Things windows phone needs to improve on

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What about the app remote drive. I've tried it and it works. Transfers any type file to your phone and back again to your PC. Software is required for PC too but that's free and easy to setup.
Multi-Task Killer

I don't really care much for the file explorer although I guess it would be a nice addition. But its never going to happen, at least not on WP. The one main thing I would like to improve on is the multi tasking. In particular the killing/closing of open apps. Is hitting the back button until you arrive at the home screen really the only way to close all your running apps. The first time I did this I had to hit my back button 50 times before all the apps were closed. There should be an easier way to do this (maybe I just don't know what it is, something in settings?). If not I was thinking a small "x" on the top corner of each open app (when in the multi-tasking screen). That would make it fast and simple. Just something other then the back button.
Sounds like windws mobile and good luck with getting MS to go back to that You can suggest on the new suggestion app and see where it goes.
Yeah, I run the Windows 8 developer preview and with the Metro UI overlay it definitely minimizes micro-management and stuff. The Xbox dashboard is basically the same way, categorized information for easy access. The WP is doing exactly that, minimizing the clutter to get right to your information.

The new XBox dashboard is ad-ware. I'm seriously considering getting a PS3 because it's insulting what they did with that. Everything must be a hub now, or an app with factorable load times to boot, I guess...

Also, Windows 8 Metro is designed for Touchscreen use. It's HORRIBLE with a keyboard and mouse. That's not Microsoft minimizing anything. It's just them basically porting over the XB Dashboard and WP7 UI elements to the tablet/touchscreen formfactor so it will not suck as much as Windows 7 does there at the moment.

Windows 8 can still function pretty much just like Windows 7 on a desktop or laptop, for the most part. I for one will not be using that UI on a desktop PC or laptop. It makes absolutely no sense on those formfactors. New and refreshing != good and efficient in all use cases.
The file system thing is not legitimate as that ability does not exist on either iOS or non-rooted Android. The whole point of a mobile phone is ease of use. Fiddling around with the file system goes against that philosophy.

Flash is no good. Even though my Kindle Fire comes with it, I tried it on a web site for streaming video and it was choppy and awful. Just not enough processing power on mobile devices to support Flash.

Why should iOS developers bother with a non-existent platform? I know iOS developers making loads of money off that alone and they dislike Microsoft too.

I've seen plenty of WP7 demos on Youtube, it is impressive but overall the ecosystem is lacking. Not just lack of quality apps, but lack of hardware accessories. Where are the docks?
not true - BlackBerrys have a legitimate file system - easily download files/create folders even have .zip openers
Android has file system access as well. Not sure what that person is talking about. Android 4.0 even has native MTP support so it synce pictures video music etc directly to and from windows media player.

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk
Things that WP7 lacks or should improve on:

Separate media, ringtone and main volume controls.

wifi sleepy policy

ability to disable camera button or assign app of choice.

ability to display cellular and WiFi signal always.

night mode on maps.

keyboard should extend entire screen on landscape.

Ability to properly end or quit apps, I don't like pausing music apps and still having them on my lock screen.

slider for display brightness.

Ability to kill apps on multi tasking mode like WebOS.

Full screen mode on Internet Explorer.

Unified mail inbox so we don't have multiple tiles to access multiple email accounts.

LED notifications.
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I'd very nearly consider giving up my Android phones if Microsoft allows, or implements a few things.

1. Battery status icons - I'd prefer percentage left on the status bar from all screens and information about what has been draining my battery.

2. Cellular Data usage live tile - In an age where carriers keep trying to limit the data you're able to use, it's crucial to be able to easily monitor what you're using so you can easily take measures to resolve issues.

3. Centralized notification screen - It doesn't have to be a drop down window like Android and iOS, but there needs to be a notification center so users are not required to use all their home screen for tiles strictly to tell them how many emails, social media notifications, or calls they've missed. The benefit of the drop down status bar is it is available wherever you are in the OS.

4. I also fully enjoy having file - system access like I do right of the bat with my unrooted android phones. It isn't always necessary, but gives me a piece of mind that I can find any file on my phone without relying on an office hub to get access to any file I need. I can plug my phone into my computer and have every file I have within easy reach through the file explorer as opposed to separated and compartmentalized within the Office Hub, Media Hub, Game Hub, Gallery and more...

5. Choice of keyboards - I have loathed pecking on tiny keyboards ever since I received my first smartphone (iPhone 3G). I adore Swype, and feel that it is the most fun and easiest to use keyboard I have tried. Most of the other keyboards also have various things they bring to bear for individuals so have their place in the world as well, but as with iOS, having the option of one crappy keyboard is a deal-breaker for me.

6. Ability to resize screen tiles - It's annoying to me to have a completely uniform icon grid, and want the rectangle double tiles to break things up, specifically the Zune tile which is what I will be primarily using my HTC Surround for.

7. Quick control to connection settings - I hate having my Bluetooth/GPS/WiFi/Airplane mode setting on constantly, but will often have to toggle them on or off and access them. I really would like buttons where I can change settings with one tap.

8. Ability to launch a selection of apps from anywhere within the OS without being forced to go to the homescreen first. I use SwipePad for this constantly on my Android (unrooted again), and am continuously annoyed with the WP7's inability to launch apps (without using voice commands)

9. I also really wish there was a menu button, or consistent method to access application settings from within the app. This was my biggest pet peeve with iOS, and I am pissed off that it looks like Android 4.0 will begin a process of doing away with menu buttons and chewing into my precious app window real estate with unnecessary software settings buttons (but it is necessary for me within apps)
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With all that I previously said, I am constantly surprised with the usability of my HTC Surround, and think this is a great OS with tons of potential, and while I personally feel that WP7 as a system is many times better than iOS, and will do everything I can to push it to iOS users and new smartphone consumers I feel that the system is not at all for my needs for a primary device. Android has so many features and abilities that I either need or strongly desire that WP7 devices can not cut it for me.

I feel that WP7 is much easier to use than iOS, while it simultaneously has much more power and capability cleverly integrated within the base OS (mostly coming with Mango I believe).
The Zune integration is great, and I love it MUCH more than the crap that is iTunes and the iPod app.
The Metro UI is slick.
The back button is an absolute necessity.
The search button is nice to have and I am in awe of its integrated local scout, music, and picture search while coupled with translating text straight from the search pictures.
The social networking integration is phenomenal for this day and age, and have found that I actually have used facebook for the first time in years because it is so easy to quickly use from the People/Group hubs. As well as the integration of social network messaging seamless switching within the SMS messaging app.
I personally hate using the physical camera button although I appreciate many people love it, but I feel incapable of taking steady pictures with it.
I love the Office hub, and think it's the best implementation for document editing than I've used with Quickoffice, Officesuite, Documents To Go, and many spreadsheet apps for iOS.
Flash as well. I know adobe said they were stopping development for flash for mobile....but 99% of sites out there AREN'T. It's all fine and well moving on but don't leave wp7 in the dark. MS better get on this sharpish.

I'm Curious, why do you want flash? Is it for playing video, or animations?
You really don't want Flash on a mobile device. My Kindle Fire has Flash, but when I tried to run a Flash website that runs fine on my Windows 7 PC, it was just stutter-city. Flash is a CPU-hound.
Maybe someone has mentioned this but the ringer Volume needs to go:

Ringer>>> Vibrate >>> Silent via the volume buttons, why this standard feature on every other platform is not available (unless you set Ringer>>> silent) is beyond me.
iOS does not have silent ringer. I can volume down to 1 but will not go to 0. I can mute with the mute switch but that makes it vibrate.
I see so many complaints about a lack of a file explorer here. Honestly coming from windows mobile I don't miss this at all and I can see that files and media are arranged in a different and more intuitive way that some may not quite yet understand. For those who want these capabilities they can just simply pay $9USD to chevron and then those capabilities will be restored. Flash is also becoming obsolete slowly but surely, sites like YouTube,metacafe,dailymotion and some unmentionable guilty pleasure sites are already implementing html5 video, its a buggy 17 year old technology that needs to die already.

Things I want wp7 to improve on are simple and that's the Skype integration which is coming,more formatting options in office,a way to watch music videos in the Zune marketplace and maybe the ability to delete,edit,like comments etc in the people hub.

How is the new Xbox dashboard adware? I must be missing something here, there aren't anymore ads than the previous version of the dashboard.

I hate the new dashboard. Tiny little square in the corner that says play game....huuuge tile advertising something to buy. What annots me even more us they are offering video on demand services now. In the UK right now uts YouTube, dailymotion, 4od, demand 5....catch us you need to buy gold in order to use them. Why should we pay MS to use something I might aswell just watch on my pc....absolute joke....
I hate the new dashboard. Tiny little square in the corner that says play game....huuuge tile advertising something to buy. What annots me even more us they are offering video on demand services now. In the UK right now uts YouTube, dailymotion, 4od, demand 5....catch us you need to buy gold in order to use them. Why should we pay MS to use something I might aswell just watch on my pc....absolute joke....

THIS. Every pane is 85% Advertisements either for crap in the Marketplace or some Chuck Norris WoW commercial.

And speaking of YouTube, it doesn't even play HD on my HDTV and they is no way to force it to HD like on a desktop or Mobile.

And yea, the whole XBLive Gold thing, I'm getting to the point where I'm going to sell it and get a PS3. The console feels like a smartphone. No data plan (XBL Gold)? Why bother?
Seriously? As if u can't set it to automatically start the game u wish to play or access it from the Xbox button menu,its not that much smaller unless u have some vision problems. as for paying its very easy to get discounts and rebates to easily cut down the price to almost nothing, its very good value considering what u can get, as well as a more secure gaming experience. Some HDTV's can upconvert non-HD material to HD easily. That may also be the fault of google and not MS.

maybe I don't want it to autostart...thats beside the point anyway...the fact is...the layout is crap

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