The Surface Neo, not Duo, is the path back to Windows Phone

Windows Central

WinC Bot
Staff member
Dec 17, 2013

At the big Microsoft Surface event on October 2, Redmond unveiled two folding tablets with two very different identities. For Windows Phone fans, it's the "non-phone" Neo that could prove to be the chosen one.

I can already hear the wider tech press groaning at this title. I HEAR YOU, tech press, and guess what, I don't care.
I gave up my Lumia 950 XL, moved onto Android, begrudgingly, when Twitter UWP became a crash-fest. Deep down, though, I always believed. One day, Windows on phones would rise again like a phoenix from the ashes, to reclaim its place as the greatest mobile OS above all. And it would be glorious.
Okay, that's a bit dramatic, maybe, but hear me out. It's pretty apt that the Windows 10X-powered folding tablet is called "Neo." While most are probably fawning over the Android-powered Surface phone-like "Duo," it's Matrix-monikered Neo that could prove itself to be the one for Windows Phone fans. And here's why.

Full story from the WindowsCentral blog...

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