The Kinect Thread

No, they said it HAS to be plugged in to POST. For those who don't know, that sound your desktop makes when it starts--that BEEP--that's the computer attempting to POST. The console won't turn on without the Kinect attached. What has me curious is what would occur if you unplugged it after the console gets up and running.

Aha, not really familiar with the term, but it seems like some super crucial part of the process :D I was expecting that it would just give a popup telling you to plug it back.. would seem like a pretty bad design choice to have it crash when it unplugs, but I guess it goes as far as to show how the kinect actually runs some serious hardware and processes and it's not just for some motion detecting gimmicks alone.

This is breaking my heart.
Well, in a nutshell it seems that he is very much against having Kinect plugged in. He has apparently overcome the fact that he have to pay the "extra price" for Xbox One as it comes with Kinect and would likely suffice if he just didnt have to plug it in, despite having one around. The reasoning I guess would be likely related to privacy or logistical arrangements in the room he usually plays in.
Oh, I thought he was talking about something else. I agree that it's a total garbage move. All it does is lessen the chances I will buy the console, as finding a space in my room for that thing's just another inconvenience to add to the entirety of the Xbox One's existence.
Well, in a nutshell it seems that he is very much against having Kinect plugged in. He has apparently overcome the fact that he have to pay the "extra price" for Xbox One as it comes with Kinect and would likely suffice if he just didnt have to plug it in, despite having one around. The reasoning I guess would be likely related to privacy or logistical arrangements in the room he usually plays in.
Kinect: Recommended But Not Required

IGN updated their Ask Microsoft Anything thread today. One question was asked about what happens if your Kinect breaks. Well, it turns out that your console will run just fine. You just won't be able to run games/apps that require the Kinect to function.

That said, like online, the console will still function if Kinect isn?t plugged in, although you won?t be able to use any feature or experience that explicitly uses the sensor.

Ask Microsoft Anything About Xbox One - IGN
Re: Kinect: Recommended But Not Required

Awesome. As I've said before, I am OK with having to pay for the Kinect, but the idea of forcing it to be plugged-in bothered me, considering I don't have a personal use for it. This news basically has me locked-in to get the Xbox One as soon as I have the money to (be that Christmas or my birthday in May).
says Microsoft: Kinect can be turned off
No one believes them.

says Microsoft: Kinect can be turned off
No one remembers they announced this before

Xbox One's Kinect Can Turn Off, Microsoft Says, Noting Privacy Worries

They were playing misdirection with those quotes. The concern was whether or not the Kinect could be turned off and your console still be functional. The answer in the piece was about the entire console being shut down, not just the Kinect. But I guess now its moot point seeing as now they've reversed the requirement for the Kinect anyways.
Well now you can. You don't need the Kinect plugged in at all anymore.

Well, my point was that whether ot not people believed them about the power down was irrelevant. Folks such as myself wanted it unplugged, not turned off. Regardless of what they claimed about turning it off, it's too easy for them to have an update that changes that, under the idea that no one reads the license agreements.
Theres a video of how Rare improved Kinect Sports - cant get a link off the video at the moment though.

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