Oh, ha ha, didn't notice this forum. But yeah, I'm rocking a Surface Pro 2 128GB w/ cyan Type Cover 2. Nearly a week in now, and words cannot begin to express how enthralled and overjoyed I am with my purchase! No major regrets (other than not being able to afford a model with 8GB of RAM, that extra breathing room would've been marvelous).
I love being able to get stuff done. My old laptop was just too bulky to carry around with me everyone, not the case with my Surface. Now empty time in schedule when I otherwise would be sitting twiddling my thumbs (well, rather playing some game on my 1020) can easily be transformed into "get work done" time, making my downtime far more relaxing.
Other people seem very intrigued by it as well. I'm always getting nothing but questions and looks of curiosity when people see me working on this thing. People are in love with:
- How unbelievably fast this thing is. It puts pretty much 95% of all computers to shame.
- The luxurious pen, with all its accuracy and handwritten notes.
- Full Windows on a tablet (even I don't like defining it as a tablet, it's a Surface: plain and simple). The USB-port and Microsoft Office are especially popular amongst the masses.
- The type cover (My English teacher literally walked up to me today and said, "Ok, that's a kickass keyboard").
- The Kickstand.
- So much more!
Really, the only thing people don't seem to like is the price (all of the joy and excitement in their eyes instantly dies as soon as they hear it costs $1000+ for a decent model and a cover). But yeah, people love this thing, which is surprising. And what's also surprising is that most people who ask me to compare it to an iPad seem more interested in this, despite me making it explicitly clear this is for getting stuff done, and the iPad is far better for playing games. Everyone has the mentality, "I've got a phone for games, I want that for school."
Not bad I say. It's kind of funny, I have a friend today who I totally blew away. He knows I've had this thing, and today in class as I was working on it, he said, "Ugh, I didn't finish my history homework. It's a shame that isn't a real computer, I have the file here on a USB drive but no way of plugging it in." Man, the look on his face when I took the USB card, plugged it in and had the Word Doc loaded in literally less than 5 seconds was priceless. He still says he's going to buy an iPad Mini and prove it's much better for school (it took all my self control to avoid busting out in laughter), but still, he was totally mind blown (several similar stories, people always flip out when they hear it has a USB port).
Case-in-point: Students and teachers are drilling over these things once they see them and what they can do. Microsoft needs to really push the Surface line in education, because that's likely where Microsoft could find runaway success. I have so many stories just in the past week alone of how impressed people are when they see how good the Surface is for school (which I what I originally bought it for. Only in high school, but it damn sure still makes my school life easier). The Surface and education are a perfect match, hopefully Microsoft can find some way to get these things into schools. If they can manage that, maybe, just maybe, people will get interested in the Windows ecosystem and all it has to offer, finally looking beyond what Apple tells them to think.
Sorry for my digression, I just love typing (which is a breeze, by the way, on this fabulous Type Cover 2 :wink

. I'll cease now, before I consume all of WPC's bandwidth. xD