The end of the world next year!!


New member
Aug 16, 2011

thoughts? I have friends that actually strongly believe in this, I personally haven't seen any strong evidence pointing to our impending doom.

What do YOU think?
Wait, what?

I'm just glad it's on a Friday... I'll be drinking regardless.

So, I either have a good night and wake up in the morning or have a good night and experience the unedited end of evangelion.

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Unless a giant meteor smashes into Earth or there's a huge natural disaster that affects the entire world, then the world will not end abruptly.

I do believe however, that society, especially in the U.S., will continue to degrade. The U.S. is past its ears in debt and civil unrest has been going on for a while now. Flash mobs stealing from convenience stores and beating the store clerk down, occupy what the F- ever protests -- it's not going to get any better any time soon.

Global commodities (like oil) is traded on the U.S. dollar because it has traditionally been a strong currency. I don't believe it has happened yet, but when the other countries want to trade in a different currency, then you know the U.S. is in real bad shape. I'll throw this out: the University of Texas Endowment Fund has recently taken delivery of $1bil worth of gold (5% of their assets)... I don't mean investing in the GLD ticker, but taken delivery of $1bil worth of physical gold bars. Gotta ask yourself, why would they make a big move like that...

oh man did you open up a can of worms for me.

The world is not going to end in 2012. What makes me so sure? Well lets look at it this way.

1: What makes the Mayan Calendar more powerful than the rest? What's to say about people who aren't Mayan? If the Mayans are the ones to destroy the world then I guess the Chatholics would be kinda ticked off. According to the Chatholic Bible not even Jesus knew the end of the world, and supposedly his dad was the head honcho. So what makes the Mayans so shmaht?

2. The Mayan Calendar is restarting it's cycle in 2012, not ending. That like saying the Julian calendar perdicts the end of the world every 12 months. No this is not the case. Every 12 months the cycle starts again from January till December, then it's so much fun we do it again.

3. It's funny that the 21st of Decemeber, 2012 is the winter solstic. The Winter solstic (at least in the Wiccan belief) is a day of new beginnings as it celebrates the coming of longer days, sunlight and warmth. To the Wiccan (like myself) it is the celebration of Yule. Yule huh? Sound familiar? Lets burn that Christmas time Yule log. OH yea...that it. What I am getting at is that certain religions over lap here. The Mayans shared with the Pagans/Wiccan who shared with the Chatholics who shared with the Buddists who shared with yatta yatta yatta. The 21st is just a day that has been revered though many many years as sacred. It's just been adopted and adapted.

All in all the 2012 end of the world is hype. If anything were to happen it will be (if you believe in it) a beggining of something new. A new age (not to be confused with the new age of Aquarius. That does't happen for another 350 or so years.)
If this is true; and I put emphasis on the IF; I hope Verizon introduces the next WP7 phone to replace the Trophy. I hate to start on a long journey with an out of date phone.
There's a show on the History Channel called Ancient Aliens. they believe that what they called Gods several thousand years ago were actually Extraterrestrial. They actually have a lot of evidence to back up what they say: Ancient Aliens — TV Episodes, Schedule, & Video

ehhhh. I watched those those and in my opinion the "evidence" they have is merely suggestive. How could they pinpoint an alien or an alien spacecraft in biblical and say it is "proof" when we aren't even sure TODAY what an alien or an alien space craft looks like?

Are there a few things that are weird and can possibly been shalked up to ETs? Absolutely. I am a believer. There has been multiple sightings near my own house lately. But I watch a few of these shows and they seem to give aliens too much credit. For instance: they credited aliens with the famous floof in the story of Noah. They gave aliens credit for hurricains and killing dinosaurs. Why would an advanced race be so interested in the pre historic man and not give the same love to todays human? Seems a little fishy to me.
I am not discounting the fact that some ginormous and destructive natural phenomena will happen come December 21, 2012. I mean, No one can really predict when a big quake, or a humongous volcanic eruption, or an epic underwater quake which will bring up a raging wall of water that is a tsunami, will happen (but it CAN happen. Anytime, even come 12/21/2012)


The "Modern" Mayans don't even consider 12/21/2012 as the End of the World, but rather "the End of Days"- marked by "significant changes" and a "new beginning."

They said the same things about the "Y2K" bug as we ushered in the new millenium and that botched Doomsday thing of this year (I think it was August...)

I am a Catholic and if God said it's my time, it really IS and WILL BE. I will not try to escape it...
Borrowing some lyrics, 12/21/12 marks the end of the world as we know it, not necessarily the end of the world, period. It marks the start of the Age of Aquarius, which only occurs every 26k years. Change is coming and the date is supposed to mark a significant shift of the pendulum So don't hold off buying that new WP too long.

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There is a lot of speculation as to when the age of aquarius begins. Some say that it is starting in December of next year, some say some time near 2170, some say in 2600 or something. I have learned in my studies that the dawn of the age of aquarius will not start for a few hundred years. You say tomato and I say tomahto. I guess we will just have to see.

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