The Nokia Acquisition (post comments and questions here)

I really feel sad.. without NOKIA there is no reason for me to get a MS phone. I fell like i have lost my identity today. I dont know what phone to get. I was in this for NOKIA. without Nokia, i dont think i will get a MS phone. I am really speechless today.

I really feel that ELOP did this to nokia. I am not saying sinister motive and all. HE ran Nokia to the ground. I dislike that man today.

BTW what happens to all the patents like the Pureview ones?. Does MS get it as well as all their R&D stuff?

don't be so sad, it will still be under Nokia brand for the next 10 years and i guess not much will change...except now MS has assured Nokia won't ever stray to another OS lol
I really feel sad.. without NOKIA there is no reason for me to get a MS phone. I fell like i have lost my identity today. I dont know what phone to get. I was in this for NOKIA. without Nokia, i dont think i will get a MS phone. I am really speechless today.

I really feel that ELOP did this to nokia. I am not saying sinister motive and all. HE ran Nokia to the ground. I dislike that man today.

BTW what happens to all the patents like the Pureview ones?. Does MS get it as well as all their R&D stuff?

I really don't understand people like you. I didn't know Nokia had their own iSheep.

Ask yourself what is in a brand name? Is there any chance the talent and creativity of the people behind the brand had anything to do with it? Well guess what? Those people still work in the exact same place. They aren't all going to vanish into thin air. They will continue to operate in the exact same way (except for taxes and those managing the payroll). It's still the same bunch of people and even the leadership team is staying exactly the same. If you liked what the designers and engineers did for you in the past, then there is no reason to dislike them now.
In Latin America (i'm from Argentina) people buys NOKIA LUMIA.... if the remove Nokia, and uses Windows Phone Brand or whatever, they will lose al least this important market.

It's a shame... Good for the OS but bad for the Hardware itself... (People loves NOKIA BRAND instead another one...)
don't be so sad, it will still be under Nokia brand for the next 10 years and i guess not much will change...except now MS has assured Nokia won't ever stray to another OS lol

Well actually, Nokia brand is according to Elop's comment being paced out.
It's very possible Nokia will start to build phones again as only licenses its name to Microsoft, and it will be able to use Nokia name on mobile devices again in 2016. Nokia itself is profitable now as mobile business is separated and it has over 10 billion euros of net cash reserves. It could buy Jolla that keeps developing Nokia's Maemo platform and Finnish Tieto keeps managing Qt or just go for Android.

In Latin America (i'm from Argentina) people buys NOKIA LUMIA.... if the remove Nokia, and uses Windows Phone Brand or whatever, they will lose al least this important market.

It's a shame... Good for the OS but bad for the Hardware itself... (People loves NOKIA BRAND instead another one...)

I do have a same feeling that you will see Nokia Lumia sales declining quite a bit in short therm, though I doubt in long-term It's not a coincidence that Lumia/Windows Phone sales are coming from strong Nokia markets. Do people in Latin America, Europe, Indonesia and Thailand buy Nokia's, or Windows Phones?
I really don't understand people like you. I didn't know Nokia had their own versions of iSheep.

Ask yourself what is in a brand name? Is there any chance the talent and creativity of the people behind the brand had anything to do with it? Well guess what? Those people still work in the exact same place. They aren't all going to vanish into thin air. They are all going to continue to work in exactly the same way they have been up until now. If you liked what they did for you in the past, then there is no reason to dislike them now. It's still the same bunch of people.

I didn't shed a tear when my beloved Palms sported HP logos. In fact, the unlocked Pre2 used to say Palm on Boot up until the 2.2.4 update, now it glows HP. People get too hung up on a name. Losing my identity, grow the f**k up. If your life is defined by a phone you need to get a life, or at least get laid.
Does anybody know if the pureview patents are included in the 8500 patents that Microsoft bought?

Licensed, didn't buy any patents. I would very much imagine so.

Granted it depends on what Nokia's Advanced Technologies keep as it is formed on patents and R&D for future technologies. PureView, like much of the else camera work was made by the camera R&D team in Tampere Finland.
I doubt current Nokia has any immediate use for that R&D team, or reason not to license them to MS.
I'm laughing reading the comments from Nokia fans today. I didn't think people had that much loyalty to a faceless corporation.

And if it wasn't for MS' deep pockets Nokia would probably have already gone under.

The best thing about the whole situation is that now Android fans can stop asking for a Nokia Android device.
You can't judge just by looking at a single quarter. Furthermore, revenues are not profits. If you are loosing money, you can make a lot more revenue and still be loosing money. At the end of the day, profits are the only thing that matter.

Report: Microsoft's Xbox division has lost nearly $3 billion in 10 years - Neowin

Are those revenues going towards the cost of making the product or are being split into other overheads? This $3billion could easily be because the way overheads are accounted for in Xbox division. Taxing the milking cow etc.
Read the Microsoft pdf. Microsoft bought 8500 of the patents that relate to the lumia phones. Is pureview in those patents.
Licensed, didn't buy any patents. I would very much imagine so.

Granted it depends on what Nokia's Advanced Technologies keep as it is formed on patents and R&D for future technologies. PureView, like much of the else camera work was made by the camera R&D team in Tampere Finland.
I doubt current Nokia has any immediate use for that R&D team, or reason not to license them to MS.

Read the Microsoft pdf. Microsoft bought 8500 of the patents that relate to the lumia phones. Is pureview in those patents. I am wondering if this means android or apple can now license these patents or does Microsoft now own them.
Can Nokia build a an Android Smartphone now?

Heh, it can, but it will need to wait till 2016 to use its name on Android phones or on any mobile devices in general.

Read the Microsoft pdf. Microsoft bought 8500 of the patents that relate to the lumia phones. Is pureview in those patents. I am wondering if this means android or apple can now license these patents or does Microsoft now own them.

Hmm, Nokia only talked about licensing its patents in a 10 year deal. I doubt we will get those details any time soon. The deal is still to be completed somewhere in 2014.

Nokia will sell substantially all of its Devices & Services business and licence its patents to Microsoft for EUR 5.44 billion in cash. Nokia's CTO (Chief Technology Office) organization and patent portfolio will remain within the Nokia Group.
I'm laughing reading the comments from Nokia fans today. I didn't think people had that much loyalty to a faceless corporation.

And if it wasn't for MS' deep pockets Nokia would probably have already gone under.

Its just like someone Sponsored the Treatment of your loved one. We love Nokia, and will continue...
Can Nokia build a an Android Smartphone now?

Yes it can, but they need to wait till 2016 to be able to use Nokia name on them.. maybe nokia now buys another finnish company JOLLA ( pervious nokia enginers) and brings those to market .. in finland alot of analytics loves that to happen .. with that net cash nokia has alot of possiblities
Heh, it can, but it will need to wait till 2016 to use its name on Android phones or on any mobile devices in general.

Hmm, Nokia only talked about licensing its patents in a 10 year deal. I doubt we will get those details any time soon. The deal is still to be completed somewhere in 2014.

Nokia to sell Devices & Services business to Microsoft in EUR 5.44 billion all-cash transaction ? Nokia – Press

That's the document link. Microsoft states they actually got 8500 of the patents and state they are key patents. So is pureview key or not.
Why not, they can in all their two years gain much more money from nsn and here, and with buying Jolla sailfish ( nokias pervious enginers) they can once again come to smartphone battle, I'm sure the NOKIAS COMEBACK will get alot of people buy their phones, and they even could make windows phone/android phones if they want, Nokia brand will not be forgotten so fast

If Nokia's brand was that strong (and I wish it was), then they wouldn't have been in the situation where they had to sell their devices and services division.
My concern is that the excellent Nokia Care network will be ended. MS are not known for enjoying face to face contact with customers, especially for those outside of the US. If I have to take my phone to an MS store to get fixed, from here in the UK, that'll be a flight to the US then. Not cool. I notice nothing has been mentioned about the shift from Nokia Care to Microsoft Shrug yet. I remain fearful until someone is brave enough to comment.

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