The Lag

I am seeing the keyboard lag too. Doesnt really get in the way of me typing though but it is kind of annoying. Hopefully Samsung will fix this. I will need to check out the Titan this Sunday to see how that is as I am still in the 30 day window for exchange. I just love the Focus S's screen though and I dont know if the Titan's screen will be nearly as nice as this.
I think I will prefer the Titan's screen. I prefer accurate color rendition to an exaggerated gamut. And an accurate white point that does not turn blue just off center. I also prefer the lack of funny business on all white backgrounds, such as e-mail and web browsing. LCD will use less power and not try to dim itself. Pretty sure the Titan's screen is brighter and just as visible outside. Invisible blacks are much less of a priority for me, and the Titan does very well here anyway.
Speaking for myself, I don't know if I exactly have faith that Samsung will release an update any time soon enough for it to be worth not looking in to the Titan for myself.

I don't even know if they have acknowledged that there is a problem. Frankly, these bugs make the platform look bad. My brother, who has an iPhone, said 'Windows!' when I told him about the bugs. He knows better, but still. I had an HTC Arrive, which is ancient compared to this device, and NEVER had this kind of problem. Heck, the aux port problem ALONE is enough to drive me crazy. I use my phone as my MP3 player for my Zumba and Turbo Kick classes. The popping is ANNOYING!!!

HTC devices, for me, have a history of working perfectly. The only reason I plunged for the Focus S now was because I was tired of waiting for new phones. When I heard the Titan was coming within my return window, I was happy. Again, we'll see. If the 4.7" screen is too much or the device too heavy, I'll just wait for updates.

Just my $0.02
I am afraid the Titan will pop, too. But if it is Mango-wide, maybe we'll see an update sooner rather than later.
It's not Mango wide. I came from the HTC Arrive (moved from Sprint) and there wasn't any popping from the audio port in either the Dev Beta 2 or the final release. No lag even.
I too will be looking at the Titan. I do love most of the Focus S but the few things that bother me are making me second guess this purchase. I just hope the titan's screen looks as nice as this one. I also keep pressing the damn camera button too which is driving me crazy.
I have the very same issue. I have had my original Focus for almost a year (both it when it was first released) and have had little to no issues with the keyboard being responsive, or even lag between when the keyboard displays the key you pressed and the clicking sound. I turned off the "Play sounds for Key Press" and the keyboard is responsive again.

However, this brings up a very interesting thing that I have noticed as well. Can anyone else help me confirm they also have audio issues when playing say games? As an example, if I load Fruit Ninja, and have my headphones plugged in (either the stock Samsung ones or my Beats Studios), music from the game plays fine but not the SoundFX. I have to really crank up the system volume in order to hear the SoundFX, but at the expense of the music playing too loud. This only happens when I have my headphones plugged in. Using the speaker works just fine.
I have *exact* the same issue with my HTC Titan. Some games, like Chromatic, give a few volume options to help. Most of the time, my game volume is so high, I just simply disable game audio (in the games that I can).

Using ATH-M50s cans. They are low impedance, so similar to earbuds.
I was so sick of iOS I paid full price for a Titan two weeks ago. My wife had a fit and I had to return it. It was butter smooth. Today I sold my iPhone, and went to get a Titan again. They were out of them. So, I got a focus S. The screen is smaller, but all in all the tiles POP off the screen so much more to my old (42year) eyes.

Now, I have the keyboard lag. Whether it is plugged in or not. I even reset the phone to see if it was something wrong with the setup or accounts. It is still there. I have turned the sound off and it seems that the lag that existed is gone. It feels more fluid.

I am going to have to wait and see if I keep this or go with the Titan. I have 30 days, so it is time for me to be patient.
I was so sick of iOS I paid full price for a Titan two weeks ago. My wife had a fit and I had to return it. It was butter smooth. Today I sold my iPhone, and went to get a Titan again. They were out of them. So, I got a focus S. The screen is smaller, but all in all the tiles POP off the screen so much more to my old (42year) eyes.

Now, I have the keyboard lag. Whether it is plugged in or not. I even reset the phone to see if it was something wrong with the setup or accounts. It is still there. I have turned the sound off and it seems that the lag that existed is gone. It feels more fluid.

I am going to have to wait and see if I keep this or go with the Titan. I have 30 days, so it is time for me to be patient.
So I was able to talk (via Twitter with @winphonesupport) which they confirmed they are aware of the issue, but only have the workaround of disabling they key press sound.
Hmm, this is odd; I heard about people complaining about a "lag" between typing and the keyboard sounds when using the keyboard on the Focus S, but I didn't pay much attention to it at the time because I still had an original Focus. However, I had trouble with my Focus (I only had it about 3 or 4 weeks as I just switched to AT&T recently from Verizon), so AT&T sent me a brand-new Focus S (absolutely free!) as a replacement for the defective Focus, and I have to say that I notice NO lag whatsoever on the Focus S in ANYTHING - typing on the keyboard, opening apps, web browsing, etc. Everything on the phone is lightning fast, and everything works at least as fast, if not faster, than on my original Focus.

I specifically notice NO lag at all between key presses on the keyboard and the typing sounds.

I hope this continues with my phone!

I too have the Focus S, and find the keyboard sound lag very annoying. I've turned them off until it's fixed.
okay, I was reading all of the posts and I was like "hmm, i don't notice any keyboard lag..." mainly because my phone is almost ALWAYS set to vibrate, probably why its basically a non-issue for me, but yes samsung needs to fix this fast, and while i love their hardware, they do suck when it comes to updates
For all of you considering a Titan, I would advise that you read the Titan thread very carefully before you decide. I was torn between these two phones and ultimately made the opposite swap after three bad Titans.

Some Titans seem fine (particularly the UK version), yet others (about half suffer from poor call quality alone) are buggy.

There will be different trade-offs for everyone- I loved huge screen, but had other deal breakers (call quality). Nice to have two great options to test and compare!
Sometimes if I have something multitasking I get the lag. Like if IE is running and I'm am in Board Express I'll get a little sound lag but not to unmanagble.

Sent from my SGH-i937 using Board Express

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