The Cortana Setup Guide

Initial setup (as stated) is encouraged, but not needed. If you are worried about Cortana "Spying" on you, don't use her. If quiet hours are not to your liking, don't use it. Just because it's there and you think it is a bad idea, does not mean you HAVE to use it. :excited:

Tomorrow is the big day, no time has been announced so no telling when it will go live. I am sure threads will pop up here at anytime to let people know that they are downloading and installing it.

Let's keep having fun!
So what about the new behavior of the capacitive home and back buttons?

What do you mean? Back button will go Back and a long-press will open the multitasking pane, as always. The Start button will take you to your Start screen, and now does nothing when long-pressed. (If in US/region set to US), pressing Search will open Cortana, and long press will open Cortana to where she's already listening for a command. (If outside US/region set elsewhere), pressing Search will open the tried and true Bing Search app, with additional Bing SmartSearch features, and long-pressing will open Microsoft TellMe.
What do you mean? Back button will go Back and a long-press will open the multitasking pane, as always. The Start button will take you to your Start screen, and now does nothing when long-pressed. (If in US/region set to US), pressing Search will open Cortana, and long press will open Cortana to where she's already listening for a command. (If outside US/region set elsewhere), pressing Search will open the tried and true Bing Search app, with additional Bing SmartSearch features, and long-pressing will open Microsoft TellMe.

Can't remember where but somewhere I did read something about the back button suspending apps, and not tombstoning them? Or are they both the same thing?
Can't remember where but somewhere I did read something about the back button suspending apps, and not tombstoning them? Or are they both the same thing?

They mean it's no longer possible to "back out" of an app. Back in the days before we got the "X" button in the multitasking pane, the only way to close apps forcibly was by pressing the back button repeatedly until they closed. But now that's not really necessary, seeing as we do have that "X" button and (in 8.1) can swipe down to close.

As such, pressing the back button repeatedly doesn't cause the app to close, just suspends it (exactly the same thing it would currently do right now in WP8 if you pressed the Start button: your app won't close, it just freezes and patiently waits for you to return).
They mean it's no longer possible to "back out" of an app. Back in the days before we got the "X" button in the multitasking pane, the only way to close apps forcibly was by pressing the back button repeatedly until they closed. But now that's not really necessary, seeing as we do have that "X" button and (in 8.1) can swipe down to close.

As such, pressing the back button repeatedly doesn't cause the app to close, just suspends it (exactly the same thing it would currently do right now in WP8 if you pressed the Start button: your app won't close, it just freezes and patiently waits for you to return).

​Thanks, that answers my question. So now, essentially if you back all the way out of an app, it does the same thing as pressing the home button? I can dig that.
Can she wake you up? Not by an alarm but by her. Sorry if this has been asked before.

Great job OP thanks alot!!!
Hence the limited roll out. Voice-recognition is already difficult enough, but then coupled with language localization? Very hard work. This is one of those things that'll get better with time, and the better it gets: the more regions you'll find it available in.

Yes, I get that. But what fears me is, like Local Scout, would Cortana too be a dead feature to us? :/ :P
Lumia 925, USA

For me, when I Cortana a question, instead of receiving a response I get bing search results. Every.Single.Time.
Example: "Who are you?"
Displays search results for "Who are you"
instead of a presonlaized response. Anyone know why?
i've downloaded 8.1 on my 520, India.
the store is showing error code but why is it that cortana isn't giving me personalized answers. opens bing search all the time
i've downloaded 8.1 on my 520, India.
the store is showing error code but why is it that cortana isn't giving me personalized answers. opens bing search all the time

Same here most of the questions end up in bing but the voice recognition is pretty awsm evn with an indian accent

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