A release like this has to be planned months out. You take the best information you have, project a likely finish date, and announce it. In this case, July 29. If they actually waited till it was done, then announced, it may have been out at Thanksgiving. Microsoft knows the market wants this update, and needs to reverse the Windows 8 bad reputation.
Are little things still somewhat undone, maybe. Are some people treating every legitimate and well thought out change as a fail? maybe.
Go with it, start getting used to it, work with the annoyances, and before you know it, it'll be natural.
I'm just glad to see that this opinion isn't common. People lost faith in Win 8 before they really gave it a chance. It started with a bunch of articles written by people who either didn't want change or didn't want to learn something new, and avalanched out of control.
At least most people are accepting this OS.