The list of things removed from 8.1 that need to be added back.

Thats just not true. The problem was that some things you could do with the integrated and some with the app. It was confusing. Example: Integrated chat didt work with pictures... It happenned so many times when Im talking to a friend with the integrated and need to switch to the freaking app to do something. Idiotic, it really was. There are more examples, but it does not matter.

also the fact is that it does not make sense for MS to develop 2 ways of doing things. That takes resourses and its again; idiotic. Do it one way and make the best there is, not 2 ways that are both so and so.

Sorry...I still stand by mu statement. They shudda fixed it rather than remove it and rush out an update.
They need to bring back the large typography on the top of the hubs. WP8.1 has destroyed the design of WP. They also need to bring back recent contacts to the people hub. also, they need to go back to the old design of the marketplace.

Really? You liked the overly large functionless labels that took up a quarter of the screen? Recent contacts was nice but those labels were horrible.
I had a very large rant planned out, but I opted against that in favor of something shorter: Your take on what makes WP unique is a, in a nutshell, list of half baked services that are being tied into one cohesive service per area.

I may be entirely wrong, but I thought Live Tiles, to say nothing of the breathtaking Iconic Tiles/Wallpaper setup, and the single smoothest, fastest, and stable mobile OS made WP unique. Again, to say nothing of a digital assistant who learns only what you want her to learn, and an aggregated notification center to appease those who, like me, hated missing Toast notifications, which still exist, to save time hunting down which app wanted our attention.

I also MUCH, much, much, much, prefer the stand alone app and subsequent updates to them as opposed to waiting what seems a lifetime for an OS update to upgrade the baked in features you're missing.

Final note, those "app launcher" phones you dislike so much? They have more robust experiences BECAUSE the apps can be updated independently of the OS.

MS is seemingly taking the subtle integration of select services into the OS and letting, again, an independent app that can be upgraded MUCH faster, handle the rest. All without sacrificing the speed, stability, and general design.

THAT'S progression good sir, and a damn decent jump to put us up there with our iOS and Android brethren.
Games hub need Xbox one support! It's showing an avatar which is not my avatar. my gamer pic shows the right avatar. And it shows achievements from my 360 days.......i haven't played my 360 in months and shows a pending friends request.......i see no followers in my xbox one friends hub......needs fixed
And about the facebook situation...what good is facebook from the peoples hub now? If Ms rather have us use an app..... Just say so! Omit all facebook from the peoples hub not just some parts and the good parts at that! Is it the majority that did not like the way peoples hub handled facebook? Or other way around? More and more its seems as Ms yelled out all that was new....and very very quietly whispered what was going to be removed so that all we heard was .....whats new! But that's what we get....we were in such a rush to get this wp8.1 update and many like it but many don't! Many like new stuff like I do but many of my apps run kinda rough so....heres to hope that next WP dev preview update isn't as frustrating! This one was not disappointing but definitely frustrating!
I had a very large rant planned out, but I opted against that in favor of something shorter: Your take on what makes WP unique is a, in a nutshell, list of half baked services that are being tied into one cohesive service per area.

I may be entirely wrong, but I thought Live Tiles, to say nothing of the breathtaking Iconic Tiles/Wallpaper setup, and the single smoothest, fastest, and stable mobile OS made WP unique. Again, to say nothing of a digital assistant who learns only what you want her to learn, and an aggregated notification center to appease those who, like me, hated missing Toast notifications, which still exist, to save time hunting down which app wanted our attention.

I also MUCH, much, much, much, prefer the stand alone app and subsequent updates to them as opposed to waiting what seems a lifetime for an OS update to upgrade the baked in features you're missing.

Final note, those "app launcher" phones you dislike so much? They have more robust experiences BECAUSE the apps can be updated independently of the OS.

MS is seemingly taking the subtle integration of select services into the OS and letting, again, an independent app that can be upgraded MUCH faster, handle the rest. All without sacrificing the speed, stability, and general design.

THAT'S progression good sir, and a damn decent jump to put us up there with our iOS and Android brethren.
Again...i disagree. I dint see it as progression. I see it as a redo. They lost faith in their vision. What you see as what made it unique is true, along with everything else those of us that are bummed out about losing have mentioned. With out that integration, live tiles are now pointless, to a degree. Not totally, but a degree. The me tile is useless. The people hub is useless. May as well just be an address book. You say the other platforms are more robust, i say they are boring, dated, and bulky. We can agree to disagree. And like I mentioned in a previous post, those who are enjoying 8.1, all the power to you. Just don't know knock those of us who aren't (or in my case. .. wasn't).
And about the facebook situation...what good is facebook from the peoples hub now? If Ms rather have us use an app..... Just say so! Omit all facebook from the peoples hub not just some parts and the good parts at that! Is it the majority that did not like the way peoples hub handled facebook? Or other way around? More and more its seems as Ms yelled out all that was new....and very very quietly whispered what was going to be removed so that all we heard was .....whats new! But that's what we get....we were in such a rush to get this wp8.1 update and many like it but many don't! Many like new stuff like I do but many of my apps run kinda rough so....heres to hope that next WP dev preview update isn't as frustrating! This one was not disappointing but definitely frustrating!

I totally agree. It just seems to be a stitched together rag. And I too love alot of the NEW features, buy am disappointed in the removal of the old.
UPDATE: I have added additional links in the original post to go vote on certain features individually!!! Please everyone...go vote!!!
Sorry...I still stand by mu statement. They shudda fixed it rather than remove it and rush out an update.

Fixing was not an option, sadly We saw that and it is proven. I cant believe you didnt understand it? Things integrated in the OS deeply cant be updated fast enough. It was too soon for this approach obviously. Takes just way too long.
Fixing was not an option, sadly We saw that and it is proven. I cant believe you didnt understand it? Things integrated in the OS deeply cant be updated fast enough. It was too soon for this approach obviously. Takes just way too long.

what I understand is it was never proven (show me where it was) and that patience us a virtue. It was better the other way, and could gave gotten better with time and effort. I'll just agree that we disagree and keep fighting for these feature to be brought back. Even if it falls on deaf ears. Sorry if this doesn't meet your approval.
Something I would like to see is smart dialing. I didnt need it on the 8.0 as I was mainly calling from people hub. Now that the history page is gone and we have speed dialing in the dialer, Im not pinning people hub anymore because I can open contacts from dialer or cortana. Smart dialing would be super useful now.
Pix are one thing. Posts are another. (not being snarky, just clarifying). Also, why would I want a separate app when I had the me tile? (that was more towards MS then you).
Because separate app can make more flexibility.
Developer can add VK, Foursquare, Flickr, whatever social website they want by open the API in Me Tile.
I think you just need to wait some time to let developer to write a Universal Status updater for you.
Because separate app can make more flexibility.
Developer can add VK, Foursquare, Flickr, whatever social website they want by open the API in Me Tile.
I think you just need to wait some time to let developer to write a Universal Status updater for you.

I'm sorry, but I don't think you're understanding my point. I DON'T WANT TO LAUNCH APPS. Plain and simple. (Unless I CHOOSE to...operative word being CHOOSE).
what I understand is it was never proven (show me where it was) and that patience us a virtue. It was better the other way, and could gave gotten better with time and effort. I'll just agree that we disagree and keep fighting for these feature to be brought back. Even if it falls on deaf ears. Sorry if this doesn't meet your approval.

Patience, or time is something MS does not have in this segment.

You have to remember that I liked the integrated part, all the way to the point where it worked. When I needed the app anyway it started to be frustrating. At the end when the FB beta was laggy but livable I was only using the app anymore.

There are so many examples here, when someone commented at a status and you couldnt like it, no support for groups (we use a lot of secret groups for work projects), the chat part; no group chat, no pictures, when FB changed their end so that people see what device you were on from etc etc...

People nomally want things to work, period. They dont want to be wondering "why I cant like the comments on statuses,on my old iPhone this never was a problem" and so on.

HAving something so deeply integrated in to the OS cant be updated fast enough, this was proven. FB changes something and WP has a broken FB, or if not broken lagging features for a very long time.

I feel your pain, but this just dont make sense.
Why you guys are ranting such a huge update.plz read gsmarena review ,they tell that with this update wp 8.1 will take on its competitors everyone is satisfied except few.

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Microsoft needs to bring back the Turn Wi-Fi Off when the screen is locked on Lumias now that they will own the Nokia phone division in a few days.
I don't think it's been mentioned in this thread, but for me, the most irritating feature is the volume control and muting the phone. It was much easier in 8.0. To those that say it's only one more tap, that's true, but if you have a larger phone, you can hardly reach the left side when using your right thumb. And my wife was totally confused when she saw the new volume controls. And I think you have to silence both volumes if you want to make absolute sure you won't have sounds/music in a meeting. Personally, I was satisfied with the control in 8.0

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