Switching platforms? | Thinking of leaving?...comment here!

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^^Somewhere in that rant I must've missed the part where you explained how it's Microsoft's fault that you dropped your 950XL and smashed the screen. I get it, you spent a few hard earned bucks on it and even bought a dock, only to see it go in the crapper. That's a tough pill to swallow but it's your fault, no one else is to blame.

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk

Excuse me, its micrsoft's fault for making a little box of garbage and calling it a flagship device. That box of garbage that didnt withstand its first every drop thats not more than a meter high. I assumed that their Gorilla Glass 4 will survive a bit longer. I NEVER cracked a phone in my life , let alone shatter a screen AND the digitizer underneath. And let me tell you, all of my previous phones have been through hell and back. so dont tell me its my fault. Its Microsoft's fault for giving us this piece of garbage. I tired convincing myself that its actually a good phone but i guess i was wrong.
Enjoy your HP Elite x3 bruh
My 3 year old Galaxy Note 4 fell 18 inches off an armchair onto carpet this morning. It was in immaculate condition but now has a cracked screen around the Home button and across to the right hand edge of the phone. Is that Samsung's fault or mine? I also NEVER cracked a phone in my life... Until today.... After this I intend to take even more care of my phones in future, starting with my 3 year old immaculate L830 I'm using to type this. There are 2 kinds of people in this world, those who have cracked their phone screen..... And those who will.
My 3 year old Galaxy Note 4 fell 18 inches off an armchair onto carpet this morning. It was in immaculate condition but now has a cracked screen around the Home button and across to the right hand edge of the phone. Is that Samsung's fault or mine? I also NEVER cracked a phone in my life... Until today.... After this I intend to take even more care of my phones in future, starting with my 3 year old immaculate L830 I'm using to type this. There are 2 kinds of people in this world, those who have cracked their phone screen..... And those who will.
I've never cracked a screen either, and I've been using cell phones longer than some of our members have been alive. It may happen to me some day, the laws of probability say it will. But when I do, rest assured I'm not going to go on a tech site and rail against the manufacturer for my mistake.

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk


Just after typing this I was driving by Mercy Hospital in Miami where I had a flashback. I have indeed broken a screen, technically. An LG G3 I had fell out of the 4th story opening we had made a couple of years ago to install an MRI machine at this hospital. It was in an Otterbox and all yet it still exploded upon impact. Maybe I should've sent a letter to Otterbox explaining how crappy their products are.
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After using the Galaxy A3 for a month and some, I have decided to switch back to the SE recently. (I am really on the fence of if I should switch back though, but I'll get to that in a moment.)

The reasons why I switched are because:
-I have frequent app crashes, along with the "unfortunately, (insert name of app) has stopped".
-App performance for certain apps I use a lot are hit or miss. I can understand lagging when the network is weaker but there's no reason for this when you are on a strong WiFi network. (No this is not an Android thing, this is a thing just for this phone)
-My texts go into oblivion. That's kind of dramatic but because of the way this phone displays numbers, I have no idea if someone got a text of mine or not, which is annoying.

Even though these things are annoying, I'm still debating switching back.

The reasons for that are because:
-The front camera on the A3 is better, even though colors don't look as natural, which I don't like.
-The SE's battery life is pretty good but the A3's is very good. I missed that day one of the switch. Having to charge my phone a little less than a day later reminded me what I gave up.

I'm not really sure what to do but I do know at this time, I'm not interested in buying another phone right now. Choosing which one to use is hard considering the trade-offs. I have done the same advice that I give people to write a pros and cons list of each phone. If you're curious to know, the SE won because I did a strict comparison of things on each phone.
After using the Galaxy A3 for a month and some, I have decided to switch back to the SE recently. (I am really on the fence of if I should switch back though, but I'll get to that in a moment.)

The reasons why I switched are because:
-I have frequent app crashes, along with the "unfortunately, (insert name of app) has stopped".
-App performance for certain apps I use a lot are hit or miss. I can understand lagging when the network is weaker but there's no reason for this when you are on a strong WiFi network. (No this is not an Android thing, this is a thing just for this phone)
-My texts go into oblivion. That's kind of dramatic but because of the way this phone displays numbers, I have no idea if someone got a text of mine or not, which is annoying.

Even though these things are annoying, I'm still debating switching back.

The reasons for that are because:
-The front camera on the A3 is better, even though colors don't look as natural, which I don't like.
-The SE's battery life is pretty good but the A3's is very good. I missed that day one of the switch. Having to charge my phone a little less than a day later reminded me what I gave up.

I'm not really sure what to do but I do know at this time, I'm not interested in buying another phone right now. Choosing which one to use is hard considering the trade-offs. I have done the same advice that I give people to write a pros and cons list of each phone. If you're curious to know, the SE won because I did a strict comparison of things on each phone.

I'm amazed that I'm still using my SE and haven't had the urge to switch for a while. That's not like me. This little bundle of joy does everything I need, outperforms many other phones, is easy to carry, and didn't cost me a 2nd mortgage. Haven't been this content in quite some time.
^^Somewhere in that rant I must've missed the part where you explained how it's Microsoft's fault that you dropped your 950XL and smashed the screen. I get it, you spent a few hard earned bucks on it and even bought a dock, only to see it go in the crapper. That's a tough pill to swallow but it's your fault, no one else is to blame.

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk

Of course it's not MS fault the screen shattered. I think what you're hearing is frustration that peaked at the event. If there were options to buy and an ecosystem that meets 2017 standards, the OP probably would have been upset but stayed with the platform. That is MS fault.
Of course it's not MS fault the screen shattered. I think what you're hearing is frustration that peaked at the event. If there were options to buy and an ecosystem that meets 2017 standards, the OP probably would have been upset but stayed with the platform. That is MS fault.

What you wrote here is what I read into his rant. Although, the way it's written, it objectively does sound like he's blaming Microsoft for the broken screen. I can see why some of these guys are pulling that out of it.

I read into it that he's more upset that the state of the ecosystem makes it questionable whether or not he should remain here, and even difficult to do, given that it's getting more and more difficult to find something desirable to buy. I think the broken screen was the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back.

That's how I understand him.
After using the Galaxy A3 for a month and some, I have decided to switch back to the SE recently. (I am really on the fence of if I should switch back though, but I'll get to that in a moment.)

The reasons why I switched are because:
-I have frequent app crashes, along with the "unfortunately, (insert name of app) has stopped".
-App performance for certain apps I use a lot are hit or miss. I can understand lagging when the network is weaker but there's no reason for this when you are on a strong WiFi network. (No this is not an Android thing, this is a thing just for this phone)
-My texts go into oblivion. That's kind of dramatic but because of the way this phone displays numbers, I have no idea if someone got a text of mine or not, which is annoying.

Even though these things are annoying, I'm still debating switching back.

The reasons for that are because:
-The front camera on the A3 is better, even though colors don't look as natural, which I don't like.
-The SE's battery life is pretty good but the A3's is very good. I missed that day one of the switch. Having to charge my phone a little less than a day later reminded me what I gave up.

I'm not really sure what to do but I do know at this time, I'm not interested in buying another phone right now. Choosing which one to use is hard considering the trade-offs. I have done the same advice that I give people to write a pros and cons list of each phone. If you're curious to know, the SE won because I did a strict comparison of things on each phone.

Interesting to see you back on the SE, but I guess not surprising given the issues you were having. I rarely use the FFC, but I could see that being a downside compared to better quality units you see on other phones. I have never understood why you don't think that a day of battery life is not acceptable. If you take it off the charger in the morning, and it has enough charge to make it to bed time, isn't that enough?

I'm amazed that I'm still using my SE and haven't had the urge to switch for a while. That's not like me. This little bundle of joy does everything I need, outperforms many other phones, is easy to carry, and didn't cost me a 2nd mortgage. Haven't been this content in quite some time.

I'm with you. After my trial with all the iphone sizes, I am very content with my SE. It has only been about 3.5 months, and there is a new iphone around the corner,but I won't be buying, that is for sure. I will watch and see what it has to offer, but I don't need or want it. Same with the new Pixels. I am content with the SE until a refreshed model comes out. If it has upgraded performance and features I will buy one, if not, I am content to use this one until it fails, and I don't see that happening anytime soon.
I'm amazed that I'm still using my SE and haven't had the urge to switch for a while. That's not like me. This little bundle of joy does everything I need, outperforms many other phones, is easy to carry, and didn't cost me a 2nd mortgage. Haven't been this content in quite some time.

That's awesome!
LOL @ 2nd mortgage though
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Interesting to see you back on the SE, but I guess not surprising given the issues you were having. I rarely use the FFC, but I could see that being a downside compared to better quality units you see on other phones. I have never understood why you don't think that a day of battery life is not acceptable. If you take it off the charger in the morning, and it has enough charge to make it to bed time, isn't that enough?

I'm with you. After my trial with all the iphone sizes, I am very content with my SE. It has only been about 3.5 months, and there is a new iphone around the corner,but I won't be buying, that is for sure. I will watch and see what it has to offer, but I don't need or want it. Same with the new Pixels. I am content with the SE until a refreshed model comes out. If it has upgraded performance and features I will buy one, if not, I am content to use this one until it fails, and I don't see that happening anytime soon.

Yeah, it's been a hard choice. I'm still not sure if I should stick to the SE. Considering clearing the cache partition to see if that would work too but I am disappointed that I am considering this so early. I have had to clear cache for these apps and it's all good until it's not. Sometimes it doesn't even make a difference.

As for your question, not so much for me. I like to read in bed and it's a bit annoying to try to position myself so that I can do that. Having to do that here and there isn't too bad but every night is a pain I don't want to deal with.

I'm glad that the SE continues to work out well for you! At least you tried them all.
Of course it's not MS fault the screen shattered. I think what you're hearing is frustration that peaked at the event. If there were options to buy and an ecosystem that meets 2017 standards, the OP probably would have been upset but stayed with the platform. That is MS fault.
No, he's blaming Microsoft for "making that little box of garbage". He thought GG4 would be tougher and survive a small fall because his previous phones had survived falls. That's quite telling. It means he's either very clumsy or assumes phones are designed to take a licking and keep on ticking. I've never seen any claims by Dragontail or Gorilla Glass that their coatings are anything other than scuff and scratch protection. Incorrect assumption by the customer does not constitute a faulty product or design.
No, he's blaming Microsoft for "making that little box of garbage". He thought GG4 would be tougher and survive a small fall because his previous phones had survived falls. That's quite telling. It means he's either very clumsy or assumes phones are designed to take a licking and keep on ticking. I've never seen any claims by Dragontail or Gorilla Glass that their coatings are anything other than scuff and scratch protection. Incorrect assumption by the customer does not constitute a faulty product or design.

Whatever excuse we use, another user is gone. It's not personal, nor does it need interpretation. I agree with you on the breakage issue. It's the bigger picture I was commenting on. Apple products are not faultless, yet people stay with them. That is what we need to ponder. That's customer satisfaction.
Whatever excuse we use, another user is gone. It's not personal, nor does it need interpretation. I agree with you on the breakage issue. It's the bigger picture I was commenting on. Apple products are not faultless, yet people stay with them. That is what we need to ponder. That's customer satisfaction.
Re your customer satisfaction comment: what exactly is Microsoft supposed to do to keep this particular user happy? Give him a silicon skin for the 950 and a tube of stick 'em like NFL receivers use and tell him he's been holding it wrong? Sure, why not? It obviously worked for Apple. I'm sorry but there's a line that's been crossed by society in general in which nobody wants to take ownership of their mistakes. Someone else has to be responsible for my misfortunes, it can't possibly be me. When the webOS debacle went down I voiced my displeasure with Leo the Clown, but it didn't stop me from buying other HP products. The writing had been on the wall for 2 years prior to that moron's actions but I enjoyed the platform more than I cared about what would happen to it. Same goes for BlackBerry. Lazarus's ego doomed RIM and when Chen came in he spelled it out very succinctly, if the company don't make coin on handsets we out dis bi*ch. Enter TCL.

The writing has been on the wall for quite some time now and anyone who remains is because like me, we enjoy the OS and what it does and how it does it. Sure it's frustrating, but it's no secret as to what's going on. When the day comes, and it will, I'll move on to the next mobile OS and make the most of that one.
Re your customer satisfaction comment: what exactly is Microsoft supposed to do to keep this particular user happy? Give him a silicon skin for the 950 and a tube of stick 'em like NFL receivers use and tell him he's been holding it wrong? Sure, why not? It obviously worked for Apple. I'm sorry but there's a line that's been crossed by society in general in which nobody wants to take ownership of their mistakes. Someone else has to be responsible for my misfortunes, it can't possibly be me. When the webOS debacle went down I voiced my displeasure with Leo the Clown, but it didn't stop me from buying other HP products. The writing had been on the wall for 2 years prior to that moron's actions but I enjoyed the platform more than I cared about what would happen to it. Same goes for BlackBerry. Lazarus's ego doomed RIM and when Chen came in he spelled it out very succinctly, if the company don't make coin on handsets we out dis bi*ch. Enter TCL.

The writing has been on the wall for quite some time now and anyone who remains is because like me, we enjoy the OS and what it does and how it does it. Sure it's frustrating, but it's no secret as to what's going on. When the day comes, and it will, I'll move on to the next mobile OS and make the most of that one.

I can't take comments like these, talking in generalities "no one wants to take ownership for their mistakes", seriously. What next, the "in my generation..." comments? LOL! Yes, the world and it's inhabitants aren't as great as we were, we were perfect and they will never reach that height of greatness. Please, let's look in the mirror first to see what we have left them.

Let's try this again. No one is arguing that it is the users fault for dropping it. No one. Yes, he made the "piece of junk" comment but I, and others, read that as a last straw. We can't deny the overall collapse of the Windows mobile platform.

I think you and I, who respect each other, are just looking at this in different ways. You looked at the event under a microscope while I look at the broader picture with a wide-angle lens. My Apple comment was about overall customer satisfaction, even with faults, not about a broken screen. We pay high prices for these devices and should expect an overall positive experience. You do, and that's awesome. That particular user no longer does and should be able to move on without being blamed.

Just my 2 cents which, because of inflation, means I now owe $2.37.
I can't take comments like these, talking in generalities "no one wants to take ownership for their mistakes", seriously. What next, the "in my generation..." comments? LOL! Yes, the world and it's inhabitants aren't as great as we were, we were perfect and they will never reach that height of greatness. Please, let's look in the mirror first to see what we have left them.

Let's try this again. No one is arguing that it is the users fault for dropping it. No one. Yes, he made the "piece of junk" comment but I, and others, read that as a last straw. We can't deny the overall collapse of the Windows mobile platform.

I think you and I, who respect each other, are just looking at this in different ways. You looked at the event under a microscope while I look at the broader picture with a wide-angle lens. My Apple comment was about overall customer satisfaction, even with faults, not about a broken screen. We pay high prices for these devices and should expect an overall positive experience. You do, and that's awesome. That particular user no longer does and should be able to move on without being blamed.

Just my 2 cents which, because of inflation, means I now owe $2.37.
You're right, he should be able to move on without being blamed. Blaming someone else for one's own failings is what bothers me. I'm curious though, what's he gonna say about Google when he inevitably drops his new Pixel 2? That's my $.02 and since I'm not in Houston, it's not $42.00.

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk
In my opinion the 950 XL is a very intriguing piece of Hardware. Where I think Microsoft fell short in it was in how they designed it. The internals and structural integrity of it are excellent in fact. The design of it is a bit of a debate and how it is laid out (where the components reside and assemble) is questionable in my opinion...

Glass is glass, it is brittle and the stronger Gorrila glass is to resist scratches especially up to GG4 makes it more susceptable to cracking. Just the trade off.
You're right, he should be able to move on without being blamed. Blaming someone else for one's own failings is what bothers me. I'm curious though, what's he gonna say about Google when he inevitably drops his new Pixel 2? That's my $.02 and since I'm not in Houston, it's not $42.00.

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk

Well, it will depend on how well he is treated by Google overall, right?
For instance, I'm going to my favorite German restaurant tonight with my wife. We've been there many times and always have a wonderful experience. The owner always comes out and talks with us and makes sure everything is good. The food is excellent. The staff is friendly. What if tonight something isn't quite right? Will I stop going? No, because it rarely happens. But if I've had problems there in the past and something happens tonight, even if it isn't really their fault, it might put me over the edge.
I guess that's the best way I can explain it. I've hogged this thread enough. I wish everyone happy smartphone dreams, unbroken screens, and great customer service!

Auf Wiedersehen!
Well, it will depend on how well he is treated by Google overall, right?
For instance, I'm going to my favorite German restaurant tonight with my wife. We've been there many times and always have a wonderful experience. The owner always comes out and talks with us and makes sure everything is good. The food is excellent. The staff is friendly. What if tonight something isn't quite right? Will I stop going? No, because it rarely happens. But if I've had problems there in the past and something happens tonight, even if it isn't really their fault, it might put me over the edge.
I guess that's the best way I can explain it. I've hogged this thread enough. I wish everyone happy smartphone dreams, unbroken screens, and great customer service!

Auf Wiedersehen!
Aw man, now you have me Jonesing for some Wienerschnitzel. The best German restaurant I've ever been to was in Guatemala City of all places.

Enjoy yourselves!

Sent from my HP Elite x3 on mTalk
Yeah, it's been a hard choice. I'm still not sure if I should stick to the SE. Considering clearing the cache partition to see if that would work too but I am disappointed that I am considering this so early. I have had to clear cache for these apps and it's all good until it's not. Sometimes it doesn't even make a difference.
I realize that I can't be bothered to deal with the cache thing, that's too much for me to do too soon. I'm just going to stick with the SE until I decide what Android is in my future. I really liked the A3 but not the stuff that comes with.

At the moment, it's about a Pixel on the cheap (which I would have to buy accessories for again, which is very depressing to think about, considering that this would be round 3 if I cave) but that's just a Band-Aid. That camera is so nice though (can you tell that I'm still obsessed about it?). Long term, the refreshed SE or the XZ1 Compact are the only considerations and that might be the only ones. Sadly, there isn't anything for me to cave to unless I want to try things again (that would meet my size requirements) but we'll see what I do.

The A3 is supposed to get 7.0 but that hasn't dropped for the model I have yet (it has dropped for the Russian model though).
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Excuse me, its micrsoft's fault for making a little box of garbage and calling it a flagship device. That box of garbage that didnt withstand its first every drop thats not more than a meter high. I assumed that their Gorilla Glass 4 will survive a bit longer. I NEVER cracked a phone in my life , let alone shatter a screen AND the digitizer underneath. And let me tell you, all of my previous phones have been through hell and back. so dont tell me its my fault. Its Microsoft's fault for giving us this piece of garbage. I tired convincing myself that its actually a good phone but i guess i was wrong.
Enjoy your HP Elite x3 bruh

There's lots of things I blame on MSFT, no tons, but dropping my device wouldn't be one of them. I don't care how it was made, dropping it has as much unpredictability as the day is long. And when I look at my 950 we don't see it as being any more vulnerable as our other phones, maybe less compared to some.

By chance did you have any kind of protective case on it, screen protector, or was it naked?
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