The positivity thread!

Ah, a nice positivity thread.

I'll be the first to admit (search my post history) I've been negative towards WP on several occasions, but I've stuck with it and I'm so glad that I have. No negativity towards other OS's (I have it, but I'll not post it here), I've just seen a marked improvement lately on what's happening on this platform in terms of improvements and future prospects, and I know that although they've been on other OS's for a while, but finally getting apps like BBC Sport, Candy Crush Saga (and SnapChat coming soon) along with what seems to be increasing improvements to apps such as Facebook make a big difference to those looking at taking on a Windows Phone but are worried about the app gap.

Also, here in the UK, I've noticed a huge increase in WP advertising in places such as billboards, bus shelters, and very importantly TV, but also an increase in carriers who are placing WP deals on their home page and shop frontage.

I'll be sticking with WP for the very long foreseeable future, my next phone is a 930... looking forward to that... and then Windows 10! :smile:
Just had to stop by this thread again. Haven't gotten the Denim update for my phone yet. Not complaining, because I'm excited it's finally being rolled out!

That's good news for us all. Denim and Windows 8.1 Update will make a lot of great improvements for many of us and is bound to make the platform a more solid choice for many.

Looking forward to the day (very soon, it appears) when I'll get to start playing with those new features myself.
Just had to stop by this thread again. Haven't gotten the Denim update for my phone yet. Not complaining, because I'm excited it's finally being rolled out!

That's good news for us all. Denim and Windows 8.1 Update will make a lot of great improvements for many of us and is bound to make the platform a more solid choice for many.

Looking forward to the day (very soon, it appears) when I'll get to start playing with those new features myself.

For the average user, the only real improvement in Denim is the live folders. But yes, live folders are very important, and I'm so glad they added them. My start screen is so much more organized with the folders (Dev Preview on Lumia 820). My brother with his Lumia 635 is looking forward to having live folders.
I'm also looking forward to having the data connection in the notification center. That will be cool.

There will be several enhancements that will be nice to have, mostly coming with the new OS rolling out with it, but will be nice to have even on the 520.

Live Folders I'm looking forward to as well.
i like this initiative. Some people here tend to be sooo pessimistic, it got boring already :smile:

i firmly believe that WP will surpass iOS sooner than later. It already happened in some countries, it's just a matter of time, considering how iPhones are expensive and always limited to 1 or 2 models per year. This may not happen on all countries, but i do believe that WP will be second on most of then in a near future. The platform is mostly heading in the right direction. Hell, 2012 phones like the 820 and 920 got ALL updates so far and are sure to get more, especially the next major one - Windows 10! People forget how meaningful this is, even if not all features of each update are available.

and btw, Android is not by any means bad, it's completely the opposite. Yes, it used to suck back in 2.3 versions, but now is stable and reliable. I'd use an Android device without problems (except Samsungs lol) but WP offers everything i need :smile:

so yeah, i'm sticking to WP and all its guaranteed updates for my L925 at least until i see what Windows 10 is about - fact is, it looks promissing.

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