The Nokia Acquisition (post comments and questions here)

Who said not going to buy? all say they will miss the Nokia Brand...

As we all suspected, they will not only miss Nokia brand but the quality and innovation that Nokia offers. None of us would like to have a windows phone having crappy quality of HTC or Samsung.

If Microsoft keeps the legacy that Nokia has created, then its all good. But I am not sure, how many nokia engineers and innovaters might leave the company. This kind of acquisition always creates a panic for the employees
If Microsoft keeps the legacy that Nokia has created, then its all good. But I am not sure, how many nokia engineers and innovaters might leave the company. This kind of acquisition always creates a panic for the employees

You probably will only see small loss of employees at this point. It won't be until a year or so down the line that the major shake up will happen. Mostly at management level. The design side won't be effected until they decide to ship the RD over to the US. Which I'm guessing will happen eventually.

At this stage it will still be Nokia and Lumia. My guess and it's only a guess, we won't see major changes until at least 2-3 years. It takes a while to sort out large acquisitions like this. Eventually MS will get it's fingers into everything and Nokia will disappear and there will only be MS.
This didn't take long:

Nokia is dead, Newkia rises from its ashes | ZDNet

Newkia is going to try and build Android phones. Who knows, Nokia might pick them up after jan 1st 2016 and add the Nokia brand.

That is because the media has an unending hatred for all things Microsoft and hopes all MS employees and users die in the most painful way. The general consumer doesn't care if it's android or WP provided they have access to the apps they want.
I am feeling so frustrated. This is the season most of the mobile and tech giants are coming up with their new flagship phones (ex: Sony Xperia Z1, Galaxy Note 3, LG Optimus G pro) and the best of the best, Nokia which was supposed to reveal a device that should have whipe out all these 3 devices is sitting at the end of the road.
I am feeling so frustrated. This is the season most of the mobile and tech giants are coming up with their new flagship phones (ex: Sony Xperia Z1, Galaxy Note 3, LG Optimus G pro) and the best of the best, Nokia which was supposed to reveal a device that should have whipe out all these 3 devices is sitting at the end of the road.

Um, there will still be phones released by 'Nokia' this year. Things are not going to change that quickly.
It was mostly a good deal for Nokia. Let's face the truth here. Nokia is not makings that much dent to the smartphone industry, they had problems with cash flow and this is a sort of saving grace for them. Many people will disagree but I think its the truth. I think it is better this way than them becoming obsolete. I don't think Microsoft will kill the brand Nokia -- it would be foolish of them. Anyway let us wait and see. I'm just glad because finally it is official like two lovers getting married to become one. Many people have looked in the wrong direction... the threat is not Android. It is Samsung! Samsung is a mobile phone maker, it makes chips, CPUs, memory, hard disk. It won't be long now when Samsung reverse engineer Android and it will dump Android as part of their long term plan. Microsoft is just positioning itself not be left out in the ball game because it needs to evolve as times has changed. Hoping for the best.
MS buys Nokia for 7 Billion... Cost already 18 Billion...

So Microsoft wants to buy Nokia for 7 Billion, just talking about it and the company value dropped 18 Billion...
Just a bad idea... It makes no sense...
Go easy, bro. :)

How do you know that's not the case? It's not like R&D and engineering sits around with their thumbs in their noses while the BoD and upper management works with MS on the acquisition. Business goes on.

Don't know. But somehow I have this terrible feeling that this news might prompt most of the researchers, designer and innovators to leave company, even before the acquisition. Just like the way we Nokia fans are feeling bad about this. They too might be having the same feeling and might think of Newkia
This is a very long thread to read thru so I apologize if my questions have been answered already..

How is this good for current Lumia owners?
Since Nokia was already making WP's, what is the difference?
Will exclusive "Nokia" apps still be available and exclusive?
Will they keep making "Nokia" apps?
How soon can we expect well, anything?
Is Nokia now fully merged with MS? Meaning all future phones will still be Nokia phones just without the name?
What about pureview?

I need to read some good news NOW. Ever since WP came out all I've been reading is "be patient" and "great things coming soon". So far, they have not followed thru with the promises and now this seems like another "be patient" and "coming soon" scenario.

IPhone 5s, 5c and a boat load of Android phones are expected to come out within the next two months or sooner. I don't want the Lumia phablet. Could we expect a new phone to come out in the same time frame? Hopefully a MS phone joined with Nokia?

Thank you.
Re: MS buys Nokia for 7 Billion... Cost already 18 Billion...

When Ballmer called quits MSFT the value rose 18 billion$ . Have you considered that?

These things are usual, it might make no sense to you, but MSFT have been in this business for the past 30 years and they have had bad ideas in the past but nothing stops the juggernaut.

I don't want them be on patent gourging sessions right now , they almost killed of apple in the 90s as I 've read. Who knows if the keep getting more and more patents they might be the reason some company goes in a downward spiral.
which will be forbidden to make cell phones...

Why would they want to? They are focused on their profitable existing businesses.

NOKIA is not just a mobile phone company.

also Nokia was like 5 times stronger before this n00b came for a CEO

And they were in a freefall. Without this "n00b" (seriously?), the mobile division would have dragged down the rest of the company.

The "n00b" gave them a parachute which bought them time to get their affairs in order and exit that market while making a lot of money and being propelled into very strong financial position.

You keep refusing to understand that Nokia is STRONG now. They made out in this deal.

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