I love my Lumia 950. There, now that I have that out there, there are a series of things that are lighting a fire under my *** that make me want to jump ship...
Here is why I feel the way I feel...
1) Yes, Microsoft owes us nothing - a majority of us helped them build Windows 10 / Windows 10 Mobile to what it is today, and the world got it completely free for a year. I completely and 100% agree with this statement. However, being locked into a carrier and not getting firmware for almost 1 1/2 months, not getting the Anniversary update on time - ok, can't complain, free, but still slightly irritating.
2) Developers Retiring Apps With No Sign Of Coming Back - The past month it's been like watching rats escaping a sinking ship.
3) UWP Not Bringing In Devs Like Microsoft Hoped - There are some seriously sweet mobile gaming titles that devs simply won't allow to go to the Windows 10 Mobile Platform / UWP. For example, Epic Games, Niantic, Square Enix, and hundreds of other devs that have made top-notch games for iPhone and Android that have nothing to lose except a short amount of work it requires to convert their titles to UWP - but they simply won't do it - I mean all they stand to do is make money, and Microsoft has made it so easy, they STILL won't take advantage of it!
Windows 10 Mobile is unique, UWP is unique, the tools are there, but no one will touch them. I fear that Microsoft's past with mobile has left a stigma that devs won't touch with a 10 meter cattle-prod.
I use my mobile device for everything, including mobile gaming, not just productivity and everyday communication. And to be honest...the gaming aspect is making me want to get up and go. When all my buddies are playing games that I have no access to, I am left out of the fun...
So, might be selfish reasons, but I am teetering on flopping over to an Android Phone...just trying to hang on a little longer...