Earlier videos seemed to have less latency.
Also anyone paid attention how the middle section of the Kinect was "blinking" with some purple'ish lights while in use?
Earlier videos seemed to have less latency.
Also anyone paid attention how the middle section of the Kinect was "blinking" with some purple'ish lights while in use?
I think developers will be more open to using Kinect this time around as it's a requirement and everyone with a One will have it.
Kinect + controller could equal precise steering in driving games. It would be fantastic to be able to just tilt the controller just like a steering wheel.
Does anyone know if Kinect 2.0 extenstion cables can use the same as kinect 1.0 ? Or does anyone know of a good detailed image of the cable coming out from the new Kinect to see if it's a USB 3.0 connector or a non-standard connector.
My Xbox now, uses a 25' Kinect cable from where it's located, I need the same for the xbox one, I would love to be able to access this cable before getting this system so setting it up in one place to stay would be great, or I would have make a temp setup and move it later (after I get a long cable for it)
I know it comes with a 3 meter cable (9 feet) but, I need longer, a lot longer..
I'm pretty sure it will require a new cable, same as they have a non-standard cable for the new controllers. So you can expect to pay $19.99 for that extension cable and another $19.99 for any type of MS-branded wall mount.
All PS3 controllers have Sixaxis motion control built-in. A few developers utilized it in the beginning, but it quickly trailed off where it basically has no support now. In other words, just because everyone with an Xbox One will have Kinect doesn't mean developers will support it in meaningful ways if at all.