The Nokia Acquisition (post comments and questions here)

Microsoft bought Skype for $8.5bn and Nokia D&S for $7.2bn

Can someone explain why Nokia D&S cost them less than Skype? :shocked:
Its actually less, that price includes the licensing fees for Nokia patents that MS can use.

I dont know the exact details inside Nokia D&S, Im not an expert, but its pretty obious that the situation for Nokias devices does not look very bright. Atm its loosing money, and there are no guarantees that it will ever again make money.

Most likely the dumb phones are also on a freefall, and Lumia is not rising fast enough.
I wonder if this is a good point to sell off the stock I own... not because I don't believe in the platform or anything along those lines. Just a good point to cash in?
Personally, I saw this coming a few years ago, when Elop became CEO of Nokia. After that, the company's value began to drop. Now, Microsoft took them for a meesly 7.2 billion, and just 4 yrs ago, it was a several times bigger amount. So, this proves that MS is counting long-term.
Now, acquiring all of Nokia pattents, makes Microsoft a really big player on the scene. If some of u remember, just when L920 was introduced, we had some rumours about a Surface phone. We might just see that, but with Nokia branding and design. For me personally, this is a good thing for us end-customers. Hopefully, MS will now speed up the updates, and start to manufacture some quality phones, phablets and tablets, with which it will cut that big fat belly of Google's open, and let it rot to it's death.
Once some blogger said that Android begun as a bad copy of Blackberry, evolved to a bad copy of iOS, and will die like a bad copy of Windows. Hopefully, the ENDDAYS for Google r comming. I am a radical Android hater, and with that, also a Google hater, just because that where I live (Serbia) it is almost impossible to buy anything but Android devices, and if u do succeed to buy something non-Android u r a freak! Well, I would love to see that change, and I hope the change is coming soon!
Go Microsoft!!!
I am a radical Android hater, and with that, also a Google hater, just because that where I live (Serbia) it is almost impossible to buy anything but Android devices, and if u do succeed to buy something non-Android u r a freak!

Dont worry, the people want to see only AMDROID. No one cares for any other OS. last day two of my friends who develop apps were telling that "Nobody will risk to develop for Windows Phone". the reason is simple, they develop for droid and ios. They gave a discription also "if u want to use windows just use PC" :P
so its just Problem with people, not related to Us who use the Brains :D
I have a question that is bugging me.

Will Lumia smartphones still have Nokia branding?
Nokia Press Conference Video? + MS Webcast

Anyone Know where you can watch the 'Nokia press conference September 3, 2013' about the MS - Nokia buy?

also check out this link for Microsoft Nokia Transaction, Tuesday, September 03, 2013, 8:45 am EDT
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I hadn't thought about that because for me for example the Microsoft surface is the most amazingly designed tablet I've seen and if Microsoft does the same with phones I'll be happy

I couldn't agree more. The build quality of the Surface is second to none.
Now I have a tip that is worth posting to after all this Microsoft Nokia thing
Nokia Smart watch revealed in official presentation?
The smartwatch prototypes which are now being part of Surface team is making variety of removable wrist bands in blue, red, yellow, black, white, and grey colors for smartwatches. Also these prototypes are made of Oxynitride Aluminum, an expensive “translucent aluminum” that is said to be three times harder than glass.
The Verge

Hot damn. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but it sounds super fishy that Elop adopted this OS and then sold himself back to MS.

it's not conspiracy but actually fantastic business move by ms and awful business move by nokia, seems that all the people claiming elop is just the trojan horse were right, gotta wonder how nokia BoD didn't see it or didn't want to see it(bribe anyone?)...
It is pretty funny that on other sites...

So many people that said Nokia is crap now-a-days (commentors of stories), suddenly act like there is a funeral now for a great company they all loved. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but oh well. I look forward to owning the 930/940 whenever it makes its way.
Wow, definitely big news in the middle of the night. A brilliant move by Microsoft because they needed to secure Nokia. Good news for Nokia because MS has some deep pockets. Now MS is "officially" armed with a true smartphone division.

All nokia fans now u know how Trojan hourse works..... he he poor nokia.. they trusted thr CEO...after all he was our man...

so happy to see nokia die... and only MS... yapiiee..

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