Thank you for all the support guys!! The amazon order has Not shipped yet but it was only$ 300 for a brand new dual sim(which I need) Lumia 950x. Only catch is that it's the EU version from what I could figure out from theproduct code. Any way I just arrived in Dallas and hitting up a Microsoft store here locally. If I like something on the spot, then I will cancel the amazon order.

Again thank you so much for your help and the warm welcome! I am proud to soon join the club!

Glad to have you aboard!

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
Maybe you didn't read the OP's post. Here, I'll help. "app gap is no issue for me".

Sent from my Alcatel Idol 4S

I did read the OP's post. Nothing in my post was ever talking about apps that Windows Phone doesn't have. My post clearly said that I'd recommend an iPhone because Microsoft currently has 94 apps on the app store. So please, before quoting posts, make sure you read twice instead of trying to pick a fight.
I did read the OP's post. Nothing in my post was ever talking about apps that Windows Phone doesn't have. My post clearly said that I'd recommend an iPhone because Microsoft currently has 94 apps on the app store. So please, before quoting posts, make sure you read twice instead of trying to pick a fight.

Thank you for clarifying.
Have a great day!

Sent from mTalk on my SP4
I did read the OP's post. Nothing in my post was ever talking about apps that Windows Phone doesn't have. My post clearly said that I'd recommend an iPhone because Microsoft currently has 94 apps on the app store. So please, before quoting posts, make sure you read twice instead of trying to pick a fight.

But why do the 94 apps in the iPhone store matter if the OP doesn't use apps?
But why do the 94 apps in the iPhone store matter if the OP doesn't use apps?

Quote from the first post

"I use MS everything but phone."

Microsoft apps tend to be on iOS first & tend to have features before everyone else (Like Outlook add-ons)

I am aware he has decided to switch to iPhone, but he asked opinions, and I put mine.

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