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- Sep 20, 2011
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But yeah, the integration clearly isn't there... but that doesn't really matter when there are no apps for Windows Phone.
I agree, and that's why I jumped to Android, but I realize now how much I relied on Cortana's integration.
Take, for example, how Cortana worked with Bluetooth in my truck. On my Windows phone, I could say "call Cortana". When she "answered" I could say "text john doe". She'd ask me my message, I'd say the first sentence. She'd read it back and ask me if I wanted to add more, try again or send. Sometimes I got impatient when sending a long text with multiple sentences, but I've come to realize I really liked the way it worked.
Google Now doesn't ever read it back to me and I always want to know how it (mis)interpreted what I said before sending. I haven't determined yet if I can use the voice commands in my truck (not Google Now directly) to create & send a message, and I need to test that, but I found it so easy to use Cortana for that. I definitely still have learning to do on the Android side of things.
When I was using my Windows phone, I hated the fact that while listening to music and having it give me directions it would dial Cortana, read me my next direction, hang up and the music would resume. On my Android, it'll read the directions over the music and I wish Windows would do it that way. Always dialing Cortana isn't the best way - it just depends on the situation.
But, the apps.