The Kinect Thread

You do have to remember that many, if not most, console gamers do not want to do that. They want to sit on their couch and take it easy. It's a risky move to make it into a sports game :P There are however plenty of things that can be done with fe. hand signals/gestures and voice commands in game without requiring one to sweat their asses off :P

Would love to see a scrolling beat em up - remake streets of rage 2? Man that would be some workout. You could always ship a peripheral with a game that's Kinect friendly - replica M4 maybe? - joystick on the stock for movement Kinect picks up where your aiming the gun and picks up your hand gestures and movements for dodging/cover. Ubisoft are most likely to do it with all the Kinect experience they've got - Ghost recon where you can actually stand up and act like a soldier.

Although some ignorant lobbyist that's never played on a game in his life and has a fully stocked gun case is bound to say that's exactly the type of game that would cause people to rampage round a town with a real assault rifle.
You do have to remember that many, if not most, console gamers do not want to do that. They want to sit on their couch and take it easy. It's a risky move to make it into a sports game :P There are however plenty of things that can be done with fe. hand signals/gestures and voice commands in game without requiring one to sweat their asses off :P

No, I totally know that. I still want to chop some heads off. :)

Now when I zone out in Terraria... yeah, I don't want to be using Kinect to mine for a few hours. :)
Kinect + controller could equal precise steering in driving games. It would be fantastic to be able to just tilt the controller just like a steering wheel.
I still have my preorder on XboxOne. Kinect will provide you more or better way to interact with the games.

Don't flinch: the new Kinect could be the end of motion gimmicks | The Verge.
Exciting times... This is going to open up new and creative ways to interact with games. In the comments section in the above link, a person suggested a scenario in which the Kinect will detect your heart rate, the game will react to the mood you are in. So, say you are playing a horror game and walking down a dark corridor, the creepy feeling you get will increase your heart rate and the Kinect will queue an eerie type of music. The faster your heart rate raises, the louder and bombastic the music will be.

XBOX One Kinect can detect heartbeat! - YouTube

On a related note, Kinect 2.0 is registering your movement much faster than the first Kinect. Reaction time is almost instantaneous.
For me, its not the gaming functions that really appeal, its the other stuff.

If i can get home, say "Xbox on", "Xbox play Halo 5", "xbox playlist favourites", all while making a sandwich, then thats some next gen goodness right there.

Add in an ability to change music, in game via voice recognition, without pausing the game, or disturbing my gameplay, again, thats the goodness.

Microsoft have already shown the split screen concept, so imagine being able to bring up youtube, the web, facebook, or your achievements, all by voice commands, whilst playing your game.

Even the concept of Kinect recognising you, so you don't need to log in. Genius.

Not sure i'll do much Kinect gaming, but all the other stuff it allows really excites me. There is soo much potential.
I'm with you on the non-gaming aspect to Kinect. Very much so. Like I mentioned in another thread, this is a spring board to what we'll, one day be doing in general computing. Remember, the Kinect is coming to Windows.
I just thought of another non-game aspect that has me really excited.

Right now I use a harmony remote to control my TV, DirecTV, XBOX 360, and PS3 (I had to buy a special dongle for the PS3).

I'll be selling my PS3 to pay for the XBOX One, but currently there is a small error in my harmony remote that I haven't been able to fix and it drives my wife and I nuts. It never remembers the input (when turning on from being off) of what I'm trying to watch. I always have to hit the 'help' button to switch it to the right input. In only works if I want to watch/play something that was on when the last person turned it off (sounds more complicated than it really is, but its annoying).

Anyways, with the XBOX One, universal remotes are a thing of the past. No longer do I have to manually hit the 'activity' button to watch DirecTV or watch a movie or play a game. It all goes through the XBOX One now. And with a Kinect I can say,

XBOX On, watch DirecTV (or whatever), watch ESPN/Syfy/BBC America and it'll change it to that channel for me.

I don't have to mess with inputs
I don't have to mess with buttons in the dark.
I don't have to 'teach' anyone where the buttons/channels/etc.. are.

Just talk. Tell the XBOX what you want to do and it'll do it. Wow.

That's awesome.
I hope that everyone's cable/satellite provider will be available at launch, otherwise we'll get another round of Debbie Downers. I would imagine the bigger providers will be on board at launch, with the smaller ones to follow within three months.
does kinect support engl only or can it do other languages? The real test is your accent. I'm stoked about this and illumiroom. . My guess is illumiroom will be coming next year.
Here is the current listings for Kinect 1.0:

[h=2]Supported locales[/h]With Kinect, you can control your Xbox 360 console by using your voice.
Speech recognition is supported in the following locales and languages:
New ZealandEnglish
United KingdomEnglish
United StatesEnglish
Check back here for updates on voice recognition support in additional countries.
Note Bing Voice Search is supported in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
Words on the screen appear in the language set for your Xbox LIVE account or in the language set on your Xbox 360 console.

Kinect Speech Recognition | Kinect Voice Recognition | Kinect Voice Commands -
Plus the video at the link looks great.

Hideo Kojima Praises The Xbox One, May Integrate Kinect And SmartGlass In MGS 5 ? Video Game News, Reviews, Previews and Blog

Contarary to popular opinion he is all praise for the new Kinect and he may integrate it in Metal Gear Solid 5.
?The Kinect itself brings a lot of different capabilities as well and I will like to see what I can do with the voice command, and the movement with the gestures and see what we can do with that,? he said in an interview via Major Nelson?s Xbox channel.
One simple thing that could be done very conviniently with Kinect is situations where you'll speak anyway. For example "Chat to 'gamertag' (gamertag being something normal) or when someone sends you Chat invite, just say "Answer to Chat". Or if speach recognizion works, you could send voice messages without hassling on the menus.
Or if speach recognizion works, you could send voice messages without hassling on the menus.

The problem is that not even half of all X1 owners speak english natively, so they most likely wouldn't send messages in english anyways and voice recognition for messages probably wont work well enough for anything but english anyways.

I like your other ideas though.
Didn't want to make a new thread, but could be an interesting read from someone who got hands on with the Kinect.

From what we know, it needs to be plugged. It might be that you can't really even operate the system very far without it being plugged. I'd imagine it will just give you a popup saying "Please connect the Kinect" kind of thing that wont go away until it's in. You can still pretty much turn it off for the most parts in the privacy settings, but they've apparently put some crucial hardware into the kinect (it is huge for what it is) that the X1 uses regardless of whether it actually uses the imaging features.
No, they said it HAS to be plugged in to POST. For those who don't know, that sound your desktop makes when it starts--that BEEP--that's the computer attempting to POST. The console won't turn on without the Kinect attached. What has me curious is what would occur if you unplugged it after the console gets up and running.
Aha, not really familiar with the term, but it seems like some super crucial part of the process :D I was expecting that it would just give a popup telling you to plug it back.. would seem like a pretty bad design choice to have it crash when it unplugs, but I guess it goes as far as to show how the kinect actually runs some serious hardware and processes and it's not just for some motion detecting gimmicks alone.
It very well might end up that you're correct, hard to say. It might be that upon that failure to POST, it pops up an error about the Kinect, we'll have to see upon release.

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