The Feature Request Thread

Not sure if this has been requested, or discussed somewhere, in the past. But, I'm gonna throw it out there...

I'd love (require) and option for a light theme in the app. As it stands now, I need to change my OS theme to light and then use the app, or just briefly skim the headlines/forum topics.

A dark theme works well in various parts of the OS, and some apps, when very little reading is required. But, if I need to do any amount of reading (email, articles), I just can't use a dark theme.

The 'pull to refresh' won't work if you're on the very top of the news site of the app and you try to use it. You first have to scroll down a bit.

And it would be nice if the time of the last refresh would be displayed under the 'pull to refresh' like it is in other apps like
How about adding a lock icon so that members will know if a thread is closed?
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 920 via Tapatalk
Could you add an option to choose which article types to not receive notifications for?

Example: I don't have an Xbox One, so I would choose that type to not get notifications for. :-)
Would love to post images from the app.
I don't mind the non-phone stuff in the news section, I wouldn't have learnt about lots of things such as the Surface if it wasn't for WPC.
Can you guys revise the app's design and make it more appealing that also has web full web version features and smoothness. Make it like IOS(smooth, well made) and windows phone ( simplicity, elegance,clean) combined app and also bit of animations. I'm pretty I'll buy it if those happens no matter what price.
Option under recent to show more threads :-) already set option to 25 under settings
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I would love to be able to receive notifications without having the live tile turned on, and I would also love to be able to change the tile's colour without needing to have the live tile on.
Yes. Indeed. Please bring inline links to the articles. It's really annoying how the (right now) missing links break the formatting. And being able to participate in polls would be sorely needed. And, like already mentioned, posting pictures to forum threads.
But the biggest annoyance by leaps and bounds is the comments section for articles. It is almost impossible to follow the development of a discussion, because all the posts after the initial one look and are indented the same way. There must be a way to structure them more comprehensively.
If inline links are not possible in the article text, is there any way the links shown in the More tab could at least be nicely formatted? If there are more than one or two links it is sometimes impossible to tell which is which. The long, messy URLs look terrible.
I find it frustrating to search the forums because there is no obvious way to limit the scope to particular threads or sections. How about adding a Search button to the ellipsis, so there is always a way to search where you are, and at whatever level you are (sub-forum, sub-sub-forum, thread)? Or how about including a multi-select tool with the current Search Forums button?
I really really want a "windows phone" category in the app, so I could view only WP (or later windows mobile) news. Please make it possible ASAP.
Working links in the articles would be great. Especially links to app download pages.

"view links" hyperlinks never work for me ( network error ) which I think is because most of the urls have a space in the run of characters which breaks the link. Why can't they hyperlinks be clickable in the text of the article on mobile?
I'd like W10M to be able to show (wifi) passwords when logging in, as was available in W8.1. At the moment the wifi password key I have to use is 30 characters long and I often miss a character when I log in.
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