The Nokia Acquisition (post comments and questions here)

Ok,,more employees and more production team. increase more budget to come to support nokia microsoft Windows phone
Back in 2011, when Nokia decided to go All In Windows Phone, I decided that this is the best thing possible. Remember, Google was purchasing Motorola Mobility, and companies where coming out praising Google in public, but worried behind doors. Google has done well, making Motorola it's own company really and Google making phones with other companies, like the Nexus 4. That ended up well, for Google, however this is entirely different.

Microsoft is becoming a OEM. They didn't buy a small company. I mean, if they bought Kyocera, it would be different. They are small, and not a huge player. Nokia is one of the pioneers of the market. A beast, like Motorola was. HTC, Samsung and even LG aren't praising Microsoft like everyone did when Google bought Motorola. They now have to wonder, do they compete with Microsoft on their own turf ... try to dethrone the person MAKING Windows Phone ... when all of these companies are ALL READY on the fence on which platform to support? I think we will start to see less and less support from these companies, and Microsoft will have to mold it's own future.

However .. Nokia and Microsoft all ready had this. Now, Nokia and Microsoft being together, they will be able to build better products. Nokia can help Microsoft to deliver some basic features customers want -- help build a better Xbox Music App -- and help get more developers to make apps for Windows Phone.

In the end, I think this is a great move for Microsoft. It's not good if they wanted to gain the trust of other OEM's. However, I think they understand developing your own phone is a better way to be successful.

I would like to mention the point that Samsung is actually in a step to jump out of Android through Tizen. So the left overs are HTC and LG. they will have to find the balance here.
Now surely we r going to see the race of Mobile Phones developed by OS team itself. Consider Apple/iPhone, Google/ MotoX, Samsung/Tizen, Firefox/Orange?, Ubuntu/Edge, and Microsoft/Lumia.

Now the app developers as well as the customers will be in Confusion.
[Note: Dont say android will keep the progress. if samsung moves to other OS, there will be the cheap android phones left for purchase]
if nokia go with android then it will be good for nokia

very bad wp can not do anything

android is best for phone

no one can race with android

android is no. 1 (os)

You r really wonderful MAN. Joined today to put Negative thoughts of Windows Phone? or just missed the fun in Android?

what u said is correct No one can race with android. its not because of quality but because of Low cost products. The people are just blindly following the Droids and expecting everyone to be Droid. What has changed in android other than the Technology and Hardware? the customization u consider so highly were available in Symbian itself. Android cant work smoothly on 512Mb devices as other Mobile OS do. So go somewhere else and keep trolling :eck:
if nokia go with android then it will be good for nokia

very bad wp can not do anything

android is best for phone

no one can race with android

android is no. 1 (os)

The deal seems to be okay for me... What I don't like though is the fact that the Nokia brand will not be present anymore when it comes to smartphones. :(
By the way, I just visited MyNokiaBlog a while ago... There are lots of emotional articles and comments there lately... It makes me want to cry upon reading them... I just can't believe that it finally happened... It's like I was not prepared with this news... :(

Sorry for my English...
Don't worry, you are in good company. It seems like half the Nokia cheerleading squad can barely speak English if the Nokia conversations blog is any indicator.
Yeah, I also want to ask that one.

Some "analysts" are saying that the current Lumias will become obsolete in the near future... 😓
The only question that matters is: Will the phones and software coming out of Microsoft be Nokia quality? I hope so
Windowsphone without Nokia?
then good bye Microsoft
I never choose/suggest windowsphone again
I feel sorry to Nokia
They were still going downhill.
Everyone could see the direction Nokia was going back then.

You can profit but still be headed in the wrong direction.

and then they hired elop to speed up that going...

how could anything possibly go wrong if they went multiOS route? I still haven't stumbled upon any sensible reason why would they fail with Android + MeeGo + even Symbian. Or even just Android for that matter. Sony is making profits with their Xperia actually they sold more Xperias last quarter than all WP + Windows Mobile phones combined from all manufacturers!
and then they hired elop to speed up that going...

So, they hired Elop to speed up the deterioration of their mobile handset business?

It's funny how you make up such accusations, yet you call me a troll for pointing out actual business reasons.

how could anything possibly go wrong if they went multiOS route?
I still haven't stumbled upon any sensible reason why would they fail with Android + MeeGo + even Symbian. Or even just Android for that matter. Sony is making profits with their Xperia actually they sold more Xperias last quarter than all WP + Windows Mobile phones combined from all manufacturers!

That reasonable reason is called money.

Resources are finite.

If they split their R&D and manufacturing resources, then they greatly reduce how effective they can be.

Nokia had trouble making enough units for the launch of the Lumia 900. That is with Microsoft giving them quite a bit of money.

Now take away that money MS gave them and have them split their focus. That would have been quick disaster.

Also consider that Google is not going to be a customer of Nokia's location services. Microsoft's deal with Nokia have them a cushion because they'd be getting additional revenue in other areas of business that they wanted to grow.

But if money was unlimited, then yeah, Nokia could have gone Android or gone multi-platform. Not that's not reality.

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