Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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Re: Switching To Android 😞

Same reason why I'd switched. Missing apps that I need daily and hit/miss/delay notifications. You can always go back to your WP for nostalgia. :cool:
For me WP lost its "coolness" after Lumia 830/730. WP was never the same. All MS branded phones looks cheap and ugly compared to Nokia's. I switched over a year ago starting with iphone 5 (temporarily) then to my permanent phone Xperia X. It's night and day difference. With WP there's always compromise and you have to settle with something less or lower your expectation.

But I am still using a lot of WP apps like Outlook, OneDrive, OneNote. These are apps that I use everyday and I use them to sync with my desktop and laptop. Ofcourse Word and Excel. No app can beat this two.

I just wish there's WP Contacts and Messaging apps in android.

I just visit this site from time to time for "nostalgia" reasons. I just find it funny hardcore fans attack users who says something bad WP app situation. Those people can't seem to accept reality.
For me WP lost its "coolness" after Lumia 830/730. WP was never the same. All MS branded phones looks cheap and ugly compared to Nokia's. I switched over a year ago starting with iphone 5 (temporarily) then to my permanent phone Xperia X. It's night and day difference. With WP there's always compromise and you have to settle with something less or lower your expectation.

But I am still using a lot of WP apps like Outlook, OneDrive, OneNote. These are apps that I use everyday and I use them to sync with my desktop and laptop. Ofcourse Word and Excel. No app can beat this two.

I just wish there's WP Contacts and Messaging apps in android.

I just visit this site from time to time for "nostalgia" reasons. I just find it funny hardcore fans attack users who says something bad WP app situation. Those people can't seem to accept reality.
Did you ever stop to think that some of us just don't give a fat baby's a** about apps and get along just fine with the core apps Windows provides out of the box? You mentioned Outlook, OneDrive, Excel, OneNote and Word. How many phones come with all those for free? A Samsung here and there maybe?

Sent from my Acer Liquid Jade Primo on mTalk
Did you ever stop to think that some of us just don't give a fat baby's a** about apps and get along just fine with the core apps Windows provides out of the box? You mentioned Outlook, OneDrive, Excel, OneNote and Word. How many phones come with all those for free? A Samsung here and there maybe?

Sent from my Acer Liquid Jade Primo on mTalk

You've been getting up on the wrong side of the bed lately. ;)
You've been getting up on the wrong side of the bed lately. ;)
No, not at all. C'mon, those of us on this platform aren't here for the apps, let's be real. What I always say, and some disagree, is that core Windows apps run more efficiently on Windows phones due to the integration with other devices such as desktops and tablets. There's no way around that. Cortana doesn't always relay notifications from Android and to some, that's a bum burner. Remote Desktop via Continuum is the closest thing there is to a pocket PC and that's my price of admission. I have an iPad if I desperately need an y app.

Sent from my Acer Liquid Jade Primo on mTalk
What I always say, and some disagree, is that core Windows apps run more efficiently on Windows phones due to the integration with other devices such as desktops and tablets. There's no way around that.

I agree, but that's not my complaint. My problem with WM is that the OS itself is more buggy and unstable than iOS and Android. Smooth functioning apps aren't any good if their underlying OS doesn't work well.

"There's no way around that." -fatclue_98
I agree, but that's not my complaint. My problem with WM is that the OS itself is more buggy and unstable than iOS and Android. Smooth functioning apps aren't any good if their underlying OS doesn't work well.

"There's no way around that." -fatclue_98
I generally stay away from the Insider builds which are indeed buggy and unstable. But we are warned not to install on primary devices yet many do so anyway.

Sent from my Acer Liquid Jade Primo on mTalk
No, not at all. C'mon, those of us on this platform aren't here for the apps, let's be real. What I always say, and some disagree, is that core Windows apps run more efficiently on Windows phones due to the integration with other devices such as desktops and tablets. There's no way around that. Cortana doesn't always relay notifications from Android and to some, that's a bum burner. Remote Desktop via Continuum is the closest thing there is to a pocket PC and that's my price of admission. I have an iPad if I desperately need an y app.

Sent from my Acer Liquid Jade Primo on mTalk

Well I still use, to some extent, core apps like OneNote and OneDrive on my iPhone and iPad and they seem to run quite well. I have to be honest though, I am slowly phasing them out for alternatives. I would agree, but can't prove it, that most core apps work most efficiently on their respective ecosystem, be that Windows, Android, or Apple. Overall efficiency though, unless people have unique situations, is not something Windows mobile can claim. Too many work arounds and missing apps/functions. One example is the fingerprint scanner on my Idol4s and iPhone. While it can open my Idol4s, that's where it ends. It opens all my locked apps on my iPhone like my banking apps, PayPal, Fidelity, iTunes for purchases, etc. On my Idol4s I have to sign in every time which it a pain.

I think we have to allow people to present their own experiences without getting worked up about it. If you're happy, great! But you have to admit, MS has pis*** too many people off too many times. They will pay for that for a long time in the consumer market.
But you have to admit, MS has pis*** too many people off too many times.
No question. Strike One came when they ditched WM6.5 in favor of WP7 and the crippled mess it was. They couldn't have tried harder to make it look like iOS if they tried. No copy & paste, sync via Zune exclusively and a useless Bluetooth stack. That's just for starters. There are STILL missing functions from 6.5 that haven't found their way back to this day like network file sharing. Remote Desktop used to be baked in and it requires an app now (I know, the x3 comes with it, but still, ONE device).

But as far as integration within the ecosystem, I still stand by my comments. Windows works better with Windows. One small example is Cortana. The song identifying feature is missing on iOS and Android. There are others, but that's a starting point. You can't set custom notifications on Outlook for iOS. Changes made in your Outlook contacts don't stick on either iOS or Android - it's one-way syncing only. Blame Accompli all you like, it's just the way it is. So no, Windows apps do NOT work better on the competing platforms. It's a myth pure and simple.

Make no mistake, I'm a BlackBerry OS10 fan first, Windows second. Unfortunately, that's no longer an option for everyday use so it's Windows now. If it were feasible I'd still be on webOS, my first true love.
I agree, but that's not my complaint. My problem with WM is that the OS itself is more buggy and unstable than iOS and Android. Smooth functioning apps aren't any good if their underlying OS doesn't work well.

"There's no way around that." -fatclue_98

Can you give an example of what OS bugs you encountered?

I have no issues with any of my devices running the up to date OS (1520, 950 XL, and Elite X3). Now if I start tweaking stuff I expect the occasional burp once in a while.
I think we have to allow people to present their own experiences without getting worked up about it. If you're happy, great! But you have to admit, MS has pis*** too many people off too many times. They will pay for that for a long time in the consumer market.
Well said. I get irritated when I think about what could have been sometimes. Then again if I wanted the latest and greatest HW I would buy an Apple or Android mobile. But I have what I care about and want most, which is the latest and greatest mobile Software/OS from Microsoft.

EDIT: If I could slap W10M on any other device other than the three I have right now I would with a quickness. For some reason I cannot get enough of the Hardware experience I need out of the device selection out there running the OS now. The OS itself to me is sound. Microsoft has to make up its mind on what they want their Partner OEMs to do. Seems to me if the OEMs are not putting out then Microsoft is not doing their part anyway.
Well said. I get irritated when I think about what could have been sometimes. Then again if I wanted the latest and greatest HW I would buy an Apple or Android mobile. But I have what I care about and want most, which is the latest and greatest mobile Software/OS from Microsoft.

Yup, there's a lot of stories like that; Web OS, BB10 and now Windows Mobile. You can still use all 3 of them if you want, but you get what you get. To some that works perfectly well.

I still have and pick up my Idol4s once in while to play around with it. Might as well, it's not like I can get anything for it. I still like the UI much better than my iPhone, but the experience overall isn't there. That's a bummer. Maybe this is just a dream and when we wake up all will be well, mobile devices will be selling in stores everywhere and the software will be continuing to be developed.....Arghhh!
Yup, there's a lot of stories like that; Web OS, BB10 and now Windows Mobile. You can still use all 3 of them if you want, but you get what you get. To some that works perfectly well.

I still have and pick up my Idol4s once in while to play around with it. Might as well, it's not like I can get anything for it. I still like the UI much better than my iPhone, but the experience overall isn't there. That's a bummer. Maybe this is just a dream and when we wake up all will be well, mobile devices will be selling in stores everywhere and the software will be continuing to be developed.....Arghhh!

The hard part is that Microsoft is not saying much of anything. We don't know what to expect next until it happens. Will new HW come about, who knows?..when.. who knows? What is on the horizon, who knows...? The one thing for sure is the OS and timeline there. Like clock work and a factory, they are pumping out build after build and revamping code/sw all over the place, because that's what they do, they're Microsoft. My guess is that now since we see 'Andromeda' on the horizon, Microsoft is going to try first party equipment without relying on anyone. Not sure why they never did this before the Surface or why it has taken to this point for them to decide to aim mobility first hand or maybe under the Surface name, but that is what I feel will happen next for their step forward from Windows Phones. Does not mean they are going to win the battle over iphones and Androids, as that is what most people look at it as. Some kind of race or dual between companies. True they all need to make money, but what makes each company separate from the other is that they offer what the other can't or won't. That is what makes each unique.
Did I hit someone's nerve? =D

The notification delays I experienced are from wp outlook, and skype. so how's that? Even text messaging would always come seconds to minutes lates.

oh no it's not jus one phone, it's from 1020, 930 then 830. And not because of my network, I use same sim card on all 3 platforms. only in wp that I experience delays.

oh yeah it's not MS fault. It could be my location. maybe i need to migrate?
Quitting WP today.. hopefully its for a short period. Waited too long.
Just getting my iPhone today evening.I would have been using my iPhone to type this now, if not for Amazon's screw up.

My first foray outside of Windows Phone in over 5 years.
Been away from Windows for a few months now since ditching my 950xl for the Galaxy s8 and now moved on to the Huawei P10 which is fantastic but I am missing Windows now and thinking of picking another up to use a my work phone just to try and get my fix. I so wish someone would bring out an up to date phone with dual cameras and some of today's latest features even if it is money down the drain for them.
Been away from Windows for a few months now since ditching my 950xl for the Galaxy s8 and now moved on to the Huawei P10 which is fantastic but I am missing Windows now and thinking of picking another up to use a my work phone just to try and get my fix. I so wish someone would bring out an up to date phone with dual cameras and some of today's latest features even if it is money down the drain for them.
Ya but those features too will be obsolete in 4 months
That is basically what the platform is missing at this point plus the apps people want.
...yet features available on mobile now every where else is missing on the latest Windows devices. I cannot share photos via a google photos app because google services are not available on Windows 10 Mobile. We cannot get dual camera features (monochrome, lossless zooming etc), we have no smaller premium phones that offer element protection (ip67/68), the Elite x3 is the only one...all the simple stuff too like carrier support, meaning hd voice/VoLTE is not available because the only latest phone sold by a carrier was the 950 on at&t. There is the Idol4s on T-Mobile but that phone is total wash if you ask me, and most likely why it is so cheap now. I honestly recommend just using what I feel is the last only true Windows mobile phone, the 1520. It still gets over a day battery life while on the latest Windows 10 Mobile. I took it to work on 50 percent charge when I walked in the office at 10am. Came home by about over 13 hrs later and had still 18% left. 600 nits brightness nowadays is awesome and this thing can put it out. The latest Nokia 8 can hit 700 nits. I know the Note 8 hits over 1000, but the 1520 is 4 yrs old and for its time the hw on this was future proofed for today imo. You can run it on WP8 only if you want too...yet at some point there comes a time to leave behind what is no more. Not sure if any new hardware will come this year in the US for Windows mobile, but it seems more like it won't. There is only half of a strategy in place if you consider it. The Mobile OS is up to date, but no partner devices or first party devices since 2016 and 2015 respectively. Anyway, said my 2 cents, again.. :)
My Life Journey With Microsoft Has Come To An End & I'd Like To Share It

Hey everyone,
As you might have guessed, this post will come off more like a rant than anything else. But I wanted to get this off my chest somewhere and what better place to do that than our lovely forums.
To start with I just wanted to make it clear that I will always be using Windows 10. Right now, it’s on my Surface Pro 3 which has been holding up for quite a while and I am not planning on replacing it anytime soon. I can’t believe that they already released 2 versions after it. It’s the second-best Tech investment Ive ever made.
The reason I am saying second best is because there is another piece of hardware that stole my heart forever. That is the Lumia 920.
Before I dive deeper into it I just wanted to mention that before the Lumia 920 I owned a Nokia 6680, N95 8Gb edition and a Nokia N8 respectively. Every time I owned one of these handsets I was in love and they were perfect for me at the time. the build quality, the OS and its features. Yet, nothing beat the Lumia 920.

Lumia 920 was a marvel to look at and to use. I loved switching it on. I loved Windows Phone 8 and 8.1 so very much. The hardware was beautiful and I don’t think anyone could argue with that. a few years later the Lumia 920 just couldn’t keep up and that was a few months after windows 10 mobile was out. I wasn’t sold by the Lumia 950 and 950 XL at first. I had to use a Galaxy S6 as a "temporary" phone hoping that Microsoft will get their next flagship that never came right. Galaxy S6 ended up being my primary phone for a while before someone decided to spill some liquid over it earlier this year and it died. I had the choice of getting a new android or going with windows 10 mobile for the first time and give it a chance. I was very tempted by the HUGE price cut of the Lumia 950 XL. I liked that its specs were somehow good for the cheap price and I decided to buy one. Keep in mind that the way I thought about was that this was a flagship phone and the it IS premium. It just had a huge price cut due to its bad marketing.
Although I always kept up-to-date with windows 10 news and was always part of the community. I must admit that I missed windows phones so very much. I missed the start screen with its live tiles. I missed the windows onscreen keyboard that made me WANT to type on a phone.
Fast forward a few months and the phone slipped from my pocket once. It fell face down and the glass screen as shattered along with my dreams. By the time the new glass screen came in, the broken glass screen managed to damage the digitizer and the whole phone was junk before I could fix it. oh, and I also invest in a Microsoft display dock a month ago,

I felt betrayed and deceived (almost as if someone cheated on me). I put my faith in Microsoft and I had my fingers crossed that Lumia 950 xl will hold up until the Surface phone will "change everything".
Guess what? Surface phone never came. that’s okay. Microsoft started being extra quiet about its future mobile plans. And finally, Microsoft had the balls to come out and call Windows 10 Mobile an OS aimed at enterprises. I am sorry but no. W10M was aimed at consumers and Microsoft never looked at enterprises ever since they started targeting the consumer masses a couple of years ago, I understand Microsoft would never see this rant but I got a couple of things to tell them. You guys, designed and shipped a little box of garbage (Lumia 950/XL) and called it your flagship. You sold it at a premium price and you made your loyal fans believe that it’s for the better future. you never cared to address the ONE problem that your phones have which is the apps. you built a beautiful OS and decided to go with less than premium material. you went for fireworks like Continuum at the wrong time. If you had a solid fan base (which you don’t btw) you would’ve benefitted WAY more. I don’t know who your counsellor is but continuum is not a feature that drives people to switch to W10M but it’s more like an add-on that would’ve been nice given that you already had everything else figured out which you don’t btw.

I wish Microsoft never decided to give android and iOS users their services. Microsoft is strong I don’t know why it didn’t use this to force goggle to make native apps for w10M. I don’t understand why Microsoft didn’t build a premium phone under the surface brand which I am willing to bet a million dollars would’ve changed the game. people are already familiar with the Surface and they would’ve been intrigued by a Surface branded phone.

It’s too late now. Pixel XL 2 is right around the corner followed by iPhone 8. A surface phone would’ve been perfect earlier this year. I am switching to Goggle Pixel 2. I am just tired of being treated like the psycho ExBf that’s running after Microsoft hoping that it would change for me, for us, the loyal Windows Phone Army. I will not abandon Microsoft services though. I will do my very best to turn the Pixel XL 2 into a Microsoft phone with Android's open system.
On one last final note, I will not be purchasing Microsoft's next flagship phone ... or the one after. I will wait until Microsoft is screaming at me to come back and then I will consider. I hope the day that Microsoft finally decides to give us what we want comes soon. because if it doesn’t, even my beloved windows 10 will be doomed
^^Somewhere in that rant I must've missed the part where you explained how it's Microsoft's fault that you dropped your 950XL and smashed the screen. I get it, you spent a few hard earned bucks on it and even bought a dock, only to see it go in the crapper. That's a tough pill to swallow but it's your fault, no one else is to blame.

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk
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