Sorry to hear about your A3 woes. Obviously the 2017 model no?
My experience w/Android started around 2010 and we can honestly say we've never encountered any nagging issue, or at least nothing that forced our hand. Still have my LG G4 running Marshmallow and couldn't be happier with its performance in 2+ years - only one hard reset ever in that time. Our GS7 & GS7 Edge (Nougat) have also given impeccable performance from day 1. Now, I'm not saying they are perfect cuz they are not, nothing ever is, yet they have not exhibited those traits many proclaim Android is notorious for. Camera is of the up most importance to me as well and one reason I've stuck with the S7 series... S8 series lack meat on their hips (too scrawny), and in this case fractions of an inch/millimetres do count lol.
Think the iPhones are great devices yet the nuse Apple has adorned them with makes it a tad too restrictive for my liking. In saying that, we could easily adapt if need be but at this point there is no need. Curious to see what the iPhone 8 brings to the table besides a high price tag.
My daughter-in-law has a Pixel and she loves it. For me though, as long as Google omits its expandable storage ability the longer it'll keep me at bay. That's pretty much a "must have" feature in my world before I'll even consider.
Our wheelhouse for phone size is between 5-5.5 inches with the L650 being perfect for me (as we've mentioned before), trends these days though appears somewhat inward and upwards which does little to excite me personally. Another discouraging fact is how these devices are garnering big $$$ for minimal advancements in tech, that tells me these companies are doing it just because they can. Going to come to a day when some of us are resigned to moving down a tier or two just because the flagships have been priced out of our range. Pointless doling out those kind of $$$ for something you'll maybe only have for 2-years max, great if it's an iPhone due to their resale value but still.
Anyhow libra89, hope you find your sweet spot in terms of a phone and without the headaches the A3 has dealt. The XZ1 Compact might be "that" phone, its 720x1280 display resolution is kind of odd considering the rest of the specs but at the same time, is just how I would have liked my L650 equipped. And sorry for the somewhat off topic personal opinion speal. :wink: